Chapter Six
The journey was long and quiet, everyone could see that well hear that, so Logan decided to loosen things up.
"So Clare how long have you been working here?" Logan queries, Clare realises what he is trying to do, so in true Clare fashion she yaps for about twenty minutes.
"For like 5 years same as Maja, Molly, Mia, Alicja, Ash... Lee and (Y/N). The only thing is we never actually told each other so this is the first time together, in our job of course." Clare explained to Logan. Wow your friends kept it a secret from each other, that you all work at the Police department.
"I like to think I'm the bad ass police officer," Maja exclaimed "Clare is the dectective, like you," She points to Logan, Logan nods. "Alicja is the Computer whiz, Mia is the weapons expert, Lee's the boss, because well not quite sure how she did that but she did. Molly's the photographer while (Y/N) no clue what you're role is." Wow, Maja knew everyone's job except you, well that's good I guess, means she didn't stalk you. Though telling them wouldn't be that bad.
"She's a forensic scientist." Logan said, okay he said it for you that's nice.
" Got at boyfriend hun?" joked Jeremy, Odin Allfather (Jennifer rubbing her norse myth on you again) he was annoying, but wait would you and Logan make a good couple?
Your thoughts were interrupted when the minibus stop. And there you saw it a Staduim well it wasn't really a staduim. That bomb must have been pretty impressive to have killed three thousand people. Wow three thousand lives lost within minutes, bringing the lady in the lime green dress to prison was what you really needed to accomplish. Considering the fact that she's been running loose for thirteen years it'll be amazing if you can do it.
As you walk through the rubble you're distraught from the amount of damaged there is: bodies covered in dust and metal, familes broken, even the players that were enjoying a good game of football are dead, cars destroyed in the aftermath not like they would've been used again but this truly was an evil deed.
This was why you really didn't like sport. Juila, another one of your friends, stood in the middle of the wreckage, dozen of police officers surrounding her for protection, but in the distance you saw another person you all knew too well. Clare though was the first to find her.
"Jennifer! Juila! " Clare ran towards the two girls, and hugged both tightly. The others including you ran towards them as well, strange Jennifer doesn't work at the police department why is she here? Oh well at least it's a nice reunion.
As you look at the two girls you notice that Julia's obession with Pokemon she never grew out of, incorporated with her style. The bag she was wearing on her back was Christmas present from Ashley and that the jacket she wore around the waist was a birthday present from you, you really knew your friends.
You noticed how she has let her hair grow out now it's a little wavy and her brown eyes,still the same lighting up as she see her friends. And of course she's drawing probably for thev police or maybe just for herself.
Now Jennifer even though only twenty six she's married and a has two year old with another one on it's way, like wow, Alicja is only started dating again, Molly is has been dating for a while, Ashley just got engaged like a month ago, Clare's fostering four kids, Mia is married and wants to start a family, somehow Maja owns 17 cats and there you are with no family, no spouse, no nothing. But back to Jennifer, her blue eyes grew large as she spotted her friends and being squished by Clare, her hair shorter than normal and for some reason she was wearing a green ribbon, also you noticed how she had a Michael Kors bag which you knew was an expressive brand and dear Gods she was wearing an extremely pink coat, that's Jennifer for you.
"Wait a minute, why are you here?" Jeremy asks taking a lollipop out of his mouth, where did he get a lollipop?
"Quite frankly, I am here because I was picking Charles up from the babysitter and noticed Juila was here so I decided to see what was up." Jennifer explained, "Is that alright mister?"
"Jeremy, Jeremy Fitzgerland and yes that is alright." Jeremy said as he glared at her.
"Anyway," Alicja started, "One were is Charles, and two Juila what are we doing here?" You hear a small child like voice from behind you, well child like since it was a child.
"Hi, auntie (Y/N)!" Charles the cute adorable two year old, oh he was so cute. He had the nose and lips of his father and the eyes of his mother, his beautiful sun kissed hair was under an cute hat and best of all this little petit human called you Auntie.
"Found him!" You squeal as you lift Charles and swirl him around, as Jennifer takes Charles off you, you frown he is so adorable. Then you remember something Jennifer was going to find out the gender of her new child.
"Jennifer what gender is the child?" You query while pointing to the growing bump.
"You'll have to wait, until the party." The mother says as the rest groans, geez you all really wanted to know the gender.
"Anyway," Juila started, "don't you want to know what we're going to do?" Everyone nods in unison. "Well this the video of the bomb happening," Juila says while passing a tablet for you all to watch, dang it Jeremy was squishing you, probably on purpose.
The video was scary but you had a job, you have to do this.
"The bomb was only in the right hand corner of the staduim it was strong enough to make the rest of the staduim collapes, thankfully out of the seven thousand people watching, four thousand of them survived but many severely injured but the other three thousand." Julia stopped, you all knew what she was going to say so you just nodded to inform her to stop. "But we found a piece of paper with the title... Just here." She passes the paper to Clare then to Mia, Maja next, Maja passes to Alicja, Alicja to Molly, Molly to Logan, Logan to Jennifer, Jennifer passes to Jeremy then Jeremy to you.
You get a good look at it, strange why would a murderer just give this, no nothing, no evidence just a name.
"Oh and this was attached to it," Juila exclaimed, she showed a piece of fabric it was green, no wait lime green, no way there was no possible way...
"Luna..." You whispered.
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