28. 2022
(TW: Violence and Blood)
A bright glowing light arose from the ground, Remus recognised it from anywhere. It definately was not Satan.
The light was a child, well they looked around 17, a year younger then Virgil. They had short wavy hair and glow brightly. They wore black demin jeans, a light grey hoodie under a a light-shaded demin jacket. It was something unlike what any of them had seen.
"What's up, I'm the Ghost Emporer, I died at 17, in 2022. Big oof on my part. But ummm, what the fuck are you doing on this land, wankers?" The Ghost Emporer said poiting at the monarchs of Vopan.
"This is for power! Shove off, you Ghost bitch." The Ghost Emporer faked begin hurt by that statement.
"I have the fucking power to control the dead, don't know why, but I do, I'm pretty chuffed about it tho. But why the hell are you arseholes (ha, Jared) begins so salty." Half of what the Ghost Emporer said none of them understood, but they went with it.
"Who is Jared?" Virgil muttered, in which Remus repied with "An Arsehole."
"Fine, I'll kill him." The queen said, she pushed the knife right up to his throat, it grazed it, slitting his throat a bit. The Ghost Emporer just laughed. "Pfft- on the peace land? Nobody can die on the peace land, I cursed it. No caps dude. Honsetly it sounds like your mind is chockablock of faulty thoughts, motherfucker."
With that the Queen slit Virgil's throat let's go of hi, he feel to the floor, blood in his hand. Roman scream out I horror at the scene "NO!" Janus ran to Virgil, willing to try anything to help his son. However, the Ghost Emporer and Remus did nothing.
Seconds later they watched the blood that spilled out onto the floor reversed their previous actions. His blood flew back into his body and his skin scealed up. His blood cerculation was fixed. It was like nothing had even happened to him, not harm had come his way.
"Anyways. soince you broken muiltiple rules of this land the treaty is gone, forever, and I'll set a new one, If it's broken then your'll die, painlessly beacssue I'm not a monster, but you'll die, and Satan will have you. Wellll, unless it's Remus who does it then he'd be sent to God." The Ghost Emporer said summoning a Treaty to hand.
"NO! NOT GOD! THAT FUN SUCKING BITCH." Remus cried, he hated God beacsuye he claimed God didn't know how to hve fun. And God loves everyone, not matter what, or at least he thought, then he met Remus, he found the only exapction to that.
The Treaty was in place, and it was all the rules that were on the past Treaty, but the last one, plus an extra, none of the current crowned monarchs are allowed to step foot on this land again.
Roman joined Virgoil on the ship over to Tonid. "That was an evening." Roman laughed. Virgil nodded. "Tell me about it, I basically was dying." Virgil chuckled.
"Yep, and I hadn't even been so scared in my life." Roman said kissing Virgil's cheak, he figured that's be the only way he'd be able to kiss Virgil. "I was worried I'd lose you." Roman admitted smiling at Virgil, Virgil grabbed his hand. The both of them walked to the end of the ship and watched the waves as they let the boat pass through.
The Ghost Emporer, Parker and Harrison watched it all from the clouds. "AWWWW, I ship them, OTP!" Harrison shreiked proudly. Parker looked at them in suprised. "They are your OTP? What about Me and you, Harry?" Parker question leaning their head on Harrison's sholder.
"My OTP is me and my crippling anxiety and depression order, oh and the dysleixa, they never left me alone, always there for me." The G. Emporer joke in loneness.
"Poor Emporer, were you not in a realtionship when you died?" HArrison asked.
"PFFt- nope, only single. I literaly dated one person on my life, and well they broke up with me, afterall I'm pretty annoying." They joked.
"ha! lier, you told me before about-" Harrison started, but G. Emporer cut in.
"Hahahhahah, well maybe, I may had had a crush on them, but I'm scared. So fuck off."
(WTF am I even writing rn, lmao)
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