Chapter 9: the new outfit and the garden tea party
hello hello my beanie weenies sorry I have not been writing, I have been busy with things at home and with friends, so anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter, this chapter is for an old friend of mine their name here is Mikeyafton213 and catsaresoooooawsome thank you guys for the support and funny ask and dares you have given me from my other books now sit back relax and enjoy this chapter ^^ ( P.S: it may be long so grab a snack and a drink and sit down in your favorite comfy chair and enjoy)
Alessia started crying feeling the messy, soaked around her parts and tush, she cried and cries feeling embarrassed, and even worse she was small now a 12-year-old girl except she was still the same height just had a smaller chest of small A cups, she continues to cry, Milly wakes up and goes over to the nursery, and to Alessia's crib, she scooped the 12-year-old up and carries her to the changing table while bouncing her up and down, " ssshhhhh it's okay little Aless, ssshhhhh let's get you into a fresh clean diaper before you get a rash," she said and gently plops a pacifier in Alessia's mouth, the 12-year-old girl chews on it on instinct and calms down, being laid down on the changing table, having the messy and soaked diapers off of her, and Milly got to work right away, she threw away the messy diapers into a diaper bin, wiping the mess off of Alessia's girlhood and tush, soon starts to oil, her tush, powder, and puts a fresh clean diaper on her but with four diapers this time around, making the young knight's legs spread so they couldn't touch each other, she soon takes the onesies off of the young knight and puts her in a light green frilly, victorian style of a dress with a plastic panties over the four diapers, and soon had a white frilly socks with the same color of play shoes on Alessia's feet, soon having her hair brushes and put in two pigtails with light green ribbons to add a final touch, Milly smiles and gently scoops Alessia up in her arms and on her hip, taking her to the mirror in the nursery and shows Alessia her outfit infront of the mirror," aww you look so precious sweetie, oh I almost forgot can't forget your little princess crown" she said confusing the young knight till a tiria was put on her head, Alessia was a bit speechless at this moment not sure to gag or to be surprise this was her in the mirror, she looked at herself seeing a girly princess, dressed all nice and looked like she eas ready for a day of fun, Alessia was soon take away from the mirror and to a rocking chair, " it's milkie time for baby before she starts her fun day," the motherly demon maid said, Alessia blushes still having her adult mind but started to feel fuzzy in mind, which was cause Alessia's body was starting to act like the age she was in, but Alessia fights it, while Milly pulled the shirt from her dress and relieves her blossom and nipple close to the young knight's lips, Alessia just latches on quickly to get it over with but Milly already knew and pulled her nipple out, " no baby Aless, no big gulps, you;ll choke if you do that" she said as Alessia started to whine which never happened to her before, " use your words sweetheart." The motherly demon maid said as Alessia wiggles in the demon maid's arms and does grabby hands to Milly's blossom, " hungry" she said, her voice sounding young like it should being a 12-year-old, Milly puts her nipple in Alessia's mouth and Alessia suckles away her trouble and worries but does as told and takes small gulps savoring it while closing her eyes as she suckles away, Milly smiles warmly and pets the young knight's head and diaper butt, " good girl, you are mommy's good baby girl, mommy loves good babies who listen to mommy," she said cooing at Alessia who was occupied at the moment of drinking her breakfast, soon after an hour Alessia finished drinking her breakfast and pants, Milly puts her head over her shoulder, patting her back and diaper butt, soon after a bit of struggle, the young knight burps, the young knight's went red of blush, Milly giggles softly and puts Alessia down on the floor and not in the playpen of course," mommy needs to finish work, why don't you go out in the garden, I heard there is something outside next to the willow tree," Milly said smiling, this got Alessia's attention, she starts to stand up well tried to but woblies using her arms of a way of balance, after a few attempts she finally stands up and waddles around, and soon got to thre door to the outside of the castle and into the garden, but the door handle was out of the poor girl's reach, Alessia jumps and using her tippy toes which was hard to do with a reall thick diaper on, soon after many attempts she couldn't Alessia looks around to see what she could used to help her get up but nothing was in her sights to help her, Alessia kept trying tho not giving up but soon, Holly who was going outside to the garden to weed and water the flowers, she sees Alessia still trying to open the door, which she giggles softly, she open the door for her, Alessia thanks her and goes to the garden waddling as fast as she could, Holly giggles softly thinking it was adorable seeing Alessia waddle like that in a play dress and such, as Alessia found the willow tree right away up on a hill, Alessia took this as a challenge and starts to go up the hill, after a few times falling and rolling down the hill she finally got to the top but stops to catch her breath, after that she waddles into the willow tree and sees what Milly had said was true, but there was a tea party going on with living plushies with was the work on Queen Lucy, the living plushies turn their heads towards Alessia and cheers and comes over to the young knight and smiles, " yipee our final guest is here!" one of the plushies said in a cheery voice the other plushies nod in agreement and as Alessia was just confused of what was going on and what they meant she was picked up and put in a chair, as the plushies started to sing a song, " Yipee, yipee, our special guest is here, the guest we have is quite the fair, she had a pretty dress as green as sheen, her shoes shine as polish as can be, her hair in ribbons shine as day, we are happy to have our special guest to our tea party today to make the party begin!" the plushies finished singing and cheers, soon the tea party garden began, the plushies all took turns pouring each others tea which was a special herb tea of blackberry and lavender and the sweets were there on little trays with each sweets each, Alessia had her tea pour for her in a little tea cup, and a biscuit put on her little tea part plate, the plushies chat while drinking their tea, Alessia drinks her tea but stays quiet to listen to one of the plushie's conversation which she was in the middle of a bunny plushie who was dress in a blue dress that had flowers on them and on its head was a flower hat made with hay, and the one on the right was a bear plushie wearing his best suit, Alessia eats her biscuit which was a raspberry tart, she takes small bites as drinking her tea too, she kind of liked it which she wouldn't admit to it, she excuses herself for a bit since the tea had went right throat her system and she needed to pee badly, she hid herself behind a bush nest to the willow tree and tries to take the diapers off but they were taped up quite nicely so it was hard for her to get them off of her she kept trying and trying till she heard a loud hissing noise and already knew where it was coming from, Alessia's face blushes a rose red and she knew she couldn;t come back into the garden tea party, so she ran down the hill but tripped on her own foot and rolled down the hill and into a mud puddle, then a loud "SPLASH" could be heard, Alessia lifts her head up and coughed her dress was muddy now and her diaper was covered in mud as well, she gets up and tried to get most of the mud off of her as she could, before she was picked up from behind, she looked to see Holly was there and had tanned a bit, Alessia didn't keep track of time as she sees the sun was setting, " goodness me, you are all muddy, we need to give you a bath before the guest see you," she said as this confused Alessia but before she could even ask, she was taken back inside the castle and given a bath in an adult baby bath tub, her hair was washed up after getting leaves and twigs out, her face and arms were washed next and soon after the bath, she was clean and put in a fresh clean diapers and into another dress, and taken to her nursery and put in a playpen." I need you to play in here till the queen finishes her meeting with the other queens," she said softly, Alessia didn't need to be told twice and starts playing with the toys in the playpen, she played in there all evening, till......
end of chapter 9
what do you think happened next is there a not invited guest or is it one of the plushies from the garden tea party to come get Alessia to come back to the party??
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