We arrive at a Mexican restaurant and park our cars. A waiter seats us at the corner of the restaurant. We look over our menus and talk about my moving-in the offices. "So we'll film videos daily, for your channel, my channels, Max's, and Ross's. Also, next week, you and me are going to film the popcorn challenge together." Adam says while taking sips of his water. I nod and say okay to all of his plans on the schedule. We were almost done discussing when the waiter leads someone to our table. I look up and my legs become numb. "Hey." Ross looks at our table and everyone says hello. I look away, "Hey." He sits next to me and Max. Max nods at him and then looks at me. "Hey, Skylar, don't you wanna meet Ross?" I can feel Ross's eyes on me and I knew I had to look at him. I looked up slowly. My heart melted at that moment. He smiled at me with his dark eyes and his scraggly hair. He was perfect and I was taking him in. Maybe I was taking him in too much because everyone was staring at me. I woke up to reality. "Um. Hi, I'm Skylar. I'm excited to work with you." He continued to smile at me. "Me too. I mean I'm excited to work with you. Not me. That would be weird. Umm." He was stuttering his words and turned red. I laughed and blushed. "I know what you mean." For the next five minutes we decided our food and ordered it. Adam talked about crazy stories about Max and Ross and Ross would always deny the story. I laughed at all the comments and enjoyed our afternoon out. But sometimes I would glance at Ross to admire him. And whenever I looked away I can feel his eyes on me as well.
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