The first night
I wake up with my head feeling like it got hit with a truck. I look at my surroundings and see i'm in some alley but it's not one i recognize. It's too clean and too wide. I've patrolled Gotham's streets for 20 years and I've made a mental map of the whole city and this isn't ringing any bells. After my head finally decided to stop hurting i took my grapnel gun and used it to get to a roof top and that's when it hit me.
"I'm not in Gotham anymore", i say out loud. I look out over the city in front of me and how it's not full of skyscrapers and run down buildings but full of well kept up buildings and no skyscrapers. I reach for my belt to get my device meant to call the justice league but i stop because i already know it's not going to work and why. I'm in another universe because of that bomb the joker made. The bomb was made by a star labs scientist who specialized in trying to find a way to travel between universes. Sadly, the joker thought of a way to use his knowledge for evil and chaos.
I hear a woman scream and instantly without hesitating i run to where the noise came from. I look into an alley where three men are cornering a woman trying to steal her purse. I glide down and because of the moon there's a shadow over the men and they turn around because of the sudden change of darkness. They look behind to see a what looked like a man dressed as a bat glide down and kick one of them into a wall.
"Who does this kid think he is?", one of the thugs asks
"I don't know, just get him", another answers
One comes at me with a kick but i grab his leg before he hits me and knee him in the groin that leaves him there to kneel in pain while i take care of the others. He moves to the other two and already both try to punch me but i dodge the punches and duck down then jump up grabbing both their heads and slam them to the ground knocking both out. The other runs but i take out my bat claw and grab him by the leg and pull him back. He turns over and sees me coming towards him. I see the fear in his eyes as he saw how i took out his friends. I grab his collar and put his face near mine intimidating him. He looks at me in fear and i grab his hand then brake it and he howls in pain. I then lift him up and grab his head then slam it into the wall. Even in other universes criminals are just as cowardly and low life as in mine.The whole time i forgot about the lady.
"You ok?", i ask without turning around.
"Yes, thank you", she says
I pull out my grapnel gun and zip away. When i get to the roof my mind goes back to what one of the guys said."Who does this kid think he is?", i quickly grab out a mirror from my utility belt and look into it and i'm shocked. I turn my head left and right and pull my cowl off. I'm younger, about 16 to be exact but my suit still fits me perfectly (I'll be using the batman suit from Arkham knight since it looks awesome). It must have been the bomb that made me younger and also must have made my suit shrink to fit me. I look out over the city but i notice a giant tower on a hill far from the city. I decide to head towards it thinking i might find the answers i need about this new universe. I begin to jump over rooftops but after awhile i realize this won't work. I look over to my right and see a motorcycle shop, perfect. I use my line launcher to get to the roof and i find a air duct big enough for me to enter. I go through the vent and find my way into the store. I drop down quietly and begin to look around. I find a nice black sports tour motorcycle and as i'm leaving i put down $600. Just in case i ever got stranded and i needed to ditch my suit i have a pouch with enough money to get me to any place i need and buy clothes to replace my suit to blend in. I walk to the door and walk out with the new motorcycle and drive to the tower. I like driving on a motorcycle It's nice to feel the wind and the speed and it's almost enough to make me forget what i do and why i do it. After about two minutes i come upon a forest but i don't stop but continue to drive through the forest and i come upon a cliff. I lay down the motorcycle by a tree and cover it with branches and twigs to hide it. I then grab my grapnel launcher and aim up the cliff and pull the trigger. After two second the hook finally reaches the top and i begin to ascend to the top. I walk towards a building keeping low and i turn on my detective vision and i look around to see tons of heat signatures but most are asleep. I decide to use the rooftops to make sure i don't be seen. I grapple up to the roofs and make my way to the tower. I make it to the tower and see that there's a door but i decide to take the long route so climb the tower using a mixture of my grapnel gun and my hands. I make it to the top and i quietly and stealthy enter the room without making a noise. I come up to the desk and begin to search it for information and then i touch the table and it lights up to show a holographic computer. I decide to bring out my cryptographic sequencer and see if it works on hacking it and sure enough it does. I download all the information i can then the elevator turns on and i quickly grapple up to the ceiling but stop mid air and use my line launcher to shoot a line to hang on. I stay there quietly watching the man come out of the elevator. I turn on my detective vision to see if there's any weapons on him but there's only one and it's his cane. I turn it off and look at my mysterious man. He has white hair with black spectacles, he wears a black suit with three gold buttons moving down and a green scarf, green under shirt,green pants and a green belt with golden buckle. He walks over to his desk and sits down and sighs and turns his seat looking out side.
"would you like to come down?", he suddenly asks
I'm shocked because most people can't see me and don't usually know i'm even in a room. He turns around and looks up but i'm already down behind him with my cape covering my arms and legs.
"So how did you know i was there?", i ask
He turns around quickly with shock but quickly hides it and looks at me up and down with curiosity. He walks over to his desk and turns on his computer and it shows a warning that it was hacked and information has been stolen.
"That's how", he says
"interesting", i said
"So, what are you doing here and what do you want? and why are you dressed as a bat?", he asks
I decide to lie."I'm new in town and i needed information on it so i came here to beacon tower and i'm dressed as a bat as an intimidation tactic", i said. I have my visor showing me important information to know and this included everything on where i'm at and lie about the true reason i dress this way.
"well i like your skills and i would like to offer you a place at my school", Ozpin says with a smile.
I think about this for a second but before answering i look at my options. I already know every single combat in the my universe and almost all it's knowledge and i'm in a different universe because of the joker and that means the joker could also be here. So i need a place to stay and make sure joker doesn't bring his chaos and murder spree to this world. I walk over and hold out my hand.
"I accept your invitation"
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