𝟬𝟬𝟭. the bet
chapter one, the bet
Since, she was little, Siriyah knew she was a lesbian. A full out homosexual. A women who loved other women. And in her mind there was nothing wrong with that. You love who you love in her words.
It certainly didn't stop her mothers. The famous, Nora and Mary Louise, both of whom had to live through a whole century of having to hid the love they felt one for another, and since then and since having in their word, "their precious little princess." they taught her to never hid who she was and to love whoever she saw fit.
And boy did she love, she loved herself. More than anything. She knew she was fabulous. Had the body. The hair. The eyes. The whole thing, she didn't trust anybody at The Salvatore School to give her heart too, no matter how many people wanted her, desired her, she was that stubborn and picky.
Decides having a partner would slow her down, and she wasn't going to let anyone bring her down, no matter what. The other students say because no body lived up to her ridiculous high standards of the perfect girlfriend, and others thought it was because she was a raging b.
Siriyah thought she had the perfect life, I mean how could never have the perfect, wake up, go to class, and go run the school with you're best friend, I mean how you not be happy, laying on you're bed, while you're roommate was in front of you asking for fashion advice because let's be real she had great taste.
"Now, I don't want to go too flashy." Penelope told her, while holding two different kind of blazers.
Siriyah rose from her bed before adding, "Why, not ? You know that Josie is doing the school tours today, I mean she's you're ex, which means, were going sexy." as Penelope smirked at her.
"And I guess, you're still going for the classic pink heels, to seduce all the girls around you." as Siriyah smiled. "And even the small amount of boys who still believe I'm straight." as she closed her pocket mirror and fixing her blush before rising up to walk over to Penelope.
"Don't worry about you're wearing, just stay classic Pen, Josie will come crawling back to you by morning." as Penelope chuckled fixing her blazer after putting it on.
"Not if she still with her sister Lizzie, If we had a genie at this school, I would wish she disappeared." as Siriyah said, "I second that, not like her daddy would notice."
Penelope smiled, as Siriyah asked, "Ready ?" grabbing her tiny pink mini backpack, as Penelope said, "Let's conquer." as they linked arms before Penelope opened the door.
Siriyah walked down the stairs of the school, when her and Penelope click showed up.
Penelope talked to them about random topics such as the normal school gossip, such as which student was with one, what teacher was with who, fights between the werewolves and vampires, and the answers to Physics's test coming up.
But Siriyah was zoning them out, sipping on her protein shake, and checking out the cute girls who walked up and down the stairs, next to them.
"Check out the new boy." one member of their click Zoe said, Siriyah turned her attention to the front door entrance of the school, she saw Josie Saltzman and Lizzie Saltzman silhouette from behind closed doors, along with their father and headmaster, Alaric Saltzman, plus Hope Mikaelson, the school's loner and tribrid.
Now if Siriyah had a list of how she would rate them, here what it would be :
1.) Hope (duh Hope is sexy)
2.) and that's it.
Lizzie her most notable foe wouldn't even be on the list. They butted heads with other another every since Siriyah had got to the school, from the moment her mothers dropped her off, but that wasn't always the case.
At first Siriyah had tried to be nice to Lizzie, make friends (because her mothers told her it would be good for her) but after a shall not be name incident, she hated her guts.
She found Lizzie selfish, self centered, who thought the whole world revolved around her, you could say it was like looking into a mirror but Siriyah found herself to be much prettier.
Now when came to sweet Josette Saltzman, Siriyah actually found her not as bad as her sister, way before Penelope and her dated, Siriyah and her use to have crushes on one another.
Josette fell first, and Siriyah would lead her saying classic thing "like the time wasn't right." or how, "they would be better as friends." but Josette actually kissed her first and soon left Siriyah was like "what the hell" and the two would meet each other up for secret makeup sessions, behind the school and in her bedroom, and sometimes classrooms.
But when she found out Penelope liked her the start of the next semester, she told Josie she couldn't keep doing this with her the whole it's me not you thing, and helped Penelope and Josie get together.
Some asked her why she never went with Lizzie, but one thing Siriyah never did was mess with siblings, she wasn't key to sleeping with one sibling and going to the next, she was not about to get sl*t shamed in the school.
One thing, though that every one knew she was still a virgin, no women had ever touched her, and she planned to keep it that way.
"I wonder if he's hot." Penelope asked her, as Siriyah said, "I doubt it, and that's from the lesbian." as Penelope rose to see if she could get a better view at the boy, Siriyah was to busy swiping on a date site, Penelope had hooked her on.
"He's black." one member of her clink mentioned as Siriyah said, "That's a gold star, if you ask me, African Americans are gods and goddess."
"Touche." Penelope told her, she was about to get more into detail when the bell ringed, "Off to class, see you later." she asked her, as one of the clink helped her to her feet.
"You know it." Siriyah said kissing her cheek, as Penelope did the same, before each girl went in opposite directions and going off to class.
After a class, Siriyah was sitting on the bleachers, watching a game of football go on between two teams.
She was reading one of the books on classic literature her mommy gave her to help her increase her literature vocabulary, she was almost to the end, but she kept going back to read Romeo and Juliet, a classic tale of forbidden love.
She also had her small hand held power pan in her hand as she read due to the fact it was a very hot day outside, Siriyah loved the summer a perfect time to put on a bikini and look hot.
She lifted down her sunglasses after noticing, Lizzie and Josie walking around the filed with Rafael (Siriyah was able to learn his name in the matter of minutes thanks to fast moving gossip)
He was cute, even cuter up close, she immediately noticed Lizzie trying to take a stab at flirty with him (god she sucked at it) doing her classic Lizzie thing stumbling over words and making a mess of things.
After a while Josie went to her friend MG (Milton Greasley) and talking about how she was giving up on Rafael, just because her sister called "dibs." which honestly was stupid in her mind.
She also overhead Josie bringing up the mention of a "wounded soul."
Penelope, but not after long, she was going to get her bestie her girly. She also knew MG liked Lizzie, but Lizzie was too much of airhead to see MG was a good guy for her, and that's coming from Siriyah who doesn't given compliments easy.
Of course Lizzie messed it up, after some back and forth, Rafael walked away from her, storming off after some "harsh but typical" words she said.
Siriyah smirked to herself seeing a upset Lizzie. "God this day just keeps getting better and better." she told herself, closing her book, walking down the steps.
"Evening Josette." Siriyah said walking past Josie, she left before Josie could response in a "hi" or "hello." but to her, she liked to have her presence be seen.
A secret party, of course. Some of the wolfs were throwing one and of course, Siriyah was invented. She expected nothing less. Jed invited her, personally, since she arrived, Jed had always try to win her over, but as Siriyah would tell her over and over again, she was so gay.
She walked around the party, she was wearing a strapless hot pink sequin body con dress, her hair in a sleek back bubble ponytail. She was currently drinking out of her red cup, while talking to members of her click.
She was also texting Penelope over the phone who was with MG to distract Josie, they had came up with the idea over class last period before the party: make Josette jelly
She noticed Jed come up to her as she drank. "What ?" she asked as he said, "Nothing just wanted to ask if you were enjoying the party." as she replied, "Might as well giving the fact, Dr. Saltzman is going to shut this whole thing down so fast."
"Hey, I'll give it 9 minutes top before he comes." as Siriyah noticed, Rafael talking to Josie. "What are you giggling Josette ?" she asked herself in a mumble. "Can't you just use you're vamp powers and here what their saying ?"
"That would be nice Jed, but I believe you've forgotten that even if I'm a heretic, I'm not a vampire yet." as Jed added, "You as a vampire would be hot."
"Touche." she said sipping her drink hand on her waist, "You know what forget about wolf boy over there, we could catch a movie after this."
Siriyah sighed and looked to Jed slowly, "Jed, let me tell you something, I am gay, I don't like boys, plus what makes you think even if I was straight that somebody like you has the slightest chance with somebody like me ?"
"I know you're gay Ri, but come on-" as Siriyah said, "I don't even know why we talk." as she turned walking away, before walking back up to me whispering in his ear, "Plus you're flirting makes this kitty drier than sandpaper." as she blew him a kiss walking off onto another area of the party.
While walking she saw nobody other than the other new boy Landon walking around too, she looked up and down, he looked normal, just a regular boy as much, she did hear he kissed Hope so he must had had some sort of powers to get the tribrid to kiss her, before Siriyah did.
But Siriyah rather dream of the Mikaelson from a distance, while walking she bumped into Lizzie, she had come out to most likely find her sister, but bumped into Siriyah instead.
"Oh look it's miss blonde bombshell, see you've escape you're father poor excuse of bonding haven't you." as Lizzie rolled her eyes, "Look I have no time for Siriyah Sarcasm."
"Oh it's fact, just like the fact you're outfit is horrible, like you're hair." as she smirked to her playful, Lizzie asked, "Ha, ha, we get it you're fabulous." as Siriyah said, "Bout time you've figured it out Lizzy Bear." as she winked walking off from her.
Lizzie noticed Josie laughing with Raf, Siriyah stopped in her tracks seeing Lizzie's sad expression. "Aw, you're mad Josette was able to coin Raf, in 2 seconds than you were with a hold conversation."
"Shut up." Lizzie said to her, as Siriyah said, "Don't be mad because you're sis can pull and you can't, not everybody's into blonde girly." as she walked off yet again.
Lizzie smirked to herself getting a light bulb being able to pop into her head. "I can win him over." Lizzie said to Siriyah as Siriyah turned to her and chuckle out, "I'm starting to believe the term, "dumb blonde."
"Quit it, but I'm serious I can win Rafael over." as Siriyah laughed, "This I gotta hear." as Lizzie said, "Better yet, you haven't ever dated anyone here yet have you ?"
Siriyah said, "Nobody at this school is worthy enough to get between these legs Saltzman." as Lizzie said crossing her arms, "That can change." though she respected Siriyah's pride about her body and her virginity and how scarce it was to her.
"Get to the point." as Lizzie said, "I'm challenging you." as Siriyah said, "You will lose." stepping closer to her face.
"You would say anything just to think you're better than me." as Siriyah said furrowed eyebrows, "There's nothing to prove. I am better than you, very obvious."
"Each of us, have 30 days to fall in love." as Siriyah gave her a blank stare. "God you are thirsty." she said with a disgust face.
Lizzie rolled her eyes, "Through fake dating." she added dropping the bomb. "Now, why in the hell would I waste my precious hours on this earth, faking a relationship ?"
"Because you like power, always have, always will." as Siriyah added, "Not my fault, I like to be worshiped."
"A month to find love." as Siriyah asked, "What does the winner get ?" as Lizzie said, "Always what's in it for you, huh ?" as Siriyah said, "Me before anyone else, beside Penelope."
"Bragging rights, I don't know."
Siriyah stayed quiet pondering about the idea, about fake dating a girl, but if Lizzie challenged to something she was sure as hell wouldn't back down from it.
"You're really serious about this ?" as Lizzie nodded proudly about herself. "I'm only doing this because I feel sorry for you Saltzman, and you're thirsty for the werewolf, so fine."
"It's a bet." Lizzie said with a smile holding her hand out, Siriyah looked down at it before huffing, "No." rejecting the handshake to show alliance.
"I don't like you like that Saltzman." as she strutted away from her. "Find me in the morning !" Lizzie yelled back to her as she walked away.
Siriyah made her way to the kitchen, she needed to consoled in Penelope, but as she walked towards it, she noticed Josie storming out angrily, pushing right into her. She narrowed her eyes seeing her walk off, before walking into the kitchen.
She saw MG looking filled with regret along with Penelope who looked proud of herself, wiping of her lip gloss.
"Well, I see make Josette angry worked." as Penelope hopped down from the table adding, "Like a charm." as MG looked at the two. "This was apart of a plan ?" as Siriyah said leaving her cup on the table, "Don't act dumb MG of course it was, and you were the perfect pawn." as she locked arms with Penelope, before going off.
"That was fun." she said to her as Siriyah said, "That it was." as Siriyah said, "I have news ?" as Penelope asked, "Good or bad ?" as Siriyah said, "It involves Lizzie." as Penelope joked, "Bad then."
"She challenged me." Siriyah said unhooking her hand from Penelope stopping in her tracks, as Penelope said, "To what ?"
"To some Saltzman tacit, fake dating a girl in the school, while she tries to win over Rafael's heart, each of us have 30 days to fall in love and make the other fall in love."
Penelope chuckled. "What's funny ?" she asked her as Penelope said to her, "The fact that Lizzie, can't even let Josie get first choice, she always has too." as Siriyah added, "It's Lizzie, I'm not surprised."
"She should have better." as Siriyah said, "Josette always has." as Siriyah asked point blank, "Do you think I should do it ?" as Penelope looked at her, "The whole fake dating thing ?" as
Penelope told her, "I think it will most definitely will be a event you won't forget." as Siriyah said, I'm serious Pen, because A, I'm picky, picking the girl will take time."
Penelope said, "But just imagine it, Sari, you and you're boo walking down the halls, hand in hand, it will be the perfect way for you to show even more who runs this school, Lizzie would regret ever crossing you."
Penelope knew how much Siriyah popularity mean't to her, one because not alot of people know this but Penelope was one of the real people who've ever seen Siriyah for her, the real her, even if Siriyah always did the most to prove she was number one, part of her, felt like something was still missing, her one and only, she was always jealous of couples, and of course people were into her, but she never gave them a chance, not because of her standards because she was afraid of not living up to there.
Sometimes being a raging b help fill the void in her own lonely heart.
"Am I actually going to do this." Siriyah said to herself a little to loud to where Penelope could hear and even those who walked around the two could here as well.
"Duh." Penelope said to her, hooking their arms back together leading the two to their's dorm, just shortly after Dr. Saltzman came and shut the whole thing down.
Not even five minutes had passed before the whole school went into panic mode, after being woken up from Penelope a couple of hours ago.
Siriyah had found the school going frantic, one of her lower class member of her click told her that Landon, the boy that came with Rafael had came and stolen a ancient artifact, which mean't the school was basically f.
She took a sharp left, after meeting up with a follow vampire to hear all about whatever Hope and Dr. Saltzman were arguing about, turns out it was the new boy, all of more reasons why Siriyah couldn't stand humans.
She barely knew Landon but one thing was for sure, he was starting to becoming a huge pain in her as- "There you are." she overheard before getting her arm grabbed by Lizzie.
"Don't touch." she said taking her arm back. Lizzie gave a brief eye roll. "Have you heard all that's happened ?" as Siriyah said, "Of course, turns out the normie stole a knife and now you're dad is losing his mind, thanks for that, he's watching us more careful than ever."
"Not my fault, but are you ready to see who's going to be you're forever." as Siriyah said, "Sure, whatever." as she scanned the crowd seeing a red headed girl standing by a group of witches.
"Her, I guess." as she pointed, "No, please even I know you would ruin her in five seconds." as Siriyah smirked at her taking in a sip of her smoothie.
"If were doing this, were gonna do this the old fashion way, which means my way." as she held out a old rectangular shoe box, with a hole cut into the top, poorly most likely a box-cutter knife the top of the box was pink while the bottom was purple covered in stickers such butterflies and princess crowns.
Siriyah narrowed her eyes, "What are you five ?" she asked with a small laugh, "There is no way I'm dragging a name like this is some talent show ?"
"Welcome to The Dating Show Game." Lizzie said with a smirk, Siriyah eyebrow's pulled down and her nose wrinkled. She folded her arms.
"Come on, come choose you're fate." Lizzie added shaking the box up and down, after a while, Siriyah snatched box from her and put her hand. "Close you're eyes." Lizzie said.
Siriyah gave her a look of "Are you serious." as Lizzie gave her one back, "Very." with that she did as Lizzie suggest and stuck her hand into the box before she drew a name.
In the box had all the girls name in the school, all the one's Siriyah's age and probably older
It was folded up in a pink sticky note
Lizzie took the box from her, "What does it say ?" Siriyah gave it a couple of minutes, she had toned, Lizzie's words out.
Her fate was literally in her hand.
"Well ?!" Lizzie said frantic, Siriyah snapped her head at her, "Would you give me a sec Jeez !" she said.
Lizzie rolled her eyes, before Siriyah turned her back from the Saltzman and opened the sticky note and in nice cursive handwritten it read-
Lizzie inpatient, snatched it from Siriyah's hand and looked at it, "Don't snatch anything from me Saltzman !" she hissed shoving her in her hand, Lizzie looked down, her jaw dropped.
A laughter came out of her mouth. "I can't believe it, and I thought my challenge would be hard" as she looked holding the name out for Siriyah to read. "You've got a Mikaelson."
It said, "𝓚𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓪 𝓜𝓲𝓴𝓪𝓮𝓵𝓼𝓸𝓷"
"Who the hell even is that ?" as Lizzie turned Siriyah around so she could get a glimpse of her new "gf"
Sitting by a corner, sitting on one of chairs was a girl, around Siriyah's age maybe younger older, she was African American.
She was slim and skinny and had round cocoa brown eyes with shoulder length brown to black curly hair, with makeup that highlighted her features, her skin butterscotch and clear, she was wearing a yellow button down crop top with a argyle red sweater with a plaid skirt that had the Salvatore logo on it with low black and white Nikes, her hair out and curly.
She was pretty, Siriyah would give her that, her eyes scanned down her backpack which had a lesbian heart pin on it.
We'll she gay, that's a good start...
"That is Kamaria Mikaelson, Hope's cousin." Lizzie said with disgust at the end. "You're time starts now." Lizzie said pointing her finger up, which mean't it was time to head to class.
"So does your's Saltzman, and don't worry, I'll have her wrapped around my finger before the end of the day." as Siriyah stormed off from Lizzie, heading to Kamaria's directions.
She headed towards the kitchen, she placed her bag down before reaching into the fridge, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket before looking down at Hope's contact.
She saw it read, "Going with Dr. S, got a hint from the Sheriff, be back soon."
Kamaria sighed ever since this whole Landon thing, Hope had been alot more on her toes than usually, I mean she was so happy to tell Kamaria about how she kissed Landon, and of course Kamaria was happy for her cousin.
But since the news of Landon's "betrayal" nothing had been the same. She reached for a cookie as she closed the door she turned to see Siriyah standing next to her.
Kamaria yelped to herself, almost dropping her cookie. Siriyah rested herself on the fridge, arms folded. "Um hi." Kamaria said, she was almost confused she had never spoken to Siriyah before.
Siriyah said, "Hello Kamaria." twirling a strain of her hair around her finger, biting her lip. Kamaria was confused, "Um can I help you ?" she asked as Siriyah said, "No but I can help you." she told her.
Kamaria titled her head, Siriyah rolled her eyes grunted at herself letting lose stopping the flirty act.
"God, how are you a lesbian and so aware of a girl hitting on you." as Kamaria said, "You were hitting on me ?!" a bit frantic.
Siriyah slapped her forehead, "God this is going to be more difficult dang it Saltzman." she mumbled before rising her head back up to Kamaria who stood across from her.
Siriyah thought she was giant and she was tiny,
Kamaria asked, "Ok, since whatever act you dropped off has faded, care to tell me why you're talking to me ?" as Siriyah said offended hand on her chest, "Because, I have a great idea, one that you might hate, but I love."
"Explain." Kamaria said leaning herself on the fridge, Siriyah rolled her eyes at her questions, "Look, so I got challenged by Lizzie Saltzman not sure if you know her-"
Kamaria said, "Know her ?! She's been making fun of me and my cousin since we got her, so yeah I think I know her a little bit well."
"See we have something in common, we both hate Lizzie, nice to meet a kindred soul in hatred of another Saltzman." as Kamaria said, "I don't hate all the Saltzmans."
Siriyah chuckled, "I don't either, but Lizzie makes me want to spoon my eyes out." as Kamaria said, "Typical Siriyah." as Siriyah titled her head, "I'm sorry, do we know each other."
"You don't even remember me, not surprised." as Kamaria said, "Lizzie and Josie's eleventh birthday." as Siriyah still looked confused, as Kamaria said, "I was invited, but they didn't invite my cousin."
It came flooding back to her, Siriyah smiled remembering the day. "I remember, the day ended in worms and presents on fire." as Kamaria said with a sarcasm, "Yeah, so much fun." as she walked away from Siriyah.
"Look hey wait-" as she followed her as she walked down the hall, Siriyah rolled her eyes pulling Kamaria's arm before opening the door to a empty class.
"Hey what the hell ?!-" as Siriyah forced Kamaria to sit down on one of of the desk. Siriyah walked towards her, "Look I get you know me ! But I need you right so you're going to help me." she ordered to her.
"I don't have to help you with anything ?! Unlike everyone else at this school, I don't own you anything and you have no leverage or dirt on me, so you know what I'm going to do, I'm going to go to my class and continue my school life in peace away from you." Kamaria rose from the desk.
She turned back to Siriyah before she added walking back to the brunette in her face, "And touch me or shove me or talk to me like that again, Siriyah, I will mess you up." as she began to walk away from her yet again.
Siriyah was greatly offended by that statement and threat, but it only made her roll her eyes and cross her arms. "Fake date me !"
Kamaria said hand on the doorknob, "Excuse me ? Fake dating ?" almost as if she didn't hear her correctly.
Siriyah nodded putting a piece of her hair behind her ear, "It's what I said." as Kamaria titled her head folding her arms, "And why would I fake dating anyone mostly knowing you."
Siriyah bite down on her bottom lip to control her temper, since Kamaria was trying to push her buttons.
She already knew she was going to be the wrong person.
She took in a heavy breathe before curling her fist, "Because, think about it, the two of us. A Mikaelson giving you're family reputation and you're status, we would run this school and everyone in it."
Kamaria gave her a look, "A, I don't care about popularity and B I'm still not fully onboard with this."
Siriyah gave her a look of "Is this b serious ?"
Siriyah bite her nail in order to think of more encouraging words. "Fine, then, I mean there has to be somebody at this school you want revenge on."
Kamaria's eyes trailed down, giving Siriyah her answer. "There is, ins't there ?" as Siriyah eyed her up and down, Kamaria gave out a huff.
"Josie Saltzman." as she smiled, as Kamaria rolled her eyes. "You want to make Josie jealous, who is very much trying to get with the wolf Raf." as Kamaria's eyes went serious.
"You're joking." as Siriyah said, "I'm dead serious." wiping her hair from her face, Kamaria gave out a frustrated huff. "She's eyes him, almost drools." Siriyah said sitting down on one of the seats.
Kamaria said, "How do you know." as Siriyah said in a joking manner, "How do you not ?" as Kamaria said, "Look this isn't funny got it ?" as Siriyah held her hands up to her, "Ok, whatever."
Kamaria stayed silent for a minute, leaning herself on the wall, before sliding down, she didn't know what to say.
Siriyah sighed, "Look you don't have to do this, but I need you're answer, are we doing this or not." as Kamaria said, "I don't know anything about you-"
Siriyah huffed, "My favorite color is pink, I was born December 18, 2017, I love pop music, my celeb crush is Ariana Grande, My favorite movie is 10 Things I hate about you, I have two lesbian mothers, I have a fear of snakes, and I plan to go to Harvard University."
Kamaria chuckled. "What ?" Siriyah asked her as Kamaria said, "Snakes ?" as Siriyah hissed, "Yeah, snakes." as Kamaria held her hand up in defense. "Harvard huh, you are aware that 5% acceptance rate."
"I've been dreaming about getting into Harvard since I was nine ok, I just want to get the hell out Virginia." as Siriyah said, "You're turn, tell me all about you."
"Well, my favorite color is red, born 2019, October 17, I love rap music and R&B, my celeb crush is H.E.R and Kehlani. And my favorite artist is SZA. Fav movie is Love and Basketball and But I'm A Cheerleader, I have a bisexual mom and a lesbian mom, I have a fear of the dark, and I want to go to Grambling State University."
"I'm sorry fear of the dark ?" Siriyah told her with a bit of a laugh as if in a joking manner but Kamaria didn't laugh.
The fear came from when she was little, and when she was sleeping in her room, a thunderstorm (Which also scared her) knocked out the lights, including her My Little Pony Rainbow Night Light, sleeping or even being in the dark gave her anxiety and trouble sleeping, it turned a bit unhealthily to the point where she keep sleeping in her mom's room, up until the age of 12, heck if it got really bad, Hope would stay up with her and watch over her until she fell asleep, but Siriyah didn't know about any of that so she remain clam.
"What is my fear of the dark, amusingly funny to you ?" waiting for Siriyah to say anything mean so she could lash out at her.
Siriyah hid a smile, "Nope not a thing." before saying, "Grambling, a HBCU." as Kamaria said, "Wouldn't go anywhere else."
"Can we agree on something though ?" Siryah asked as Siriyah said, "No feelings." as Kamaria said, "Of course no feelings." as Siriyah said, "Unless we have to play it off that way."
"Agreed." as Siriyah said, "In school or party, but anywhere else we don't show any romance, understood ?" as Kamaria said in a joky way, "Yes you're royal highness."
"I'm not joking, we are not turning this into anything serious." as if she thought dating Kamaria for real would be horrible and the worst thing that could happen to her.
"No, feelings." as Siriyah said, "Good." as she told her, "I'll come swing by you're dorm in the morning, to get you and head out to breakfast."
"Alright." Kamaria said rising to her feet, Siriyah jumped off the desk heading to the door, "But since nobody watching, or looking, I don't need to be nice to you." as she walked ahead of the Mikaelson.
Kamaria scoffed, "You are so annoying." as Siriyah gave a fake smile, "Yet, you're still here standing." as Kamaria and Siriyah walked down the hall together.
They both face each other, Kamaria facing Siriyah as Siriyah said, "This whole couple thing doesn't start until tomorrow, as of today you're a stranger to me, but tomorrow you're my boo."
"Never thought I would be call Siriyah Hildegard Louise's boo." as Siriyah narrowed her, "Good luck." as Kamaria said, "You too." as Kamaria and Siriyah walked away in different directions going to class.
Kamaria didn't sound sure of any of this plan, or what she had just gotten herself into, not sure if this would work out, or how Siriyah was so confident in this plan or there was so much that could go wrong and blow up in both girls faces.
welcome and thank you all if you made it to the end of the chapter, for reading the l word, we are here at the first chapter,
i don't know if i like this or hate it, i just wanted to jump straight in and introduce you all to siriyah and kamaria, i hope you guys didn't find this boring or worse bad, but I'm super hype for this fic !
i am happy to welcome siriyah and kamaria into my lesbian protagonists, kassandra, skylar, ivy, maya, stefanie, hollie, madeline, aubrey, melody, alex, danielle, frankie, are very happy to welcome them into my group of lesbians.
it's ok to ship siriyah and kamaria with other characters, but don't forget siriyah and kamaria are the main focus on this fic !
so basically kamaria and josie is going to equal exes turned best friends while siriyah and lizzie are rivals to frenemies to friends to best friends(though it's going to take them a while to get to that point, plus i have dirt and tea on them from the past 👀)
and both girls love hope, kamaria cousin wise of course, and once siriyah and hope interact they will become close friends aswell.
meet siriyah and kamaria reluctant allies in fake dating to friends to lovers </3
(5546 words)
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