Chapter 15- Letters
Without thinking I leaped across the table and hugged Thoma.s People around us began to clap little. I smiled
"I love you too Thomas."
Everything was perfect.
After that day, Thomas and I started dating. Everything was right with the world.
Although, I didn't want to tell anyone yet. I didn't want any pressure from his friends.
He was perfectly fine with that.
"As long as your happy Alex."
Mmhm. He was so sweet.
I was going out, out to New York harbor. I don't know why. I used to go there all the time, just when I needed to get away from the world or just relax. I went this time for a different reason. I was planning for Thomas and I first date. I was determined to make it perfect.
Alex left quickly with a notepad and left somewhere. I don't know where he went but he seemed excited.
" I'll be back at like 8 okay? I'm sorry I really gotta go! I'm so excited! Bye Tommy, Love you!"
His eyes glimmered, just like they do whenever he is passionate about something.
After a few hours of scrolling through my phone, my mind wandered to a few months ago. When I first met Alex as my soulmate.
I looked around at Alex's room. It was organized. Except for a box of letters. What were those letters about?
What were those letters about?
I got up from my spot on the couch and walked down the hall to Alex's room. I peered into his room and saw the box of papers and letters lazily shoved under his bed. I dropped to the floor and grabbed the box.
I sifted through the papers and saw one that caught my eye.
To Thomas.
March 8th, 2016 ( Three years ago)
You beat me up again. You hurt and bruised me far beyond the physical boundary. You hurt me emotionally where I can barely make it through the day. Why do you do it? What did I do? I tried my best to be friends. I was friendly when we met. You and your enchanting eyes and then someone yelled out. ou seemed dazed before you turned your back to me. You seemed lost somewhere. You walked away, not giving me a second thought about me. I missed your eyes. The next day you beat me p. That was almost 10 months ago, yet you still beat me up and I'm still in love with you and your amazing eyes. You have no idea about me and my life, you don't know how hard it was for me to act okay around everyone. You have no idea how deep those words cut, they cut deeper than any knife could. But I still tried to top you and your words. I tried to top how deep your words cut. I dug into my skin every day your words circling through my head. You don't know the real pain you cause me. You don't care either. But I wish you did. I wish you could hold me in--
I wish i could find comfort in you than find fear and worry. I wish our relationship wasn't like this.
So why is it?
Why is it like this Thomas. Please tell me, before my knife cuts deeper than anything ever could, too deep to come back and tell a story.
Its 12 grade and I love you.
I love you, Thomas.
But why? I know why.
If only you could find why you beat me.
Bye Thomas. I love you...
My heart almost stopped. Was, was this a suicide note? To me? Not to mention the pain I caused him. Were these all suicide notes? I can't believe I did this to my Lex. How could I?
I went through all the letters. I didn't realize until now that I was almost sobbing. I checked the time.
How was I here all day?
(Cause I'm a lazy author!)
Alex walked in. I didn't bother to move. I was leaned up against his bed crying. Tears in a steady stream down my face. I hear a gasp and arms around me.
"Y-you read them?"
I nod, unable to answer.
"Yours too?"
Once again I nod.
"Why do you still have these?" I finally speak up.
"I don't know. Just in case I um doo i-"
"No. NO! You are NOT doing this! You are not doing this to me, or your friends, or your family! This is not how this is going to go! I love you way too much, and if you EVER I mean EVER tried to or even think about it I will call a therapist and then lock you in my room with me and we will cuddle all day long!"
He chuckled slightly, despite the fact that he had a few tears streaming down his face.
"Thomas..." He almost whispered out.
"Thomas, I'm so sorry. "
"Don't be sorry. I am here for you. But I am starting daily check-ups on you! And I am making a poem a day pact for one week because I'm not as a creative writer as you are. "
"Thomas, I love you so much."
"I love you too Alex and I promise to be here for you. But I am not going to let you cut or do anything. I don't care if you want to, or if you think its okay because it's not! This is no way to solve anything. I'm not letting you."
He looked down and nodded.
How could I make him happy once again?
I picked him up and carried him over to the couch on my back. He started to laugh. Good. He was laughing. I plopped him down on the couch and I sat next to him turning the T.V on and picking a movie. We began to watch the movie as Alex cuddle closer to me. I held him tight.
Afraid to let go. Afraid that if I did, I would lose this happy Lex. I held him tight and never let go.
I'm gonna start 2 new books. So I'll be updating on 3 stories so please bear with me if I don't update as often. One is a Lam's fanfic and the other is, of course, another Jamilton. Both are a very different style than usual. But other than a self-promotion...
This was just a fluffy chapter but I hope you enjoyed. Thank you all for reading and-
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