Detective work
I can't find anything!!! I've been watching news feed and checking every kind of news and media and even asking the local scum about a man or kid who looked like a clown and nothing's matching the jokers M.O. for the past 3 nights. Also with going out at night i've helped with the crime and helped try to find this guy named Roman Torchwick who i found out works with the a terrorist group called the white fang and i've been also paying attention to their movements as well, i can't make the mistake of leaving a threat alone and what's weird with them is that most activity had been in vale which is worrying me. Torchwick could help me find the joker since he technically runs vale's criminal underworld. The joker would have killed someone by now or try to draw me out for attention or looking for me since i've been on the news lately and in the newspapers. I check the time and it's 8:00 AM and classes begin in one hour but i need to find him and at the same time i need to keep up my charade of being a normal student. I decide to get dressed into my uniform and out of my pajamas. I decide to wash up also and i notice i'm starting to grow a beard but i still don't shave because i'll be fine and then i take out a pair of contacts and put them in. Instantly they begin to turn on.i figured out way to bring the batcomputer with me without wearing my batsuit. I invented a pair of contacts that work like the eyes in my cowl and once they were done running a analysis and making sure everything was working i head out. As i lock the door with my scroll and right when i turn around i'm tackled to the ground. I look up to see Ruby with her team following close behind her.
"good morning ruby", i say casually
"morning matt!!", she screams. I push her off me and stand up and brush myself off. We begin to head to our first class which is history and i could learn alot from that class. We finally make it to the class and the teacher zips over almost as quick as the flash with a thermos in his hand. I've already scanned it the first time i've met him to see what he drinks but it turns out it's only coffee LOTS of coffee.
"good morning matt" says professor oobleck. I've been taking the history class very important and apparently it has gotten the attention of the professor He's actually very impressed with how well i've already learned everything and can memorize everything. I have to give my photographic memory to that.
"Morning professor", i say back before he zips off. throughout the whole class he was talking about the Faunus wars and i've decided to take a full hour one night to learn everything about the race, including their weaknesses. With these in mind i get another point of view with history. I can relate to the faunus. After my parents death i was treated differently not just because i was rich but because i was odd after my parents death. I was extremely antisocial and was always reading a book and learning something new that would later help me in my crusade. After about 30 more minutes the bell rings and i head to combat class with Ruby's team. I've sort of befriended them. During the day in my free time and i'm not looking for the joker i spend my time talking and training with them but also at the same time i've learned there weaknesses for future reasons. I find a seat away from the front row and i wait for the first match. Mrs.glynda goodwitch who i met on my first actual day here but didn't know her name. The spinner lands on me and Yang and i'm already thinking of a way to beat her. Also ironically she's been wanting to fight me for curiosity. She jumps up with a happy screech.
"Is everything ok mrs. xiao long?", Glynda asks. She puts her hands down and rubs her head in embarrassment.
"Ok you both can....where did matt go?". Everyone looks at where i was sitting and then look at seat then back onto the arena to find me fully suited up and ready to fight with my cape covering my arms and legs. They all are a little freaked out but yang who actually looks more intrigued then freaked out. She heads to the locker rooms while i stand there waiting and still planing on a way to beat yang. I pull up her stats and videos i took with my contacts. Yang has a semblance that absorbs hits and adds to her strength which reminds me of superman with sunlight but hers includes getting hit over and over again but when she uses this she can be put into a state of anger which can cause mistakes. She also uses a boxing fighting style with some kicks but mostly boxing so i decide to use taekwondo and savate since they mostly specialize in kicks. I check my inventory quickly too and find out i only have one explosive batarang and five normal and only a couple of smoke pellets and other gear that can be used constantly. I pop up my aura levels also which i found out one day i actually do have too like everyone else. i guess it's another side effect of being transported to this universe. Yang finally comes out and she's already in a boxing stance ready to strike. I already know how her weapons work. There like my gauntlets but every time she throws a punch a concussive blast is shot out like a shotgun so every time she throws a punch i need to keep her hands from pointing at me. She has twelve shots in each gauntlet which means she has twenty four shots in all so i'll be spending most my time on a defensive with using keysi to waste her shots and possibly end this quickly. I get into a keysi stance and wait for the match to begin.
"Where's your weapon?", she asks confused
"Don't need one", i answer
"alright, your loss", she says taunting me
She comes at me fast with quick and goes for a hit to the chest but i just step to the side and block her punch away from me and i hear the bang. Ok, one down twenty three to go. She goes for a barrage of punches but i simply stand to the side when needed and block her punches making sure they don't point towards me. She goes for another punch and i grab her arm still keeping it away from me and throw her to the other side of arena. I stand there and she tries to shoot me from a distance with her gauntlets but all i hear is the familiar click of a gun with no ammo.
"Your out of shots", i tell her. She tries take out some shells but before she can even uload her shells already in her gauntlets i'm already running towards her. She tries to throw a punch but i dodge to the side and she almost hits my head i grab her arm holding it in place then kick her in the left side of her rib cage with my left leg and again on the other side with my right leg. I kick her away and pull out my batclaw and grab her by her jacket and pull her up and i close hang her then elbow her to the ground. She rolls away before i can land another punch on her stomach and all that left was a crack in the ground. She pulls out two chains of shotgun shells and throws them in the air but i grab two batarangs and throw them at the chains before they fall down so she can reload. I come at here again intent to end this now. I knee her in the stomach then as she's hunching over i elbow her in the head knocking her in the ground and then i pick her up and use my cape to stun her then i hit her with a barrage of punches and to finish it off i head butt her and she stumbles back as she looks up i jump up in the air and kick her in the face and she's launched into the air and lands on the ground. I get a chance to look at the screen and see that her aura is at the edge of the yellow zone which isn't surprising to me. I also check mine and see i'm a little below green but i'm fine. She's not getting up but i still stay in my fighting stance because i'm not taking any chances espec.....Wait, i hear her heartbeat and i see her smiling but i'm not actually looking at her and also why do i feel strange. Then i realize it, i do have a semblance and apparently it's echo location like a bat. I quickly put that new found information aside and focus on the task at hand. She finally stands up and i wait for her to strike and she stands up and turns around with a smile on her face and red eyes. So she's activated her semblance, this is going to get interesting. With amazing speed she comes at me and gets one lucky shot across my face and i'm launched across the floor and i hit the boundary line but i still stand up.
"Have enough?', she asks with a smirk
"Please, i've gotten bigger hits from bane"
"Whose bane?", she asks with confusion. I throw a smoke pellets toward her and she's covered with smoke and i turn on my detective vision to see through the smoke. I run into the confusion and see her looking around trying to see where i'm at. I decide to use pressure points to end this quickly and scare tactics. I run around her purposefully make a noise to make her turn around and throw a random punch hoping to hit something. That's when i decide to strike. I quickly grab her left arm and hit the radial nerve and quickly vanish into the smoke and i can already see her arm go limp and she's shocked and her heart rate has also increased. I go for the last one but she sees me and tries to hit me but i dodge to the side and stab her radial nerve making her other arm go limps. The smoke subsides and i stand five feet away from her standing there looking at her slouched over with two arms still that can't even be used. I look over to mrs.goodwitch hoping she ends the match and then i look at the screen and see that yang's aura is only halfway to being in the red. I take one step towards but i'm suddenly stopped.
"Stop, the match has ended", says mrs.goodwitch. I continue to walk forward up to yang and hear mrs.goodwitch telling me to stop but i keep walking and grab one of yang's arm and hit a special nerve that can undo the limp i caused and then i do the same with the other. She moves her arms and has a look of shock.
"wow, that didn't even hurt and how did you do that and know that?", she asks amazed
"Let's just say i've gone under some very special training", i answer. When i was training with the league of assassins they trained me to learn every single pressure point of the human body. I use this in combination with martial arts to stun or stop my enemies without having to throw a single punch.
"Sadly that is all we have today. So class dismissed", Mrs.goodwitch says. I run by the locker room to drop off my gear but i keep my gauntlets. I look through my belt to see what else i need to make more of. I still have one explosive batarang and three shock ones and one smoke pellet. I really need to find some supplies to make some more but sadly i don't have the money and resources i once had. As i'm leaving i see yang and i think i owe an apology, so i walk up to her.
"I'm sorry by the way for disabling your arms", i say to her
"You kidding? that was awesome!!! i can't wait to see you in the Vytal festival tournament", she says with a huge smile
"You're not mad at all?"
"Of course i am and i can't wait to try and beat you in the tournament. I'm just impressed is all and at least you fixed them too"
"Good, i'll see you later", i say as i leave. I check the time and it's 4:00 PM so i decide to hit my investigation early. I begin to walk to my dorm and as i'm passing team RWBY's room i overhear their conversation and stop when i hear white fang and roman torchwick.I stop and stand by the door overhearing their conversation.
"I thought that class would never end", i hear blake say
"Ok guys today's the day, that the investigation.....begins!!!", Ruby says as i think she jumps down from somewhere
"I'm glad to see that we're taking this so seriously", weiss says in a judgment tone
"Hey, we got a plan. That's...moderately serious", yang says
"Right, everyone remember their roles?", Ruby asks
"You and I will head to the CCT to check the schnee records for any other dust robberies or inconsistencies. Seeing as i'm in the family it shouldn't be a problem", weiss says proudly
"The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If i can get in....I can hopefully find out what they're planning", Blake says
"I have an old friend on the shady part of town that typically knows EVERYTHING going on in vale. Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard", yang says
"great, we'll meet up with yang to go over what we find", Ruby says. I leave after that and think about the information i over heard. I decide to follow Blake since i might be able to get something out of it rather than following Weiss or Yang. Especially yang since i've already interrogated her friend about torchwick and she's not going to be happy when she doesn't get the information she wants. I hear them coming and i run to my dorm and dive into it before they can see me. I peak out my door and see them leaving. I head to my window and jump out at the same time popping out my scroll and call my locker. It lands right in front of me and i open it and suit up. I see them heading to the ships to get to vail i chase after them. I make it to the landing area but i let the ship leave without me. Once it leaves i run after it and jump off the landing area and glide to the ship heading to vail. I land on the top and wait for it to land but at the same time i pop up the hologram from my gauntlet and check all white fang activity in the area and any other news and one news channel catches my attention. I pull it up and talks about how a military train was hijacked caring new military prototype equipment. Joker could have helped that and i've got a feeling that the white fang were the ones who hijacked that train. I begin checking other news channels for more information for the rest of the trip. We finally land and i turn off my gauntlets hologram. I go to the edge of the ship and see team RWBY split up. I use my grapnel gun to get to a nearby rooftop and begin to trail Blake and another guy who's with her. I pull up my facial recognition and when he turns to tell blake something a file pops up. His name is Sun Wukong, uses nunchucks that are also pistols and combine to make a staff and his semblance makes clones made of light that can fight for him and take hits for him if necessary.
2 hours later
After following them for two hours and watching them look for the meeting place they finally find it. I go to the roof and find an entrance to the building and i find a air vent big enough for me to enter.I pop open the vent and enter it, i have a small moment of free fall and then i land on a intersection of vents. I crawl through the vents finding a place to exit. I finally find one and i pop it off and set it to the side and i peek out and there's a balcony below me but there's a guard. I turn on my detective vision and wait for him to pass by. After three minutes he walks past my vent and i drop down and come behind him and put him in a choke hold and choke him until he goes limp and unconscious. I set his body down lightly so i don't make too much noise and head to the end of the balcony. I look down to see what looks like 100-120 white fang members and about 20 new joiners and i see two cat ears and i notice that it's Blake. I never knew that she was a faunus and now that i think about it it actually makes sense because i do recall see her bow move at some moments. I brush that away and think about the task at hand, i look around for a good vantage point to look over the meeting and i find one. I use my line launcher to reach it. As i reach my vantage point i turn on my detective vision but all i see is static and i look around and see a warning symbol. I turn off my detective vision and i already know why my detective vision was acting up. There's a jammer and only one person would think to add one and that's the joker. He has to be close by. I look down and see roman on stage giving a speech about the robots they stole but then something catches my attention.
"I can supply these to all of you but sadly we have a unwanted rodent trying to stop you", he says. I already know who he's talking about, me. They all look around in confusion and some looked pissed.
"I'm not talking about any of you of course. I'm talking about the batman", he says. Might as well show myself now. I glide forward and dive bomb down into the crowd. I stay crouched as everyone looks frightened and back off and i slowly rise like a phantom in the night. Some guards come up with guns and point them at me and i'm surrounded.
"Well,well,well, you do exist. I thought the clown was just crazy when he said there was a man dressed as a bat but here he is", he says with a smirk.
"So you are working with joker then?", i ask
"Oh yes, when i told him our plans he was so happy because he just...KNEW you would try and stop us", he says smiling.
"Turn yourself in know and i promise you'll leave her with only a few broken bones", i say with intimidation as i crack my knuckles. He stares at me with amusement and i notice a girl right next to him with a umbrella. I decide to do a quick scan of there weapons. Roman's cane is a gun and also has a detachable part on the top of the cane that can shoot out and the mysterious girls umbrella has a hidden knife built into it.
"wow, you are crazy. I don't know if you noticed but you're surrounded by armed and unarmed soldiers", he says
"By the time we begin there won't be that many", i say. I throw down a smoke bomb and turn on my detective vision. In quick succession i take down the armed thugs and then i hear a gunshot and the sound of a fuse box breaking. Which means that the lights are out. After breaking the arm of one of the armed thugs i see roman torchwick getting into it and i decide to retreat because i don't have the firepower i need to take that thing down. I head to a nearby window but before i jump threw it i quickly tap a button on my gauntlet. As i jump out i hear another crash and look up to see black and sun also jumping out of a window. I run after them and i hear the roar of a motorcycle engine, looks like my ride's here. It drives up close by and i jump onto it and continue to follow blake and sun on bike but i hear a giant clunking noise and i look behind me to see the mech suit chasing me. I speed up trying to stay ahead of it but it still chases me and i end up being chased all the way to a highway. I look ahead to see Weiss and she stabs her sword into the ground creating a sheet of ice. I pull my bike to the side so i don't hit here but i end up slipping and the bike and me go over the side along with the mech. I jump off the bike and use my cape to slowly descend to the ground. As i reach the bottom team RWBY are all together. I stand up but hear something big land behind me and i turn around to see what it is and of course it's the mech. i walk over to team RWBY.
"You owe me a new bike by the way", i say to weiss
"I'll buy you a new one when we were done", she says as she rolls her eyes.
"Freezer burn!", Ruby yells. Weiss makes another sheet of ice as yang jumps up in the air. Yang comes down punching the ice and creating a thick fog. The mech walks around using lasers to try and find us. Rwby foes for a slash.
"Checkmate", she says. Weiss and blake go in slashing at it's legs and i jump on it and spray some explosive gel and then jump off as it shoots missiles at blake. I look over at balke and she's standing on some kind of glyph and she slashes at the missiles cutting them in half and making them explode.
"Lady bug", ruby shouts. Her and blake begin to cut at it's feet and then blake gets a good slash at it's arm tearing it off. The Ruby lands near me frustrated. Yang jumps on its back and begins to keep punching it over and over again. The mech jumps back into a pillar and then walks off and turns around and punches yang threw the concrete.Yang stands up obviously pissed and mad. Roman goes for a punch but she blocks it with her bare hands. Then counters with a punch that shatters it's only remaining arm. Roman then kicks her away.
"Bumblee", ruby shouts. Blake throws her gun with a ribbon attached to it and yang catches it as blake spins her.
"We need to slow it down", she says
"And how do you suppose we do that?", she asks
"Like this", i answer as i push a detonator exploding the gel and the mech stumbles abit
"Ice flower", ruby shouts. Weiss three glyphs in front of Ruby and rub using her weapons sniper rifle form shoots five shots into them that then proceed to hit the mech freezing it in place. yang continues to spin around building up velocity by using her gauntlets to propel herself more. Then with one single punch she tears apart the mech suit leaving roman rolling out of it. He stands up brushing the dust off. Yang fires a shot but the lady i saw in the warehouse drops down blocking the shot with her umbrella. As she moves it up and places it on her shoulder she has a smile.
"Ladies, batman, ice queen, always a pleasure.Neo if you would", he says with a salute. Neo bows but stays in that position. yang runs at them the same time i throw a batarang and both my batarang and Yang's punch hit them breaking them into glass. Damn, they got away. I begin to walk off but then am suddenly stop.
"And where do you think your going? you have some explaining to do. Like why were you following us and also where do you really come from? I looked everywhere for a matches malone or mat but i can't find not even a birth certificate with your name on it", weiss asks. I stop and turn around and i suddenly know that there's no way i can talk my way out of this.
"fine....i'm from a different universe"
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