Fall of Vale part 2:Why do we fall?
I've dropped off my uniform into my locker and i head to team RWBY's dorm to check on yang. As i'm about to walk into their room the door instantly opens and ironwood walks out. He looks at me with a straight face for and keeps walking but stops for a second and turns around to look at me again.
"Have we met before?", he asks
"No, i don't believe we have", i lie. This is the first time that we've met without me in my uniform and it's nice to know he doesn't know it's me. I walk into the dorm and see that yang's crying as she's looking at blake. I quietly shut the door and stand against the wall to hear this out.
"you....really believe i could do that?", yang aks blake with tears
"It's not that. It's just i knew someone who use to be so nice....but things kept happening and he kept making excuses to make up for it. I want to believe you.....but you have to look me in the eye and say you didn't do it", blake answers
"I didn't do it", yang answers with a serious tone. That's when i decide to budge in and let yang know what really happened. If anybody deserved to know what happened it's her.I pull out my scroll and pull up the video and walk over to yang and show it to her. She looks at me confused but then looks at the video which is on a loop. Her eyes widen as she watches the video for five consecutive loops and drops the scroll.
"What's the matter yang", asks ruby confused and concerned. I pick up my scroll and hand it to ruby.
"When you're done, pass it to the others", i say. I go back to my spot for five minutes as each watch the video and weiss is the one who seems angry. She stands up and throws the scroll at me but i catch it right in front of my face.
"why didn't you show this to ironwood?!?!", she yells at me
"Two reasons, he'll find out i'm batman, and i'm not exactly on his good side, and i had to let it happen", i say. After i said that there dead silent and stare at me with shock and some anger.
"You knew this was going to happen?", yang asks standing up. I didn't bother to lie to her, because like i said she deserves to know.
"Yes", i say. They all look at me with anger and shock but only one doesn't have that look and it was ruby.
"WHAT?!?!", blake yells as she runs at me. She throws a punch but i dodge to the side and grab her arm and push her against the wall twisting her arm so she can't do anything.
"Let me explain, there has been a secret group trying to bring down vale. They tried once by destroying the tunnel with the train allowing grimm to enter the city but they failed. I've been spending weeks trying to figure out their plan but came up with nothing. One night i got desperate, and went to ironwood's flagship to interrogate the joker myself. He gave me the information i needed and it also made me able to set up counter measures for when there plan starts. I needed to do one thing first, that was to let part of their plan happen and it involved making them make you look bad", i tell them. They all stare at me with mixed emotions and there's a complete silence. I hear rain falling outside and it makes me think about the time i was little and visited my parents grave after i came back from traveling the world. The silence is broken by ruby asking a question.
"How do you do this?". I'm confused by her question but i can tell she's serious.
"How do i do what?", i ask her
"How are you able to lie and be so calm when you know something bad will happen?", she asks with tears. I know this is serious because it takes a lot to make ruby cry.
"I've had experience doing this for years and i've learned how to do it. I don't like to lie to those who i care about but i have to to make sure they stay safe", i answer truthfully. She still looks sad and i decide that's my time to leave. I walk out but before i can i feel a hand on my arm and turn around to be punched out the door. I land into the wall and slide down, i wipe my mouth and look to see that there's blood on my hand. I look up to see yang with her red eyes and i stand up and look at her.
"How dare you not help me. If i was your friend then you would have stopped them and i wouldn't be in this mess. Don't ever come back until you can "properly" apologize", she says as she slams the door. I stand up and i can hear them arguing about yang's reaction. Some think she over reacted and some think she was right but the one person taking my side surprisingly the most is ruby. I decide to listen to them talk about me for awhile longer until i hear ruby talking about going to see pyrrha fight penny. When i heard that i ran to my locker room while sending a text to ruby, since she's the only one who will listen to me right now, to get to the arena because pennies in trouble. Pyrrha has a semblance that allow her to control polarity and penny is a humanoid robot. I came upon the information when i hacked the ironwood's ships files to make sure that they don't have any special weapons that the white fang can get there hands on when i came across a file that involved penny. I bet cinder set them up against each other so she can have emerald make another illusion to make pyrrha use her semblance on penny maker her short circuit or destroy penny. As i get out of the building i run straight to the locker room to get my suit and as i make it there i feel my scroll buzz. I open my locker and answer my scroll to see ruby texted "i'm on my way". I put on my suit as quick as i can and run out of the building and head toward a ship heading to the arena. I make it inside and everyone is staring at me and most are snapping photos. The ship takes off but it's moving too slow so i move through the ship and find a hatch with a ladder leading to the top. I climb up the ladder and head outside of the ship and wait for it to get closer to the arena so i can use my grapnel launcher. The ship finally reaches the right distance and i pull out my grapnel launcher and shoot it onto a ledge and as i'm ascending i use the booster to ascend quicker. I get to the top and roll to keep my momentum so i can run without stopping. I enter the stadium and run through the hallways and as i'm running i can see the match through some tv's and as i'm running i hear what sounds like gunshots. I follow the gunshots to a door and i kick it down to see ruby fighting mercury. I run straight at them and jump into the air and kick mercury away. He rolls for a bit but regains his balance and slides for a bit.
"Go, i'll handle this", i tell ruby. She runs and mercury gets up and i throw three batarangs by his feet to stop him and ruby gets past.
"You not done here", i tell him. He launches up at me to kick me but i block with with my arm but as he hits my arm he uses his boot to boost off me. I stumble back but regain my stamina as he comes back for another kick which mises me because i dodge to the side. As i dodge to the side i grab his leg and spin him straight into a wall. He slams against it and slides down and i attack by punching him but he rolls to the side. I take my hand back leaving a dent in the concrete wall which actually leaves a frightened look on his face. I take out my batclaw and shoot it at mercury grabbing his jacket on his chest and pull him towards me as i close hang him and before he falls i elbow him in the chest to the ground. He hits the ground hard and rolls in pain but before he can stand up i grab him with both hands by his jacket and i hit him in the head with my cowl knocking him out. I stand up and then i hears screams and shouts coming from the arena. I run down the hallway and see the exit and i turn the corner to see ruby on the ground crying and i look out onto the field to see penny in pieces and pyrrha in front stunned.
"I...couldn't...", ruby says in between sobs. I walk to ruby and kneel down next to her putting a hand on her shoulder.
"This wasn't your fault ruby. It was mine, i should have known they would have rushed there plans and It was a rookie mistake", i said with my head down
"You didn't know......the....lengths they would go", ruby says still crying. I finally look up to see the screens turning red and playing a video. The video plays for about three minutes talking about how our trust has been misplaced and we should ask ourselves "who can we trust?" and then a nevermore comes over the arena scaring the crowd and making them run away.looks like it's time to start operation nightfall. I stand up and take out my gauntlet and a hologram pops up with controls for every tv in vale and controls to the airships. I press one button taking over the tv's all over vale including one's in the arena and i play my own video. The screen fizzes out to red with a black chess piece to my symbol of a bat.
"Citizens of vale, this is the batman. I have risked my life for this city and i will not let it fall and fail the citizens. Tonight, i am the law and i will protect the city from siege but i can not do it alone. I will need help from the huntsmen and huntresses and even the atlas military. I need you the people to stay calm and trust the people who will lead you to safety. This is only the night before the dawn and if you are the one's who have caused this, i have a message.....i'm coming for you", the screen says as it cuts out. Search lights all over the city turn showing a giant bat symbol in the sky. I walk out into the middle of the stadium where pyrrha is and i can hear ruby behind me following. I take out a experimental batarang that i've been keeping on my belt for emergencies. This batarang is highly explosive and meant for breaching because i infused red dust into it with explosives built into it and i've still been tinkering with it to work out the bugs like the explosives built in it not going off and since the explosion can be so big i put a five second delay time when throwing it into something or setting it on something for safety purposes. The nevermore breaks through the barrier of the arena and lands making a huge screeching noise and as it's taking it's time sitting there i throw the batarang at it's neck sticking it. Five.....four......three.....two.......and one, BOOM the nevermore's head is blown off killing it. It falls to the ground and turns into black smoke. I continue to walk over to pyrrha who's still kneeling in the middle and she looks up with tears.
"I...didn't know. I'm so sorry", she says
"This wasn't your fault, people made sure this would happen", i tell her
"but i should have knew. I've failed ruby and my friends", she says still with tears in her eyes
"There was a question my father asked me one day when i fell down a well. I was a curious child and i learned that i wasn't alone down there. There was a small hole and i yelled into it and heard the echo of my voice and i laughed because i found it interesting, but then a bunch of bats flew through and surrounded me. They bit me a few times and surrounded me until they left the way i came in. I curled up on the ground afraid to look up and i was helpless and i felt like i was there for days. My father soon came and repelled down with some mountain climbing gear and he asked me a certain question that i will always remember to this day", i tell her. She looks up at me wiping a tear away.
"What was that question?", she asked
"Why do we fall? what do you think the answer is to that question?", i asked. She stares at the ground thinking for a minute and i can hear more footsteps which causes me to look around to see the rest of team JNPR running towards us but i tell signal them to stop with my hand. I look back at pyrrha and she looks up again after thinking about answering my question.
"i don't know the answer", she says. I hold my hand out and she look at it then takes it and i pull her up.
"So we can learn to pick ourselves up"
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