Chapter 5- Dorm Life
"It's okay Alex. If he didn't stay with you he isn't worth it."
Wait did I just call him Alex?
I never got the chance to ask Alex about him cutting. The time never seemed right. And maybe he never cut and I was just seeing things. Who knows, but I brush it aside.
"Alex? You in there because I need to use the bathroom." I thought I heard crying?
"Um, just, j-just a s-second!" I heard rummaging and then Alex popped out of the bathroom, with a red face and his sleeves pulled down. My mind jumped to the picture. Before he could walk away I snatched his wrist.
I pulled his sleeve up despite his screeches and revealed 5 new cuts and plenty of scars.
"A-Alex?" For some reason, I started crying.
"What!?" He spat out snatching his arm back.
"Alex, why?"He looked down still holding his cut arm.
"W-well, I have depression and anxiety.... and some people...." Wait, were some of these from me?
"Alex, were some of these cuts because of me?" I asked him with pleading eyes.
"Maybe." He shuffled his feet.
I started to cry harder. I put my face in my hands.
He shoved his face in his hands and started to mumble something that I could just barely hear through his tears.
"I'm sorry Alex, I- I didn't know it was that bad. I'm sorry."
I walked over and embraced him in a hug. I could feel him tense up but he slowly relaxed.
"Its okay, it's not you anymore... just other people and things... Its okay I forgive you.
*Thomas the Tank Engine*
He said three words that made me want to melt into a puddle of marshmallow.
"I forgive you."
That was all I needed to hear. I slowly stopped crying and released him from the hug. He smiled and then walked over to the coffee machine.
It was time to ask some questions.
"Alex, why do you still cut?"
"What people?"
"K-king George, and Chaddsjufelee."
"King George and Charles Lee jeez!"
"Thank you. Now I can kill em. Goodbye!" I jumped up and walked over to the door but I felt a pull on my sleeve.
"Dont...they might hurt me more!"
This wasn't the same Alexander I knew. This wasn't the stubborn strong-headed and brace Alexander. It scared me.
"Fine. But no more cutting!"
"I cant make promises"
"But you no, more cutting. You either stop it here and now or we go see a CBT."
( For those who don't know CBT is Cognitive Behavioral Therapist)
"Fine." With that, he left the room and went to his bedroom. Probably to bury himself in his work, which doesn't have a lot of since he's a workaholic.
I sat down on the couch and turned the T.V on. There is nothing on these days. I decided to switch to some random channel and drift off to sleep.
I went to my room and started thinking.
Thomas called me 'Alex'. He never calls me Alex. Why did he call me Alex? I shouldn't make this a big deal? This isn't a big deal. Should I talk to him about it? Yes. No. Maybe? No. Yes?
I stood up and my body had a different idea of where we were going. I ended up walking into the living room and staring at the giant sleeping on our couch.
He slept peacefully. He looks cute. Beautiful even. I didn't want him cold. I left to my room and took a blanket I had in my closet (haha symbolism. Gay in the closet....I need to stop. Bye.) and a pillow and returned to the living room. I gently placed the pillow under his perfectly curled hair- uhuh nothing, and placed the blanket on top of his perfect bod- nevermind. I sat and stared at him for a while.
"Jeez did you manage to make me fall in love with you?" I sat and stared at him once again before heading to my own room and letting sleep take me.
I woke up to the sound of footsteps. I soon figured out Alex was. I woke up then heard him open his door. He walked over to me. I quickly shut my eyes. I wanted to see what he would do.
I heard him sigh then he left again. He came back and placed a pillow under my head. Then I felt the familiar warmth of a blanket on him. He is so caring, umm whatever! Then he said something I would have never expected from him.
"Jeez did you manage to make me fall in love with you?"
He left once again. I heard a door open and close.
My heart was pounding. I jerked up. He said he loves me! Did I love him? I couldn't let him know that I know what he said. I couldn't tell him I loved him. I don't know if I love him. Do I love him?
Does he already know I was awake? What do I do?
He said he was in love with me.
I slowly sink back down into the couch and snuggle up with the blanket from Alex. It smells like him. It's oddly comforting.
I wake up to the amazing smell of pancakes and eggs. I hop out of bed, grab some clothes and head for the bathroom as quietly as possible so Thom-I mean Jefferson doesn't hear me.
I come out with slightly curled hair, white skinny jeans, what I think is a blue but it just looks gray oversized sweatshirt.
I go and sit on the small Island in the kitchen and see how long it will take for him to notice I'm here.
"Hi, Alex." He didn't even turn around! HOW?!
"Hi, Thomas." I slap a hand over my mouth. Did I just call him Thomas? Even Th-Jefferson turns around and looks at me.
"Um, want scrambled eggs or over easy?...."
"um, Scrambled..." He just nods and turns back around.
"So um... I woke up with a pillow and a blanket. How'd that happen?"
"Umm, I don't know?"
"Mhmmmm... Here." He hands me a plate full of eggs, pancakes and a cup of coffee.
"Um, Thanks?" I start to eat and its surprisingly really good.
"This isfnd amdhdzing Thosmasjf!"
"What?" He says laughing.
"This is amazing Thomas!" I say and jump up from the island and my mind says go and sit on the couch but the rest of me takes me to a hug with Thomas. I. Jumped off the Island. And. HUGGED! THOMAS JEFFERSON!
He slowly starts to hug me back before I pull away and half skip to the couch. No classes yet. This is gonna be a long day.
*Thomas the Train*
A/N HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY So hope yall enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading! And as always
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