A winter with a qrow
I walk up to the public area to sit by the rest of team RWBY to cheer on their teammates for their two vs two match. When i sit down i can see people staring at me and some snapping pictures.
"looks like you have fan", ruby says with a smile
"I knew i should have left my suit in the locker room", i comment
Time skip to end of the match
Me and team RWBY exit the arena with me still wearing my suit. I suddenly feel weiss run into me with a huge smile on her face, which is weird because she's not much of a smiler.We head to a ship to take us back to beacon and when we land she runs off and i decide to follow to see what the big commotion is. I follow her to one of atlas's ships landing and the way it looks it shows that the person in it is high ranking in the atlas military, most likely a specialist since they like those people in their military so much. I see ruby and weiss standing in one spot waiting and i walk up to them behind them.
"So who are you guys waiting for?", i ask curious
"AHHHH!!!", they both scream in unison
"why do you always do that?", weiss asks annoyed
"If it helps, i didn't do it on purpose. So who's coming?", i ask again
"Weiss's sister winter", ruby answers before weiss can answer herself. Right when she said that i had my cowl pull up her information. She's definitely weiss's sister according to her records and she is a specialist for the atlas military. The ships lands and she comes out and walks down looks all around the academy observing.
"Winter, i'm so happy to see you.Oh, your presence honors us", weiss says as i walk behind her and ruby
"beacon, it's been a long time. The air feels....", she suddenly stops and looks at me with a serious face
"Weiss, please step aside", she says as she pushes weiss to the side softly and walks over to me with her hand on the hilt of her sword and draws it pointing it at me. I get into a fighting stance ready for whatever will come my way.
"Put your hands behind your back and you have the right to remain silent", she demands
"Why?", i ask
"you're under arrest for illegally invading a atlas flagship and interrogating a witness", she says. I put my fists up and wait for her to strike then i hear the sound of someone taking a drink behind me and i look behind me to dodge to the side dodging a flask. I look at my other assailant and pull up facial recognition to see who this is. The facial recognition pulls up a name and information. His name is qrow branwen and he's the uncle of ruby rose which shocks me a bit because he doesn't really look related to ruby except the giant weapon that is on his back.
"So, what's your reason?", i ask him
"Fun", he says with a smirk. I can tell he's not bluffing without using my detective vision from his track record i put up. He's always drunk and always likes a good fight and i can also tell he has skill to back up these claims. He draws his sword and i can tell that it has some kind of transforming mechanism like ruby's sye. I put my fists back up ready to fight them both if needed but qrow looks confused.
"Where's your weapon?", he asks confused
"Don't need one", i answer
"Suit yourself", he says as he shrugs. A huge crowd forms around us to see what's going on.He moves with tremendous speed almost as fast as ruby and goes for a stab which i dodge to the side by rolling so i can have both my opponents in my view. I recover from my roll and throw three batarangs at grow while running towards winter. She goes for a precise stab but i dodge sideways and elbow her in the face making her stumble back. Qrow comes from my left with a downward strike but i dodge by jumping back but i come back and punch him in the face. He simply looks back at me with a smile and pulls his sword slashing to the side which makes me drop down on my back to make sure it doesn't hit me. While i'm down i see winter jump up in the air and come down on me trying to stab me again. I roll to the side dodging her blow but she recovers quickly and slashes sideways which i block and catch the sword with my scallops on my gauntlets. She tries to pull them away but i use my other gauntlet to make it that she can't slide them out. I pull both gauntlets opposite of each other to break her sword. I looked at her and she wasn't happy, then i feel a pain in my back which sends me flying past winter landing me into a wall sideways. I struggle to get up but i make it up and i barely have enough time to dodge qrow's sword again which gets stuck in the wall but he kicks me back while his swords stuck. I get up but fall to one knee in pain from the qrow's sword slash. I look over to winter who's making white glyphs like weiss and suddenly birds of ice coming at me. I take out a few explosive batarangs that i enhanced with red dust that i throw at the swarm of birds destroying them. I'm still at one knee and i try to figure out a way out of this because i can't fight them both anymore because of that sword slash. If i get out of this i'm taking a long shower and taking a nap. That's it, i grab two pellets full of sleep gas that i throw at grow and winters feet and at the same time that they explode on impact i pull out a gas mask. Me, qrow, and winter are engulfed in the sleeping gas but then i feel a sudden breeze and the smoke is subsided and i see winter on the ground using a glyph to make a wind to push the smoke away.
"What's that suppose to blind us so you could escape?", winter asks annoyed. She sees the gas mask on my face with confusion
"no, it was meant to put you asleep", i answer. Her face gets serious but she already begins to lose consciousness like qrow and they fall over while at the same time ruby and weiss run over to them worried. I walk over to them stumbling and fall on one knee then i sit down looking at ruby and weiss.
"There only asleep,they're not harmed", i assure them. I hear footsteps and look behind me to see ironwood pissed with four atlas alesian knights behind him and i call ruby over to help me up. She comes over and puts one of my arms over her neck and helps me up with some trouble so i can stand. The soldiers surround me and ruby most likely to arrest me but i press a button on my belt sending out a EMP that spans 10 feet that makes them shut down.
"Next time, do your own dirty work "general", i say glaring at him. He's about to say something until ozpin shows up with glynda goodwitch.
"Please, there's a perfectly good arena just down the street for fights. They also have popcorn", he says with a smile at the end.
"Break it up everyone", glynda says suddenly. The crowd disperses including weiss but Ruby stays to help me. I pull a little syringe out from my belt and take the tip off with my mouth and spit the top off.
"What's that?", ruby asks
"Adrenaline, AHHH!", i say as i stab the syringe in my leg. I stand up with ease as the adrenaline gives me more energy.
"Will you be ok now?", asks ruby
"Yeah, i'll be fine", i say as ruby nods and leaves. As i watch her leave i see Winter and qrow both getting up dazed. They walk over and winter immediately stops and salutes ironwood and qrow just stretches and pulls out a new flask and takes a drink. which is confusing because i thought he threw it at me.
"Let's go to my office so we can talk in private", ozpin says. He walks off and we all follow him. We get to beacon tower and walk into the main lobby and into the elevator to get to ozpin's office. Ozpin presses a button and the elevator begins to move up and no one said a word until qrow broke the silence.
"I have to hand it to you kid, you've got some moves. I've seen plenty of fighters over the years but none of your skill. So what's your secret?", he asks with a smirk but i don't answer and only stay quit on the way up. After what felt like an eternity because of the awkward silence the doors open and we all walk out. The first thing i do is grab a chair and sit down with a sigh.
"Explain yourself james?", ozpin asks curious. Ironwood has a stressed and annoyed look on his face.
"He broke into my flag ship and...had a "talk" with the joker", he says looking at me. I sit in the chair in pain but i give him a glare.
"what kind of talk?", ozpin asks with a raised eyebrow.Ironwood stands up and puts his phone on the table and it pops up a 3-D holographic clip of me asking joker questions. It even showed me beating him to a bloody pulp and everyone looks at me with a little fear in their eyes, fear that i usually put into people which even included the justice league.
"How could you do that!?!?!", yells glynda furious. I stand up with a little bit of a struggle and look at glynda.
"You don't know him like i do. I've faced this psychopath and murderer who kills because he's either bored or it's "funny". The only way he lets information out is if you beat it out of him because he finds pain funny and he enjoys it which allows him to slip up and let information out. Every time i think i've understood him he does a complete u-turn and surprises me. He kills and does things to get attention, mostly "my" attention. We've fought for years like a chess game, each making a move and countering each other", i say. The room stays silent and i decide to walk out and i press a button to go down. But before the doors close i say something.
"You should be looking for the true enemy"
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