Chapter 17- Calm Down
"What the f***! Who do you think you are? Don't even think of being around me anymore. or Thomas. I don't want to see you again. You hurt him, you hurt me! Leave John!"
"What do you mean no?! "
"Because I don't want to!"
"I'll make you then!"
I see a furious Alex run towards John. I manage to stop him before he reaches John. I drag him out of the dorm and into the hallway.
"Alex. Calm down."
"No. I want him out."
"Fine whatever. We'll leave okay? Go for a walk then call everyone over-"
"Except John."
"Fine." He grumbles out.
"Come one Ham Sandwich."
I sling my arm around his shoulders and he laughs. I feel him relax a bit at my touch and he sinks into me.
"Ham Sandwich?"
"Yeah. I've got plenty of nicknames for you!"
"Please don't -"
"Oh but its to stop me!
Hammy ham, Lexie, Lex, Princess, Kitten, Hammy, Ham sandwich, Hun, Darling, Sweety-"
"OKAY! You can stop now! You're making me die!"
I look down to see him, a blushing mess.
"Awwww, come here!" I pull him in for a hug and we stand there for a few seconds before continuing our walk.
"K-Kitten? Princess?"
"Yuppy! You okay with me calling you that kitten?" I say as I wink. He starts to blush and escapes from my grasp and starts to walk backward.
"HEYYYYY come back!" I whine. He laughs returning to holding hands and continuing our walk.
*Time skip*
The day dragged on until we met up with everyone again except John.
"Hey! Come on in. We were planning on just a movie night."
"Sounds good mon ami."
They all came in and we had dozens of snacks laid out on the table. We snuggled up and began our quest for what movie to watch.
"You all need to shut up because those movies suck! We're watching The Little Mermaid!"
"No, we are not! My dorm I decide!-"
"Our dorm! And we're watching the live version of Dear Evan Hansen, so don't even try me!"
"Nononno! We are not watching that Tommy, we're watching Finding Nemo!"
"OOOooooo, I like finding Nemo!" Herc said.
"Finding Nemo it is!"
we all settled and started the movie. It wasn't very late so we ended up watching Wall-E, Moana and listened to the entire soundtrack of Dear Evan Hansen and Lex's favorite musical based on a founding father, Lin Manuel Miranda(yeh we doin this!)
By the end of it all, it became a sleepover. Everyone was asleep except for me.
Alex was currently soundly on my chest. Light snores echoing through the room. I turned the T.V off and enjoyed the quiet of the dorm and the steady buzz of the fan.
"Mhmmm, what time is it?" Alex rubbed his eyes tiredly.
"Mmm, around 1 am."
"Why are you still up Tommy?" He says once again laying his head on my chest. He looked up at me with his gorgeous brown eyes.
"I was enchanted by you sleeping," I say jokingly, although that's was part of the reason.
He giggles a bit before speaking.
"Yeah, sure. Wann go to our room?"
"Sure Kitten~" He blushes a little before hopping up and carefully weaving his way between food, blankets and the sleeping bodies of our friends.
Once we finally reach our room he plops down on the bed and instantly falls asleep. I walk over and gently lay down beside him pulling the covers over us.
He mumbles a small 'I love you Tommy' and then is asleep once again.
"I love you too Kitten." I snuggle closer to him and wrap my arms around him and slowly drift off to sleep.
I wake up to see a peacefully sleeping Thomas.
I'll let him sleep. I decide and walk out to the kitchen and begin making some french toast, waffles, and bacon.
One by one all my friends wake up and their way to the kitchen. Thomas, I notice is the last one up.
Perfect! Breakfast in bed!
I make everyone a plate of food leaving myself out. I'll eat a muffin or something on the way to classes. I get the plate set up for Thomas aand walk back to our room.
He was still sleeping. I set the plate down on his lap and he slowly woke up to the smell.
"Mornin' Kitten~"
"Mhmhmh, morning Tommy." I hop in the bed next to him.
"What a way to wake up. To food!"
"Enjoy!" I shove the plate towards him a bit and he starts to eat. I scroll through my phone...
"Kitten, did you eat?"
"Mh? Oh, no. I'll get a muffin on the way to school."
"Mmm, Kitten... have you been eating lately?"
"Yeah, I have. Nothing big, but I've been... eating. "
"Alexander, you have to eat. If you aren't gonna on your own, I'll have to watch you." He gets serious. I can tell by the way he says my real name.
"I do eat. I eat enough to give me energy. It's not like I'm starving myself." I begin to get nervous. Thoams won't trust me anymore if I don't lie to him.
"Whatever you say, but I'm coming with you when you get that 'muffin' to make sure you do."
"Ok, Tommy. Finish eating. I'm going to go get ready."
"Alright then."
I rush to the bathroom and do my normal morning routine.
When I come back Thoams is no longer in the dorm, and neither are any of my friends.
Where did they go?
A/N HEYY Thanks for reading, I have never gotten this many reads on a story so thank you all very much. Somethings are to come. Oh and I destroyed that innocent and sweet John didn't I?
I hope yall enjoyed another chapter is to come.
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