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Last night proved to be very productive. I'm walking back to my dorm when i hear a sudden boom and i jump to the side to dodge ruby flying at me. She comes back and actually catches me making me land on the ground. I look up to see her with tears and i hear more footsteps behind me and look to see team RWBY and JNPR.
"What did i miss?", i ask confused
"We...we were worried sick about you. When....when i woke up....and saw the note", ruby says with tears in her eyes
"I'm ok, nothing happened", i say assuring her. She has a smile on her face as she wipes away the tears on her face. I stand up and begin to walk back to my dorm when i feel a hand grab my wrist. I turn around to see yang with red eyes which meant she was mad and/or pissed about something.
"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?!", she yells
"what?", i replie. She throws a fist but i dodge it and jump back.
"You were in the hospital and you decide out of nowhere to go out and fight crime and do who knows what. You could have died", she says with a serious tone. I look down thinking about this, and she's right. I should have stayed at the hospital but if i didn't who knows what that assassin would have done if i didn't show up. I've done this too many times, get injured and while still not injured do the impossible injuring myself again.
"Your right"
"what?", team JNPR and RWBY say shocked
"I've been injured many times and i've never let it stop me. I've fought with broken bones and dislocated body parts. I also fought with stab and gunshot wounds. All of which have almost killed me but i'm still here. I've heard people tell me "This is your end batman", "today is the day you die" but i'm still here. They all came close to killing me but never finished the job. You're right, it wasn't right for me to leave. There will be a day that i push myself too far and it'll finish me but that day will be the day that i will have too. I'm sorry", i answer. They all seem worried but satisfied with my answer. I feel ruby hug me and i look down to see her with her face in my chest and i put my hand on her head in a comforting way. My cowl begins to beep and i look at the time to see that it's almost 12 which is about the time that the next match begins. I didn't think i was out that long. I'm usually back by 8 or 9 o'clock in the morning.
"I have a match i need to get to guys", i say
"I thought you fight with us?", ruby asks confused
"I got a message after the fight from yesterday from ozpin after seeing me fight and thought it would be fair", i answer
"that's not fair at all", yang comments
"oh, not fair for me. Fair for them", i say as i walk away to the arena
The Tournament arena
I make sure that everything is restocked before i head out to the arena. I open up my pouches holding different types of batarangs to check that there all restocked which they are. I check my gloves and run a diagnostic test that the gloves are still able to run a electric charge for when i need them. I check my other pouches to see if they're full and they all seem to be full. I'm about to close my locker until i see a pair of boots. These boots are a new weapon i made that work like my gloves with the part that they can run a current of electricity except threw my feet without shocking me because of a thin rubber lining in the inside of the boots. I decide to try them out so i grab them and switch them out with the ones i'm wearing. There's no difference in weight difference so they feel like my old ones. I walk out of the locker room towards the middle of the arena where i hear the cheers and see two people waiting. one is sitting on the ground obviously meditating and he's wearing a mask that wraps around his face only showing his eyes that's completely black and has one long sword which is obviously a katana but with the help of my detective vision i can tell that it can turn into a light machine gun with some pieces that he's carrying that are easy to put together but he's also carrying a smaller katana that can become red hot with a push of a button. The one right next to him seems pretty cocky since he's looking at me like i'm nothing. He's holding a huge sword on his back that from my scans tell me can split into two that can turn into two small SMGs. The arena floor around us began to fall as different environments come up. The arena is split into two different environments which are a forest and a run down destroyed suburban area.
"If it isn't the big bad batman. I think you're all just scare and not actual skill", says the cocky one
"Do not listen to my companion. He has no respect toward his enemies as for i who will not misjudge your abilities", says the other
"Can i get your names?", i ask
"I am Ayumu and my teammates name is jack", ayumu says
"Let the match begin in"
I get into a fighting stance making my hands flat
I change my stance into a boxing one making my hands into fists as i keep my thumb over the button to one of my pockets
They unsheath their swords and get into there own unique fighting stances which include ayumu holding his sword over his head and the other holding his sword in front of him with two hands.
Let the fun begin
They both come at me with a downward but i jump to the side and press the button letting some small balls drop out of one of my pockets. They all roll out and head to them and explode which makes a smoke screen that i can't see through so i turn on my detective vision but before i can i hear someone running at me and i jump to the side to dodge ayumu trying to take a slash at me. He comes back or another kick but i use the edges on my gauntlets to make the attack go to the side as i side kick him away then i hear jack yell and i dodge to the side and see jack there with his sword in the ground where i just was. He takes his sword out of the ground and splits it and turns it into two SMGs and starts to fire. I roll to the side and as i pop up i throw a smoke pellet at his feet covering him and his teammate in smoke as i retreat into the forest. As i run in i climb a tree a little past the tree line and wait for them to enter. As i'm waiting something is troubling me witht the way there fighting. There dedicated to try and defeat me but they seem too dedicated like they have a different agenda. There attacks seemed like they were trying to kill me instead of try and make my aura level go down. I might have a way to see if i'm right. I see them enter the forest with jack having one of his SMGs at the ready while the other is on his back and Ayumu with his second sword out with it glowing red. Time to infuse some fear while getting some answers. I jump to a tree close by and ready my grapnel grun for when i need to move.
"So, what did you have to go through to try and get to me?", i say as my voice echos. I use my grapnel gun to move to a different tree so they don't figure out my position.
"What do you mean dark knight", jack asks with a smirk
"Well, i've noticed that all your attacks have been ones meant to kill an opponent. Which leads me to the conclusion that your the other assassins after me", i say again with my voice echoing. I move to another tree then another and wait.
"No wonder you're called the world's greatest detective. Yes, we are assassins who came here to kill you and make sure you don't interfere with our clients plans", Ayumu says throwing glowing daggers out of thin air into a tree i use to be. This shows me that he has a semblance that involves throwing light based projectiles. I take a small round object that i split into two from my belt and stick one part of it to the tree and move to another tree by using my grapnel gun then i talk into the other part making my voice sound like it's coming from where i was before.
"Well you're going to have to tell her that you've failed", i say through the device. I see that jack found out where the device was and he jumps up to the tree i once was and i push a button on the bottom of my piece and the tree explodes with jack falling back. While he's recovering i pull up their aura levels up in my cowl and apparently jack is in the yellow and almost in red while Ayumu's is almost in the yellow. I decide to strike by using my sonic batarang and throwing it to a distance that they can hear it and grapple to another tree overlooking their path. They turn their heads and head to the noise and jack is behind and i drop down upside down while using my grapnel gun and do a vertical takedown on jack attaching a rope to his leg and bringing him back up while i drop him leaving him hanging but he reaches for his sword to cut him down but i stop him by throwing a batarang knocking it out of his hand.
"You can stay there for now", i tell him as i look at Ayumu who has taken his other katana out holding both of them ready to attack. He comes at me with his normal one with a downward strike but i use the edges on both my gauntlets to catch the sword by crossing them. He tries to stab me with the red hot one but jump back dodging it. He comes at me again with a series of slashes with the same sword but at the last slash i dodge to the side and grab his arm with my left hand as i hit him in the face with my right hand with a fist making him drop his red sword and kick him away. He comes at me again with his other sword as he jumps in the air and cuts down but i do the same thing as before and stop it with my gauntlets but i push both my arms across braking the sword. He jumps back and throws the projectiles but i dodge them side to side getting closer and closer as he keeps throwing projectiles at me. He throws three projectiles as a last resort to try and hit me but i jump over them and push on ayumu to the ground as i launch myself off him and slide to the side. I pull out a detonator and he looks at me then he looks down at his chest to see two spots of dried of gel. I pull the trigger as it explodes making him launch back unconscious. I stand up and walk over to him and handcuffed him then i walk over to jack who's squirming trying to get down. He sees me then he stops and begins to laugh.
"What's so funny?", i ask confused
"You think you won? no, this parties just about to begin with a huge BANG!!", he says as he begins to glow red. I already know what he's going to try do which includes a explosion. I think fast and take out five cluster freeze blasts and activate them all and throw them onto jack as a bunch of ice forms around him. Then i begin to run out of the forest but before i get halfway to the forest jack explodes but the ice makes his explosion less destructive and i'm pushed forward from the blast. I roll to regain my balance and get into a fighting stance just incase that didn't finish jack and i look at the giant screen to see that jack's aura level is out which means i won. The crowd cheers for my victory and i stand up making my hands fall behind as my cape wraps itself around my arms. The medics and some soldiers come onto the field to get jack and ayumu off the field. They come out of the forest with ayumu and jack on stretchers but i see jack slightly open his eyes as he flickers red. I run over as fast as i can as he opens his eyes but as he does he see my fist as i punch him in the face knocking him out and the red flicker ends.
"These two are assassins and i have a feeling your "general" will want to talk to them", i tell the soldiers. They instantly point their guns at them as they leave the field. I begin to walk off the field until i see cinder in the crowd with a irritated look on her face. I stop for a second and pull up my gauntlet and place a call.
Cinder's point of view
How did he win?!?! those were two of the world's best assassins but it doesn't matter because no matter what he does he can't stop my plan. I feel my scroll buzz and i take it out and it says unknown number so i answer.
"Do your own dirty work for once", says the voice. I look down to the arena to see him looking at me with his hand on the side of his ear.
"You can keep trying to send assassins after me but i'll beat them all until you're brought down. Final warning, turn yourself in", batman says threatening. This irritates me more but i keep my cool and stay calm, he's not in control here, i am.
"i can admit, you are hard to kill but no matter. Everyone must fall at some point", i say with a confident voice
"You can think that all you want, but i'm already one step ahead. Trying to takeover the city with grimm, good plan but i'll stop it", he says before he hangs up. What?!?!? how did he find out about my plan. I'm going to have to make some arrangements and small changes to our plan. I let my anger take over as i crush my scroll and regain my calm.
"Well played dark knight, well played"
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