3. Tonid
Virgil Tonid the cursed Prince, not that many people know this.
But it was kinda good, there was a huge problem with it all, but in a way it was good.
Let me explain.
Virgil's mother, Janus's wife, Queen Eleanor, was a witch, she had a ruff patch with Janus went pregant and so cursed the heir to the throne, her son. And because tit was her son, it was a curse with a blessing.
He was blessed the mythical disease of Alexandriais Genesis, Virgil had beautiful purple eyes.
Alexandriais Genesis also come with, pale skin, a media perfect body (A/N: All body types are perfect, just Alexandriais Genesis is said to come with 'a perect body type' with I'm guessing is the media's represntation of body types, your perfect no matter your body tpye ), can't gain or lose weitgh, and an excellent immune system.
However, it comes at a cost, one which Eleanor intended.
She called it the pinocchio curse. If virgil ever lies someone dies and slow and painful death. He can't control who dies, but it will be someone. So that he has life on his hands, and he cam feel a burdan that lying can leave on the vitums. There is no cure.
Secondly, the curse she calles the Apple. One which when kissed the kisser will become extremely ill as his life are poisous. They can be treated for the illness, but it's there becasue she was a protective mother.
However, two years before Remus's death, Eleanor died from Typhoid, a water born disease. Ironic how Tonid was dubbed the Kingdom of water; a Kingdom incharge of the water, and jet they are burdened by Typhoid.
Janus found of the curse as when Eleanor gave birth it was revealed. Janus and Eleanor made sure they grow up Virgil to lie as little as possible, which they did more or less manage. Unknown to Vorgil he has probally murdered about 50 people. Which isn't too bad considerng how much people can lie.
When Virgil turned 18 three months ago this curse was revealed. So now Virgil is freaking out, making sure he tells the truth or just satying away form people completely. He can't lie. Those who work in the caste are awear of this, and so they ubderstand how somethings the prunce say may sound a bit rude and britally honest, but he has too tell the truth. The workers see it was he tells the trruth or one of us could end up dying, so why would the brutal honetsly matter?
Virgil distance himslef as much as he could from people so he didn't lie or hurt someones feelings. And so he spent most of his time reading in the gardens, or in his room. Though, he still meets with his only freind, Patton May, son of the Prime Minster, Melissa May.
"VIrge!" Patton called as he came racing into the castles gardens.
"Hey Pat, how are you?" Virgil said placing down his book, staring up at the excited friend of his. "I'm good, plus I got the job!" Patton jumped with excitement. Patton wasn't the smartest person, but he'd been working for a a small business at the coast who look after marine creatures., and studied them.
"No way! That's awesome Pat!" Virgil said hugging Patton.
"Yeah! How are you anyways?" Patton asked smiling brightly
"Yeah I'm good, just kinda been sitting here. I mean i feel bad because I was asked how my breakfast was this morning, it was a bit cold, so I couldn't lie, but i'm worried that I hurt their feelings. "
Patton sighed, "I wouldn't worry about it Virge, you told the truth, and they all know you have to. Think of this as a blessing, people get to have helpful truth and you don't have the burden of murdering people or even lying."
"I guess."
Later that day Virgil came back inside to find Janus staring out at the Kingdom from the window. "Isn't it beautiful?" Janus asked sending Virgil's presents.
"I guess, it's a lovely view, but i've never been there exactly, if i wasn't cursed I'd be there seeing how it actually is."
Virgil wish he wasn't cursed, he could go back to before, with Patton, after lessons, he'd go to the Kingdom with everyone and walk around seeing how people actually where. He didn't really talk to people, no way. That's WAY too much social interaction, now knowing this curse exists, he is even more scared.
He doesn't want anyone of the citizens to hate him, and he doesn't want to kill anyone.
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