Fall of vale part 3:Let the finally begin
Ironwood's flagship (joker's point of view)
I can hear the screams and chaos outside and it sounds WONDERFUL. Soon our mutual friend Neo will let us go, but why wait. I take out a key card that i took off a guard as i was being taken away after the whole train incident, oh what fun that was. I reach out the window and slide the card through the scanner.
"Abracadabra, i'm free as a murderer,oh wait, i am one HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!", i say out loud. I go to a locker near my own cell and man am i going to miss it HAHAHA. I slide the key card and open the locker to find my jacket and weapons and torchwick's hat and cane (which i leave). I close the locker and put on my jacket and walk over to the desk in the room and sit in the chair.
"Ok troops, i need you all to do your best and cause as much........oh wait, that's the good guys job HAHAHAHA!!! sometimes i forget i'm insane", i say outloud
"Hey, why don't you let me out?", torchwick yells to me
"I don't want you to ruin my fun flame head", i answered. I spin my chair to find a giant window showing me the whole city running around in chaos, and i have to say....it.....was.....beautiful. Then i saw lights turn and saw that cursed bat symbol flying high in the sky which makes me guess he's thought of some new tricks to stop this but i don't want him to. If i had to guess he probably put some kind of fail safe into this ship to stop us from taking over the little robots down there. I turn back around to the desk and pull up the holographic computer but it's password protected, that's one way to ruin my fun. I hear yells and gunshots coming from outside the door and then there's a sudden silence and the door opens to show a women in a atlas officer outfit with pink hair and different colored eyes. I jump out of my chair in joy and run over to her and hug her.
"thank you for coming, you have the key i need to make sure this chaos doesn't stop", i say as i take the scroll with the codes to take over the ship without her noticing. I back away showing her the scroll as i walk back to the desk and i can hear a boot hitting the ground which means she's probably mad but who cares.
"If you want it back so much you could have just said so. Oh wait, hahahaha. sometimes i just kill myself with my jokes", i say to her. I sit back down in the chair and place the scroll on the table already hacking into the computer. I go through all the computer looking for any code added into the system and find a hidden one marked nightfall and i begin to laugh out loud historically so much i have to wipe a tear out of my eye. I look up for second to see that torchwick is out of his cell with his hat and cane.
"would you like to explain to us what your laughing about?", he says tipping his hat.
"batsy tried to stop part of our plan with a little computer program but guess what? he's not ruining my fun, HAHAHAHAH!!!", i say as i delete the program. I stand up and walk over to Neo and torchwick and wrap my arms around their necks leading them to the exit in a friendly manner.
"Let's go see the glorious chaos, shall we? HAHAHAHA!"
Beacon Academy (batman's point of view)
We all ran out of the arena after all the rest of the students called their lockers and got their weapons. As we walk out bullheads come in dropping off grimm of all kinds ursas and beowulfs mainly and to make things worse griffins were flying all over the skies. I run into the fray with the other students trying to protect the civilians still trying to evacuate the arena. I throw three normal batarangs into a beowolf about to claw at a middle aged woman with black hair wearing a bright yellow shirt with jeans. It stumbles back as i slide under it's legs and shoot my bat claw at it's foot pulling on it as i stand up tripping it. Next i ran up it's back and launched off it's back into the air and turned around putting my fists together and came back down hitting it's head into the ground killing it. I turn around to see the rest of the students have take care of the other grimm. I go to the edge of the arena to see what's going on in the city and i see more bullheads landing and dropping off more grimm and some dropping off white fang soldiers. I turn around to see a beowulf lunge at me and in defense i put my arms up and fall back as the beowulf tries to bite my face off getting closer and closer and as it's about to finally get me i hear a gunshot and look to my left to see ironwood with a magnum in his hand and with half his uniform torn showing another half of his body mainly robotic. I stand up and walk over to him as he takes out another beowulf with no problem. He stands there reloading his gun as the rest of the students form up around him to see what's the plan.
"You need to get to your ships and actually use them", i tell him but as i do i hear explosions go off and i see two of his ships get shot out of the sky by his.
"I would but it looks like it's been taken over by some criminals. I'll head to my flagship and try and take it back over", he says
"Ok, and i'll handle the real problem", i say walking away to the edge of the arena
"AND WHAT'S THAT?", i hear ruby yell. I Stop at the edge to answer her question.
"The ones who caused this", i answer as i jump off diving bombing to the academy. I pull up the tracker on my cowl to where cinder is and it says she's in the city so i'll make my way through beacon taking out as much white fang and grimm as i can until the others get down here to handle ground support. I'm about to hit the ground so i pull my cape up and hit the ground a little rough and i look up to see i landed in the middle of a group of white fang soldiers. They all point their guns and some get their swords ready to fight me. I stand up and get into a fighting stance and press the button on my gauntlet's hand to open a pouch on my belt releasing all of my smoker pellets. As they go off i turn my detective vision on and begin to take them down one by one. I take them down quick and easy by breaking bones, i grab one and break his arm then move onto the next and the next breaking either a leg or arm taking them down quickly. The smoke subsides and that's when bullets start flying and thanks to me there's rubble scattered around for me to take cover. I jump to cover but feel a bullet hit my leg before i get behind it. I grunt in pain and look at the wound to see it's only a flesh wound so that's good. I peak over the cover to see where the shooters are at but quickly put my head down to dodge incoming fire. I jump over my cover while throwing three batarangs knocking three the three shooters guns out of their hands. I run up to one about to throw a punch that i doge to the side and kick his kneecap in the other direction breaking it and leaving him in pain. Next i move to the other two, i jump into the air and dropkick one and quickly jump back up using my hands to kick the other right in the face knocking him out. The third one pulls out a handgun and pulls the trigger but because of my flesh wound i move slowly and get hit in the side of the chest and yell in pain. I take out a stun batarang and throw it at the last shooter electrocuting him unconscious. I move to another piece of cover before more soldiers find my position. I find one and jump over to a sitting down position and pull out one of my freeze charges and put it on the side of my chest where i got shot and push down to numb the pain. After i finished numbing the pain in my side i peek around the corner to see two guards with guns up looking for me or any civilians. I let them pass then come out of my cover to get behind them. I grab both their heads and slam them together knocking them out pilling on each other. I hear voices coming from behind me and i take out one explosive batarang to throw and turn around ready to throw it.
"WAIT!!!", yang yells stopping me from throwing the batarang. She looks worried as she see me and it's probably because of my wounds.
"what happened to you?", she asks
"I got shot and got grazed by a bullet while fighting some white fang", i answer. I walk past her heading to the cliff to glide down to the city.
"Where are you going? You can't go anywhere until you get those wounds patched up", she asks trying to stop me
"I'm going to the city and i'll live. I've suffered worse", i answer as i keep walking. She jump in front of me with her fists up ready to fight.
"Yang, get out of my way", i tell he
"No, you're going to die if you keep going like this", she says in a serious tone
"If i die doesn't matter, as long as the civilians can get out of here alive. Yang you can't stop me from what needs to be done. I'll keep going no matter how injured i am", i tell her. She stands there with some tears in her eyes and i walk past her without her trying to stop me.
"Just....promise me something. Please come back alive", she says. I stop and look up at the sky thinking about her question and i know i might not come back this time, today could be the day that the batman dies. So i tell her the truth because she doesn't deserve any more lies from me.
"I might not make it back this time yang, but i'll try my best to make sure i do", i promise her as i keep walking. I can hear gun fire and the noise of swords clashing and i look to my left to see a atlesian knight firing on a student behind cover, but that can't be possible i added a program in ironwoods ship that if there taken over they will shut down completely. Which mean that my programing has been deleted and only one man would think of me trying to do that, the joker. I look up into the sky to see that only ironwoods flagship is the only one in the sky and one other ship is slowly falling to the ground. That means torchwick and joker took over the ship....i need to get up there but if he took over the ship that means any ships i can use to get up there most likely crashed. I need to think of something else to use to get up there. I look around and i see a griffin dive downward to a unsuspecting student and i run straight to them and jump into the air tackling the griffin to the ground and i get a crazy idea. I take out my batclaw and smash the the side breaking the rotor and the claw goes slack i grab it with the other hand while holding the griffin in a headlock while having trouble, since it's not staying still, I let go for a moment and as it opens it mouth i pull the wire through it mouth and pull behind it's head and jump on it's back. I pull on the wire making the griffin put his front hoofs in the air like a horse and it settles down. I whip the cord making the griffing move and it began to fly through the air as i guided it to the ship and as we got over it i jumped off the griffin then glided slowly to the ship. As i landed i look up to see ruby fighting that girl from that night we fought the mech. I run towards them and tackle the girl fighting ruby and let go of her as we hit the ground and i roll out of the way. I stand up in a fighting stance to see her taking a picture with her scroll and taking a moment to write a text with it to send it to someone. She finishes it then gets back into her fighting stance but she doesn't make a move and neither does me and ruby. We stand there like a wild west mexican stand off waiting for someone to make the move until i feel a sharp pain in my shoulder that makes me stumble to the side. I reach to my shoulder to feel the hilt of a knife that i pull out and drop to the ground. I look over to see the joker with a wide grin on his face holding a switchblade knife in his hand and torchwick walking right next to him.
"Hey bats, like what i did with the place? HAHAHAHA!!!", the joker says. He pulls out a detonator and pushes the button setting off some explosives to the engines of the ship. He puts his hands in the air and does circles laughing maniacally.
"oooo, i finally get to see some chaos in person....and not that crummy cell", he says
"Why did you blow out the engines!?!?!", torchwick says with a freaked out look
"I literally just explained it kiddo", joker says with a straight face
"Now, shut up and let's fight hahahaha", the joker says as he lunges towards me. I dodge to the side as he tries to stab me then he slashes to the side to try and hit me again but i knock it to the side and kick him in the side. He rolls to the side but is able to recover and throw a throwing knife at me but i catch it with two fingers and throw it to the side. He jumps into the air as he has two hands on his knife ready to stab me but i catch his arm holding his arm back. He starts kneeing me in the stomach over and over again but i can't let go of his arms or he'll stab me so i drop back and kick the joker behind me. I stand up but fall on one knee with blood in my mouth, which means he must have broke a rib. I get back up and walk towards him but the ship moves suddenly making me fall to the side making me slide but the ship straightens out and i'm able to stand back up. I look over to where ruby is to see how she's doing and i see her getting hit constantly by torchwick's cane. I run towards him to stop him from beating ruby but i stop when a griffin lands behinds torchwick and suddenly eats him whole. I stop for a second to process what i just saw but in that moment i feel another pain in the back of my shoulder which makes me look behind to see the joker stabbing me in the back with another knife. I back kick the joker kicking him away from me while at the same time dislodging the knife from my shoulder. He runs at me again ready to deal a final blow but he misses as i dodge to the side then knee him in the stomach knocking the wind out of him. As he stumbles back i punch him in the face with a right hook then i kick him in the side of the leg breaking it and as a attempt to hit me i dodge his arm but grab it then push up under it breaking his arm. To finish him off i grab his jacket and pick him up then slam him face first into the ground knocking a couple of his teeth out. I hover over the jokers unconscious body with blood coming from my two knife wounds and my mouth. I walk over to ruby to see how she's doing as i drag the joker.
"You ok ruby?", i asks her
"Yeah, i'm good but what about you?", she says worried as she sees my wounds
"I'll make it, we need to get off this ship before it gets to the ground", i tell her. Ruby nods her head in agreement and runs to the edge and jumps off and i chase after her in fear but i soon realized my fear is misplaced as i watch ruby slowly descend to the ground using her sniper. I handcuff the joker's hands behind his back then i jump off the edge with the joker attached to my chest thanks to some extra wire i carry around and glide to the ground back to beacon academy. As i make it to the ground i see a atlas soldier fighting off some grimm. I walk up to him and he sees me as i throw the joker to him.
"watch him", i say as i use my grapnel gun to get to a roof. As i'm on top of the roof i see ruby with a group of civilians and team JNPR and then i hear a giant screech which makes me look to the top of beacon tower. I look to see a giant dragon like grimm wrapped around the tower look into it like it was looking at something. I run across the roof then motion myself to the edge and jump off using the roof to get momentum for me to glide toward the entrance of the tower. I walk straight in and look to find the elevator missing. I walk over to the entrance and look up to see the elevator crashing down. I jump away from the elevator door entrance to not get crushed by the shrapnel. I look back to see the elevator completely crushed but enough room for me to squeeze through the top to enter the shaft. I get through the hole and use my grapnel launcher with the booster to get to the top as quick as i can. I reach the top and climb over the edge to find pyrrha and cinder fighting. I jump into the fight kicking cinder away from pyrrha into ozpin's desk. She looks up to see me and she gets pissed shooting flames at me as i dodge all of them. I throw a ice cluster bomb which freezes her in place but she gets out of it by using her flames. As she distracted i see pyrrha run into her with her shield knocking her away back into ozpin's desk. Pyrrha goes back in for another attack with her shield but cinder back hands the shield out of her hands. Pyrrha goes for a slash with her sword but cinder catches it with her hands slowly burning it and as i see this i look out the window to see the dragon grimm flying towards us.
"Get down", i yell as i hit the deck. I hear the dragon tear completely through the building leaving debris scattered and pushing me away. I try to stand up but i'm pinned down with a clock gear. I look over to see cinder with a bow aiming a arrow at phyrra who's rushing her. Cinder shoots the arrow into phyrra's ankle making her fall in pain as the arrow broke by itself. Watching this filled me with anger that allowed me to have the energy to lift the clock piece off of me. I stand up to see cinder drawing another arrow which makes me draw a normal batarang and throw it at her bow making her shoot the arrow to the side missing phyrra.She looks over to me with fear and shock on her face as she sees me.
"you and me aren't done yet", i said with my fists up slowly walking up to her. She magically makes the bow disappear into ash as it goes to her back combining with her skin. She runs at me with a kick that i block with my arm and punch her in the chest and upper cut her making her stumble back. She comes back again with red eyes and punches me but i block but as i do with quick speed she kicks me twice in the chest then punches me in the stomach making me fly back into a clock piece but before i can fall she runs over and catches me by the throat and throws me into the ground sliding me all the way across to phyrra. I push myself up but feel a sharp pain in my leg and grunt in pain. I look behind me to see an arrow in my leg and cinder standing there with a smile. She twists the arrow and it makes me yell in pain and after she heard me yell she pulls the arrow out and walks behind me. I push myself up again and flip myself so i'm on my back and try to get up which i do into a sitting position. I look up to see cinder with anger in her eyes with a bow with a arrow drawn ready to fire.
"Why do you keep fighting?!?!", she asks with anger
"Because i made a promise. I will never stop fighting until the day i die", i answer with my teeth gritted with pain. She pulls the arrow back ready to fire and right when she lets go i see gold and red jump in front of me. I look over to the direction and see pyrrha on her knees with a arrow in her arm. Cinder walks over and looks down at pyrrha as she looks up and i hear her say.
"Do you believe in destiny?", she asks cinder
"Yes", cinder responds with a straight face. She forms her bow again with a arrow and aims it at pyrrha then shoots the arrow, piercing her heart. Before she falls over cinder catches her by her head then pyrrha turns into ash and is blown away with the wind. I hear someone yell pyrrha name and i look to see who shouted and i see ruby who's hunched over then looks up with a pure white energy coming from her eyes that circled everywhere and i shielded my eyes with my cape. After the glow stopped i moved my cape from my eyes and see ruby stumble back and fall off the edge of the tower. I limp run to the edge and jump off with my arms spread and i dived trying to reach ruby. I reach out and grab her and pull out my grapnel launcher shooting it at the top of the tower making me stop suddenly almost mere inches away from the ground which dislocated my arm. We fall together to the ground and i spin to put ruby on my chest as we hit the ground with my back. I sit up for a second and grab my arm taking deep breaths and suddenly push my arm in relocating it. I pick up ruby bridal style to where the others are and everybody looks at me bloody and beaten with ruby in my arms. I set ruby down so the others can help and i fall on one knee and then fall over in pain. I feel a hand grab my arm and put it over there neck and i look to see who it is and it's john who apparently was crying and i didn't need to be a detective to figure out why. He sets me down up against a crate of medical supplies. I look at the crowd and they see me all gasping and wondering what happened to their protector and why did he fail them. I look over to my left to see a 7 year old boy staring at me and he has a water bottle in his hand which he looks at and then looks at me. He walks over and shows me the water bottle which is half empty.
"You need it more then me", the boy says. I take the water bottle and drink it all. The boy looks at me and then hugs me with tears in his eyes. I look up to see a woman very familiar until i remember who she is, she was one of the civilians i saved at the arena. She walks up and bends down brushing the boys hair on my chest.
"You saved my life and thanks to you i was able to see my son again", she says with tears in her eyes
"It's ok mam, it's what i do", i say in response. Her son gets off me by his mother picking him up and as they walk away i see that the boy had a toy in his hand and it was of me. I look around seeing all the civilians ready to be picked up so they can leave and i see one on a sleeping bag with big golden hair missing a arm. I use the box behind me as support to get up and i take a step and fall immediately. I try to pick myself up but fall again i lay there for a bit until i feel a arm pick me up and let me use them as a crutch and I look to see who it is this time and it's ren. He leads me to where i was heading which means he knows what i wanted to see. He walks me over to where i saw the girl and i look down to see yang with a missing arm passed out from exhaustion. I tap ren's shoulder letting him know i don't need his help anymore. He lets me stand and i turn toward the cliff slowly walking to it that i'm at the edge.
"Ren, i need to go now", i tell him
"Why leave? there's still things that need to be done here", ren says
"You guys can handle that. I need to get back to work tracking down the people who caused this because there is no way cinder could have organized this whole thing by herself along with mercury and emerald", i say looking at the city of vail burning.
"But your wounds, you need medical treatment", ren says with concern. I turn my head looking at ren with a straight face.
"I'll heal later. Tell ruby i'll see them another time", i say as i jump off the edge and glide to the city. As i'm gliding i press a button on my gauntlet calling my motorcycle to me. I see it and i glide towards it landing on it and driving off into the night out of vale. I get to a certain distance that i stop and slide my bike sideways so i can look at vale one last time before i leave. After taking in the view i drive outside the city all the way not stopping until i made it to far away to a city nearby to get a boat ride to atlas. It's time i came back as a new man, mat died tonight and bruce wayne lives tomorrow.
The next day in Ruby and Yang's home (third person point of view)
Ruby wakes up confused since she remembers being at beacon and not in her room back at her home in signal. She looks around and then the door opens as her father walks in and drops his tray in shock that rubies awake. He runs to the side of her bed holding her hand.
"What.....happened?", she asks him with concern
"You passed out after fighting the ones who attacked the school, and.....you fell off of beacon tower", he says hesitating
"WHAT?!?! but who caught me and stopped me from falling?"
"It was the batman, everyone saw you falling and another figure jumped too right after you to try and catch you and he succeeded", he explains
"What about yang?", ruby asks with concern
"She's.....going to need some time to adjust", he says with worry in his voice
"Why did they do it dad?", ruby says with some tears in her eyes
"I don't know kiddo.....i don't know. You get some rest now and your uncle will be in here when he gets here", he answers. He walks to the door about to leave but as he leaves he stops for a second.
"If you need anything, just call me", he says as he closes the door and behind the door is batman.
(Batman's point of view)
"A.....", ruby says as her mouth is covered with my hand. I put up a finger to my mouth to tell her to b quiet and she nods in response.
"I came to see if you two were ok", i tell her
"We're....just adjusting. By the way is that a new look?"
"My last suit got destroyed and it was the only one i had and i couldn't repair it because i don't have the parts needed. I feel like i failed vale", i answer her.
"You didn't fail it mat, you helped it at its darkest hour to the extent that you almost died", she say in a comforting voice
"Ruby i think it's time you knew my real name. I used matches malone as a cover so the joker wouldn't find me until i was ready to make my role in my universe the same in this one. My real name is bruce wayne", i tell her. She looks at me with a huge smile on my face which is weird because she was just sad and mopey.
"I knew your name couldn't be mat. You just didn't seem like a mat", she says with a smile
"you never cease to amaze me ruby rose. I have to go but before i leave i have to complete a promise", i say as i walk to the door exiting her room. I'm about to grab the door when i hear someone walking down the hallway and i press up against the wall not opening the door and i put my finger to my mouth telling her to be quiet. The door opens as a man with a grey and black shirt with black cape and jeans enters and he doesn't notice me as he walks in and before the door shuts i slip through. The door shuts behind me and i go down the hallway a bit and enter into another room quietly without making a noise and i see yang looking out the window not noticing me.
"How you doing?", i ask as she jumps a bit and see me. She get out of her bed and hugs me with some tears in her eyes.
"I thought you died", she says. I hug her back comforting her.
"I'm ok, i kept my promise", i tell her. She looks up with tears in her eyes and she steps back for a second wiping a tear away.
"I like your new suit", she comments with a fake smile
"Thanks, i came here to see how you guys are doing?", i ask. She looks at her stump where her arm use to be.
"It's not going well for me. I've lost my arm and my confidence", she says sitting down on her bed with a sigh.
"It'll be ok, don't worry", i tell her comforting her. I hear more footsteps coming from the hallway.
"I'm sorry but i have to go, someone's coming", i tell her as i walk to her window about to leave when i'm stop.
"Don't stop what you're doing", yang says. I look back at her and look away and nod and jump out the window as the door opens. I walk to my motorcycle nearby and get on it and look back at the house and look down at my chest thinking about what it means and what it's done. I kick up the kickstand and rev up the engine. Then i say to myself.
"This isn't an ending, it's only the beginning"
To be continued......
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