Adam and Jess
I woke up the next morning without Max. He left a note on my desk stating he had work. I smacked myself in the face for forgetting I have a job. I quickly pulled an outfit from my suitcase and put it on. I brushed my hair and teeth and walked out the door. When I checked myself in my car window I was surprised by how I looked. I looked pretty decent and didn't look like I had a hangover from a party. When I pulled to the parking lot of the offices, there weren't many cars. Everyone must have hangovers too. I walked into the main room of the offices. Then I unlocked mine and turned on my computers. "Hey." I was startled by the voice and turned around. Jess was standing there wearing a black sweatshirt and jeans. "Oh, hey, Jess. Sorry, didn't see you there."
"It's okay. That happens a lot. So you don't look like you have as much of a hangover like you should."
"Well, I tried to make myself look not like a cave woman."
"Speaking of cave woman, Shelby was supposed to come in today but she was way too drunk and had to stay home."
We both laughed. Adam walked in with a drawstring bag. "Hey guys." We said hey and Adam sat in a chair next to my desk. I looked at him funny. "What's wrong, buddy?" He held his head. "Just a headache from last night." Jess spins around. "We all do. Crazy things happened after the party and I don't remember most of it." Adam nodded. "Yeah me either. All I remember is Rascal humping Alesa and me joining in too." We looked at him. He looked up. "What? I was drunk. What about you Skylar?" Jess crossed her arms. "Didn't Max drive you home?" I gave her a look. She looked at me funny but realized my look. I couldn't hide it. I had to tell hem what happened. Besides, they were my closet friends. There's no one I can trust better than them. "Okay, promise you can keep a secret?" They crossed their hearts. I took a deep breath and then closed the door. They looked at me. I sighed. "I had sex with Max." They gasped. "Okay, okay, I know." Adam stood up. "What the hell is wrong with you? You only knew him for a week!" "Yeah! And plus I thought you didn't like Max, you're trying to talk and get with Ross?" Jess yelled. I shot her a daring look. She covered her mouth. Adam looked at me. "What?" I knew I was screwed. "Let me explain." Then I told them everything that happened the last week. They were patient and listened. Jess was mad for me not telling her sooner and Adam was mad Max would pull this. I was mad at myself for not thinking of Ross at all last night.
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