Chapter Twelve
Clare's P.O.V
Okay I ran away from Maja. Not one of my best ideas but I had to, considering the fact I was about to reveal something I shouldn't have. Well to be normal I'll visit Jeremy in the hospital.
Apparently last night Jeremy jumped out of the taxi him and Maja were in and a car hit him and he hit himself with a vodka bottle. That's what Maja told us anyway.
Okay I'll go to the hospital, should I walk or drive? Then my question was answered.
"Hi Clarence come on!" Cara was driving in her car to work probably.
"Oh. Hi. Going to the hospital?" I asked and brush any tears that may have left my eyes without permission can't be suspicious.
"Yeah. Why? Oh, Jeremy right?" I get in and nod off to the hospital. Cara turns on the radio, Hamilton was playing. Oh yeah, my jam, it's sad Jimin has no jams but oh well, I do. In your face Jennifer. I'm better than your husband. (Ashley's note: Ehhhhhh...)
We get to the hospital- wait, why is Molly at the reception desk?
"I work here Clare, I got fired from the cafe yesterday." One might say she was a physic but nah Molly's not one.
"Okay nice, can I see Jeremy?" I ask her she nodded.
"Second floor room like two hundred or two hundred and one, can't tell." Molly is getting fired sooner or later. Time to go to Jeremy hooray.
The room was small just a bed, a small window, a glass table and a tv not one of the greatest room ever. Then Jeremy was sleeping; he had bandages on his face and his right arm was in an arm sling. What was sad was, he had flowers on the table they weren't from family or friends they were from Ashley they just said:
Piper was stupid, too stupid. Oh well.
"What are you doing here?" The man wakes up rubbing his face why did he look innocent? Damnit he was a Bastard not a sweet man!
"I'm here because I was bored." Sure I'm not a nice reason but oh well. Then I hear Alicja's, Jennifer's and (Y/N)'s voices.
"Understand I'm only here for the cookies." I hear Jennifer say. Okay... Worst reason ever.
"Jeremy, Will's dead." I say while fixing his duvet. Will was dating Jeremy's sister, unlike him his sister was nice, if I remember correctly Rebecca was his sister he deserves to know.
"Oh Rebecca won't be happy," He yawns. "Maybe that's why she hasn't visited. I can understand why my parents haven't went on another ski trip with out me." Oh no he had a sad back story. This wasn't happening. Not Jeremy dangit.
"Finally here we are!" (Y/N) opens the door Alicja comes in then...
"AHHH A GLASS TABLE!" Jennifer jumps into (Y/N)'s arms. Oh Jennifer has an uncontrollable fear of glass tables, weird. I wonder how Jimin even comes with her.
"Shh. It's okay Jennifer the glass is over here and not there." Jeremy calms her down. WHY WAS HE BEING NICE?!
"Look, here's flowers I'm getting some cookies." Jennifer runs off but hands Jeremy his flowers. Alicja runs after her (probably doesn't want to be with the injured man who harassed her) that just leaves me and (Y/N).
"I'm going to my apartment. Bye Clare. You have fun with Jeremy." And (Y/N) just leaves me with him.
I sit with my back facing him little did I know Jeremy was not nice was, not innocent no he was the same old bastard he has always been.
"Clare." His soft was voice playing tricks on me, he hugged me for support? No then it happened he bit my neck and no, sadly he was not a vampire.
I tried to scream but was being muffled by a pillow ah no! He was harassing me, I need help! If only Alicja and Jennifer hurry up. Jeremy has stopped biting me and has started unbuttoning my shirt, he's pushed me down and my body is between his legs. I. Need. Help. Now. (Ashley's note: HOLY SHIT JENNIFER. DID NOT NEED THAT MUCH DETAIL)
*You can continue*
"JEREMY YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Alicja yells Jennifer smacks him with the other pillow since Jeremy is still injured he falls to the ground with a weak slap from Jennifer. Finally I'm free! This was a terrible day.
"We'll leave him behind. Come on Clare let's go to my house." Jennifer gives the injured man a cold stare.
"Thanks I need it." I mutter rubbing my sore neck.
We walk out of the hospital Molly getting told off by her manger.
"YOU ARE FIRED. NO I DON'T CARE IF WE'RE RELATED YOU'RE FIRED!" Okay Molly's boss was a nice one.
"Jimin!" Jennifer shouted waving at the blue sports car, of course rich family. Charles must be living the life. Lucky beat.
"Oh hi Clare." The brown eyed man opens his car window.
"Hi Auntie Clare!" The two year smiled, in his car seat.
I get into the car being extra careful since it was an extremely expressive. Alicja got in beside me.
"So I can't wait until the party Jennifer." Alicja said. By party she meant the party to find out the baby's gender.
"Neither can I." The Irish woman spoke. To the rich house now.
When we got to the house Jennifer and Alicja already told Jimin what happened. Jimin was very caring so he was saying he's going sue Jeremy. That was nice.
"Come on, we'll have scones," Jennifer said, "and hot chocolate." She whispered. Obviously so Charles wouldn't hear.
After a little while Alicja, me, Jennifer and Jimin were enjoying our scones and hot chocolate, just talking trying to avoid the Jeremy 'incident'.
"So how's the case going?" Jimin ask sipping at his hot beverage. (Ashley's note: Pffft 😂. You're very welcome)
"Oh well not great. No leads but something will come I know it." Alicja said. I was starting to be quiet, very quiet.
"What's wrong?" Jennifer asks, very concerned.
"Well..." Then there's a very fast knock on the door.
Jimin runs to get it.
"It's (Y/N)!" He yells. (Y/N) runs in Jimin shows her we're in the kitchen.
"What's wrong?" Alicja says.
"HELP LOGAN'S JUST ASK ME OUT ON A DATE!" Okay that's amazing.
"Took him awhile." Jennifer leans back in her chair.
"THIS IS SERIOUS JENNIFER!" (Y/N) was obviously distressed.
"Well why are you so distressed?" I ask.
"Because..." She paused. "I kind of said yes..." Oh this was going to be fun.
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