2. Vopan
Roman Vopen and Remus Vopen the two princes of the Kingdom, Remus being taught how to rule and Roman given freedom. However, Remus was a wild prince, not wanting the throne, but had to take it under decree.
Remus, if a citizen instead of a prince, porbally would have ended up in the dungens or worse.
Howvere after his passing Roman became the one under training. He had less freedom to play and explore. He was placed under the classes, he enjoyed the sword lessons and any form of combat lessons. THough anything eduactional he found boring.
But he know it was his princely duties.
It was a werid switvh when he was ten. He wasn't even goiven time to morn over his brothers passing. His parents spent their sweet time distancing themseleves from him, he didn't see them once in four months. Then, after ayear things started getting back to normal in their family relations.
It wasn't until he was 18 when he princely trainnings stopped, so for a year he has been free again. But it's not the same.
"You have certainly grown to be an incredible Prince, Roman." Martha said as they sat around the large, round, dinning table. "Thank you, mother." Roman said eating his food.
"Agreed, once it comes to my death, this Kingdom will be yours and I'm proud of that." Gareth said sitting at he head seat, cleanign is beard of his food.
"Honey, lets not discuss your passing right now."
"Yeah father, I very much doult that day will arrive any day soon, unless Dragon Witch attacks, again. "
Dragon Witch, the murdered of Remus.
They owned up to the crime, and thats as much as Roman knows of the murder. Other then their real name was Parker Green, from Tonid Kingdom, a trained assassin in the Kings guard. They were only 15 when they killed Remus.
"Well, I was only 19 myself when I became King." Gareth said thinking of how his own father had died from the plague that struck forty years ago.
"Now, now, that's enough talk on death. Let's focus on the fact that our wepon system is improved massively."
"Yes, now thats some big news, we are getting stronger, hopefully strong enough to get past Tonid's horrifically amazing water defenses."
"We can finally get pay back then? For what they did?" Roman, as mcuh as he missed his bother and did want soem revenge, he also was unsure of it, the death was nine years ago; there area lot of people in Tonid, alot of inncnt people. if his parenst attck they will slaughter as many as they can.
But who was he to argue, right?
"Oh! Ro." Remy said as Roman walked to the stables. "Hello, Remy, you here for a ride?" Roman said as Emile passed over the reins of Roman's horse, Stromcloud. "Might as well." Remy said smiling at Emile.
Roman chuckled to himself. "Emile, huh?" He asked as they both began walking away on a horse, each. Remy had his horse, and had named it Coffee. Remy may have had a problem, well an addiction.
"Maybe, but it's not like you can prove a thing. " Remy joked taking a sip of of his coffee. That was an amazing thing to do, considering he is on a horse, and Roman swears Remy didn't have a cup with him, and that cup just materialised.
"I'm not going to ask." Roman muttered to himself.
"Logan said he was been enjoying the breaks, since more have gone into poverty, he sys more people have gotten jobs at the castles, and so he is getting more breaks. He spends it atthe library." Remy said has rthey began gettong to the coast.
"Of corse, he is a massive nerd, I'm glad my parents have opened up more staff jobs for thoses suffering. "
Roman satred at the Kingdom across the sea. Not too far way, Roman realised how eay it would be to attck them if Vopan could imporve their water defensives.
Tonid had the best water defensives anyone had ever seen in all the seven kingdoms of Author.
"Gods, I hate Tonid." Roman uttered as their fishing boats and military boast could be seen edging on the Vopan sea boarders.
Remy rolled his eyes, which Roman caughts. "You have a differant oppion?" Roman asked, it was the first time he was unsure about Remy being on his side.
"Yeah, I do, because the prince is hot." Remy laughed. Roman rolled his eyes jokenly. For a spilt second Roman feared Remy was apart of the resistance or something.
"I've never actaully seen him. Nine years ago and before then it was only my parents and mybe Remus who went."
"Don't you have a huge mission to kill him as pay back?" Remy asked "Like how do you know your fighting the right person if you don't even know what he looks like?"
"Okay, fine. how do I find out?"
Remy smirked.
"Remy?" Remy bagn ridding back to the stable, Roman quickly caught up calling "Remy? What are you planning? Remy??!"
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