'Somehow that excited Lilith and before she knew it she place her hand in his and took two daring steps forward.'
Lilith stood in place and took in the scenery before her. She couldn't believe she had it in her to do something so prohibited.
The field she yearned to play in was now within her reach, yet her previous teachings and warnings couldn't seem to let her have fun.
Just as Lilith was about to step back to her familiar source of safety, Elijah pulled her forward; deeper into the wild.
Lilith felt her chest was to burst, her excitement bubbled in her stomach and her heart begged her to lurch into the meadow of unfamiliarity and adventure.
With that, she gave a final glance towards Elijah and dared.
" Catch me if you can Eli!"
Elijah was quick to respond, yet let her have a few moments head start to create space between them. Knowing full well the young boy could catch her in mere seconds.
" Not if I can help it Pretty Lily!" and with that the boy took off, eager to catch his wildflower.
They chased each other for hours, argued over who cheated and switched roles after Elijah kept catching Lilith too quickly.
Elijah in the end, let Lilith catch him of course but not after teasing her for being so slow and clumsy of course.
Both now exhausted, Lilith more then Elijah of course; they headed back.
More like he followed behind Lilith like a lost puppy as she collapsed in a patch of overgrown grass and wildflowers did he follow in suit, mimicking her actions.
Lilith let out a loud pleased sigh and gazed at the different arrange of colors in the sky, as sundown was soon to follow.
All the while, going by unnoticed was Elijah. Hands behind his head and his eyes admiring his version of a beautiful sundown; his lovely Lily.
Both couldn't understand how the world seemed brighter since their first encounter. Neither would ever take it back.
Lilith suddenly remembered the small object in her pocket. What ever more perfect timing then this to gift it to Elijah?
She knelt over Eli, who still remained on the ground. She looked down at her dress pocket and slowly pulled the object out before placing it behind her back.
Elijah noticed her quick gestures and stood upwards to meet her gaze.
"Whatcha got there pretty lily?" The boy questioned, leaning left and right trying to catch a peek but to no avail as Lilith mimicked his actions.
"Stop peeking, it won't be as special if you do Eli!" She defended.
"Close your eyes now Eli...and count to three." Lilith requested, a huge grin in display.
Elijah was quick to follow her request, in both curiosity and the fact mere fact he would do anything she'd ask of him.
"This better be good Lily.." At the sound of her muffled giggle he continued, a smile now gracing his features as well.
" One..Two..THREE!" He quickly tore his hand from his face. There surely, his Lily stood, hands extended forward in his direction with an object she held so delicately and proudly on display.
He mimicked her and stood, extending his hands forward so that she could place the smooth stone in his hands. He examined his gift in hands, not missing the smooth etching on the stone itself.
The boy recognized the symbols, as his tribal pack used them in traditional rituals and occasionally magick by the elders.
This rune in particular was a protection symbol and he wondered how Lilith was able to acquire such stone. Before he could question her, she spoke up.
" I know it's not no way compared to what you gifted me. Yet if what my mother said was true, it's to protect you." He noticed the slight blush in her complexion and her nervous stance.
Surely she didn't think her gift wasn't good enough for him? He was to prove her otherwise.
" It's perfect Pretty Lily, just perfect." He reassured, for undoubtedly it was to him.
It was beginning to darken as the sun hid behind two mountains at a distance. They had both lost track of time and soon enough it was time to go their separate ways.
Elijah was sure to walk her as close as he could to her home, both now walking on either ends of the 'man made curse' he called it. He then stood at a distance, making sure she was safe inside her home and behind closed doors before he headed home.
No harm would ever come to Lily if he had a say in it, he'd make sure of it.
The story will grow out of childhood of course, for now let's enjoy their upbringings and innocence.
To be continued...
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