I hear beeping and i wake up to see i'm in a hospital room and i wonder why i'm here then i remember my encounter with emerald and the illusion. It must have been such a huge mental strain that it made me lose consciousness because of how much my brain was worked. My eyes look at the room and it seems very simple. There's one side table with some machines right next to me keeping an eye on my vitals and i can see my uniform folded up on a chair and i wonder why it's there when it should be back in my locker then i look down at my bed to see a sleeping ruby. She's right on top of my legs so very slowly i moved my legs from under her to not wake her up. I get up and quietly put on my uniform while searching it for anything out of the ordinary and i find something under one of the pouches of my belt. I grab it and take it off and it looks like a bug and tracker so i can give them a message.
"nice try", i say as i break it with two fingers. I finish putting my suit on and decide to take the window out because i can't leave the city of vail unprotected at night. Villains might like to work in the shadows and at night but that's my domain. Before i leave though i write a note to ruby for when she wakes up and stick it to the side table with a batarang. I jump out the window and glide to a nearby rooftop and turn on my police scanner to listen to any crime happening nearby and one catches me. Two blocks away from my position a silent alarm was triggered and i think i'll take care of this. I jump over the rooftops till i hear the silent alarm and see a sunroof that i can enter from but stop and hide behind a chimney and look around the corner to see one of the thieves armed with a small side arm guarding the window. I throw my sonic batarang by a nearby chimney and wait for him to get close. He hears the noise and holds up his gun and comes to the chimney and takes the batarang off the wall looking at it confused. I press a trigger on my belt and the batarang exploded knocking out the guard. I use my line launcher to get across and jump off and look down the window to see only three guys emptying out the giant safe. I drop down but use my grapnel gun to perch on a gargoyle before i hit the ground. I traverse gargoyle to gargoyle with the grapnel gun till i'm above the thug guarding the outside of the safe and hang from the gargoyle. I suddenly drop down and grab the thug and attach a rope to his leg and perch back up on the gargoyle leaving him to hang by his leg as he passes out from the blood rushing to his head but he let out a scream before he did. I hear the other robbers running out so i grapple to another gargoyle and wait for them to come out. They come out and see their companion hanging and i decide to install some fear by throwing a batarang close to one of there feet and they hear it and look down at it with fear once they realize what it is. They quickly go back to back holding their guns up but they won't help them. I see them walking close to a fire extinguisher so i throw a batarang breaking it and creating cloud of smoke. I glide down and turn on my detective vision and see them still together and i walk up from the side and grab their heads and smash them together knocking them out. I take out some handcuffs and put them on the thugs and leave them for the police and i leave a note about the one on the roof. I don't need to worry about him because he'll be out by the time the cops arrive. I pull out my grapnel gun and shoot it at the skylight and as i begin to ascend i'm instantly tackled out of mid air and i let go of the grapnel launcher as i fall but i use my momentum to flip my attacker over so he lands on the ground but as we hit the ground he's still ahold of me. From that kind of fall he should have let go of me but as i look at him i see he's a big bulky guy with fox ears. So he's a faunus, probably part of the white fang if he's attacking me. He looks at me and i see he's wearing a mask but not a grimm mask but it almost looks like bane's mask but it has a different design and color. I headbut him which is enough to make him loosen his grip and i put my feet up and push off his stomach and do a backflip and land on my feet with a fighting stance. From a distance i could see him better and he was very bulky and towered over me by a feet or two. He stares at me but in a way of someone sizing up his opponent and see what he's made of.
"The batman, maybe you will be a better opponent than my other targets", he says in a deep threatening voice. That showed me he had to be an assassin if he says targets and i really hope when i finish this and i interrogate him i don't find out what i think Cinder and Adam did. He begins to glow a green and grow a little bigger and his muscles get stronger and he charges at me but i roll to the side dodging his tackle. He gets back up and walks over and throws a right hook that i dodge by ducking then i counter by uppercutting him in the jaw and then drop kicking him into the stomach making him stumble back. He comes at me again with a left hook which i dodge by going under, but he knew i would and he punches right at me as i get up from dodging his punch and sends me flying into a concrete pillar. I fall with pain in my back and i stand back up looking at the energy level of my gloves and see that it's almost full, i just need a little more time for them to charge up. I run at him and he punches but i slide right under it and grab my batclaw and shoot it at his leg and as i slide up i pull hard making him fall. I look at my glove and the power shows that it's completely full. I turn on my electric gloves and jump at him punching him in the face over and over again until he's worn out and almost unconscious. He finally is tired down and i turn off my gloves electricity and pull him up close to my face.
"Who sent you and are there more?", i ask in a threatening voice.
" There are more assassins looking for will fall", he says struggling to stay conscious
"They can try", i say as i punch him knocking him out. I tie him up with the rest of the thugs and i hear the sirens getting close. I see a door and walk through to see that it goes to the roof. I walk up the steps and think about the time i've spent looking for evidence and there big plan and as i reach the top of the roof and see my grapnel gun i think of the perfect idea to try and get answers.
General Ironwoods main ship
"Who made the plans to invade vale with grimm?", ironwood asks torchwick sounding tired
"It was me of course", torchwick says in a mocking tone
"I'm guessing you don't want to answer?", ironwood says to a cell next door
"No, but i would love to play a game. First, i need a magnum with one bullet, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!", the figure says laughing
"I didn't think so", ironwood says as he closes torchwick's cell and walks away
Batman's point of view
He finally leaves and i drop down from the ceiling and walk up to the joker's cell and i hack the panel opening the cell.
"bats? i didn't expect to find you here of all places.Oh oh, could you ask them to give me a pillow and a nice warm glass of milk", he says with a grin. I just stare at him but suddenly grab him and throw him across the room into a wall. He just sits there with a grin and looks up at me.
"This should get intere..." he tries to say before i punch him in the face and then i pick him up and then i punched him in the gut making him lose his breath. i drop him onto the ground and he begins to laugh.
"You.....your getting desperate. Hitting too many dead ends i s....", he says before i kick him in the face making him lose a tooth. I then grabs him by the collar of his suit and hold him off the floor.
"What are you planning with cinder?", I ask with anger
"Oh, wouldn't you love to know", he replies with a huge smirk. This makes me even more angry. I throw him down onto the ground face first and grab his hand and break it. I've gone against the joker so many times that i found out that if joker's in pain he gives away information. I let go of him and wait to see if i gave enough pain to make him talk.
"Oh oh bats, i love when you're like this. I can't wait to see what you'll be like when everyone's screaming with these creatures of grimm running through the streets and we make all these ships go against the people. It'll be great, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!", he says with a huge grin with blood dripping down his mouth. I hear a door open to see ironwood standing there and he's not happy. I grab joker and throw him into the cell as it closes and ironwood calls for the guards but i throw a smoke bomb before they can get me. I run the other way and jump out the window breaking it and glide away. I land on a nearby building feeling good knowing that i finally found out what's possibly going to happen. My eyes flinch as i see the sunset and i feel happy for once. Then i say out loud to myself.
"now i'm one step ahead, cinder"
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