Twenty Six
So Luna is to die in two hours.
Sadly you couldn't get much sleep you kept thinking about Luna. Though you really shouldn't, considering what she did but she used to be your best friend.
"Wakey wakey!" Logan knocked on your door. He was surprisely happy even if you weren't. When the door opened Logan held a large brown tray containing what was your breakfast. "Now eat up we leave in half an hour." Wait it's five. In the morning. Jesus.
"Do we have to?" Of course you wanted to go but getting up was the difficult part.
"Yes or I'll drag you myself. Even Mystery has gotten up. Eat up." He seemed so mean, probably the fact he was forced to come with you. So you quickly eat and changed into something comfortable.
"I'm ready!" Logan grumbled as you and him made your way to his car. It was very windy probably as it was mid-autumn but like it could be anything.
A very quiet drive happened. You just watched. Though who in their right mind would go out on a run at half five in the morning? "Some people are just a little to dedicated to running." You think Logan is just trying to lighten the mood and it was kind of succeeding.
"Look you don't have to do this. I'm okay on my own." The line sounded chessey but you did mean it.
"Sure I'll let you go by yourself to see a murderer, of course." Sarcasm dripping from his words.
"Well when you put it like that it sounds like she wants to kill me." He kind of had a point. "Okay fine. You can come with me." Logan stopped the car and you both got out. The sun starting to rise.
"Thanks for giving me permission." He wrapped his arm around your neck. As you made your way to the Townhall you wondered where was Luna being held? There wasn't exactly a prison for her and the Townhall certainly did not have top notch security.
Walking into the building you weren't surprised not many people were about, but nonetheless there was always someone at the reception desk.
This time it was someone you'd never seen before but she looked strangely familiar. She had bright red hair with curls that gently made it's way to her shoulders, her bright blue eyes looked tired but sparkled with excitment, she also had a beautiful cluster of freckles across her cheeks and the tip of her nose, this mysterious woman was wearing a lovely black and white chequered dress with a brown belt the dress made her look younger than she was, but it wasn't designed for the cold weather outside.
"Hi we are here to see Lu-the Lady." Logan spoke softly realising the girl looked only sixteen, actually maybe even younger possibly fifteen.
"Of course. You must be (Y/N) (L/N) I am a big fan. She is downstairs, third door on the left. Oh you'll need this keycard." She handed you blue and black card. Logan started running on ahead. "Wait up!" You yelled at him.
The door which would hold Luna looked colder than the rest, it was a metal door while the rest were wooden. The perfect place for a murderer. Logan slid the keycard into the little compartment. "You go on in I'll stay here." You nodded and walk in.
The room only contained a single chair, a small table and a old T.V which looked liked it belong in the seventies. And there in the middle was Luna watching a microwave on the table spinning the food, go around and around. Of course she was wearing her iconic lime green dress. Her hair looked messy and mascara was running done her face. Luna had been crying an action you would have thought was impossible for her.
"Hi. I've been expecting you," She pretended to stroke a cat. "how are you?" Luna gestured you to sit down and you followed.
"Okay, but my best friend is to die. I'm surprised you aren't in a straight jacket."
"I was but then I got out of it. I've watch to much Houdini." The microwave beeped and Luna took out what appeared to be a McDonald's.
"What I'm a murderer I don't just go to McDonald's. I waited for you so we can have one last meal together." Well that was a nice idea. "I got fries, two chicken burgers and two burgers, not to mention a strawberry milkshake and a salad."
So you two ate, laughing, talking like two friends who hadn't seen each other in ages but that wasn't what the story for you.
In ten minutes Luna is to die.
You just kept talking, catching up with each other. (mainly focusing on you.) The both of you tried to distract each other from what was to happen in mere minutes. It was nice to actually pretend to be normal friends. But it wouldn't last for ever.
The door opened and two guards came in as did Logan. They said it was time, you held back tears, no point to cry for a killer even if she was once your friend.
"One last hug?" Luna held her arms out, the guards nodded at you saying it was okay. The embrace was nice you hadn't hug Luna for thirteen years. This hug would have been what you would dream of when you were younger, and finally it was happening. The heat of your body almost gave Luna relief. Then with guilt, you let go. And you couldn't help but have a single tear. "Thanks." You voice was weak and hoarse when you said your last word to her.
Then Luna left. You begged Logan to allow you to watch it. It would probably kill you emotionally but you had to see her just once last time. Luna was to die by a firing squad, outside. As you made your way outside Logan grabbed your hand.
"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean do you want to watch her die." Sadly you let go of his hand and ran off not saying a word.
The outside looked beautiful as the sun was only beginning to rise. It's two minutes to six which means two minutes until Luna dies. Then you saw them, your heart sank. Alicja, Ashley, Maja, Mia, Molly and Clare stood there guns cocked at Luna. They were to kill Luna. You slowly walked towards them.
"Sorry (Y/N) but she killed hundreds. She killed Jennifer." Ashley glared at Luna.
"Not to mention Will, Tómas and almost killed Charles." Clare added. They were true. No matter how much you missed her she was still a killer of your friend and many others.
"Okay." You lowered your head and walked. Not bothering to look at Luna but her voice called you. When you turned your head it was only then did you see that Luna was holding something in her hand. A vial. A vial of poison. Of course when Luna hugged you she also took the vial out of your pocket, since you completely forgotten about last night.
Luna opened the vial and just before drinking it she spoke, "Bye bye (Y/N). Make me proud." You ran to her, but it was too late...
Logan brought out some hot chocolate offering you some as you played with the children. The evening sun slowly falling behind the clouds and the fire dying.
"How you made hot chocolate in the middle of the forest I'll never know." Mia said as everyone laughed at a joke Maja made.
It had been a year since Luna's death and to distract you Alicja gave the idea of going camping. So everyone came along. (including all of Clare's foster kids which was about fourteen now)
"So how is everyone?" Immediately everybody looked at Ashley. Last month Jungkook proposed to her and Alicja has been frantic trying to organise their wedding.
"Okay guys. What should we do for the last couple of minutes of daylight?" Maja and Mia raised their hands, shouting, "Me! Me! Me!" and in true Ashley form she spoke out instead, "How about (Y/N) decides, seeing as this trip is for her?" well that was a good idea. Then everyone's head turned to you.
"How about we all cuddle and watch the sunset?" They all nodded and started to cuddle. Logan held out his hand and you and him went into the middle of the large chain of people.
Since Luna's death, the police station was rebuild, as was the staduim, memorials got placed in the center of town and life continued as normal. The girls decided to say that Luna was killed by a firing squad not by suicide.
So as the fire crackled into nothing and the moon made it's way through the cloud, slowly the sky turned to black and the stars started to appear. You rested your head on Logan, Alicja on Sebastian, Ashley to Jungkook and Maja cuddled her cat. At that moment everything was quiet, beautiful and most of all everything was perfect...
Then the phone rang.
"Who kept their phone. When we agreed no phones!" Alicja scolded at Logan who was taking out is phone. He mouthed sorry but continued anyway. "Yes sir I understand." When he put is phone back in his pocket only then did he spoke.
"Come on Smrick has a new case for us."
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