16. Love?
"Morning bitches!" Called Remy as he stormed into Roman's room in Tonid. Roman got up slowly, rubbing his eys as he awoke. "Remy? please don't tell me you broke into Tonid." Remy laughed as roman sat up.
"No, no, Logan and I managed to sneek in on Patton's work boat or soemthing at the end of Patton's ship and we've been at Pattons for a while. And I thought I'd intrude to day as I'm heading back because I've got a date with Emile." He said taking a sip from his Coffee. "Shame, Tonid has lovely coffee." He added.
Roman laughed at his freind. "I know you like them." Roman said.
"Duh, anyways I've got to go, bye slut! Have fun with the hot prince!" Roman laughed as Remy walked out of the room. "Rude!" Roman joked.
Roman, half an hour later was heading to Virgil's room. He knocked on the door, and in a few seconds the door open. "Hey Roman." Virgil said. It looked lie he had just gotten up, he had a bit of a morning voice and bed head. Roman couldn't help but smile, he might have even blushed. "Morning Vee." Roman said noticing how in the morning Virgil's purple eyes look brighter, even closer to violet.
"Morning Princey." Virgil said inviting Roman into his room. "So whats up?" He asked walking into the onsuit and closing the door. "So last night Parker and Harrison talked to me and, I got to talk to my brother."
With that the door swang open "WHAT! That's awesome." Virgil said standing at the door. Roman had forgotten what they were talking about as Virgil had gone in the bathroom to get changed and in the time Roman had talked Virgil had taken off his shirt. For a prince who didn't do much, mostly just attended meetings, he was pretty ripped. "Roman, what did he say?"
"Oh um sorry, he just told me that he will come back, and that he wants to thank whoever killed him, becayse he is weird like that." Roman laughed, turning his head becasue he know he was blushing an he didn't wnat Virgil to notice.
Shit, I think I like him.
"Thats awesome!" Virgil said closing the door again to finish getting dressed. "I kinda of remember him from when we were younger. Though I don't ever remember you. Like sometimes he'd be here with your parents whenever there were meetings here. I usually avoid all the kida though, escially since he'd thrown my teddy out the window once, gods I was pissed." Virgil began to rant on about the times the heirs would visit and how his parents always thought it best if he didn't, then he didn't understand why but he got it now. Not like he like to hang out with any of them anyways.
"Sounds like I didn't miss much then." Roman laughed. Though he wasn't fully paying attension to Virgil more trying to figure out if he actualy liked Virgil or not. "My parents alway told me only the hair could go to those. But even after the murder I never got to go to one of them, so that was a lot of bullshit."
"Ha! Yeah."
Virgil walked out of the bathroom as he was finsihed. "So what are we going to do today?" Romna know that he'd find out in three days who killed his brother, so he wasn't in a rush to do anything. "I don't know.What about you?"
"MOrning Lo." Patton said as Logan walked into the kitchen. "Morning Patton, thank you for letting me visit and stay, Hopefully Remy and I weren't too much of a bother." Logan said sitting down oppsite Patton, who passed him a ice tea.
"Of course not, you were no bother." Patton said smiling thinking about how they kissed yesterday. Logan too smiled, and accidently knocked the tea over his shirt. He was too distracted by Pattons smile to notice the where abouce of the tea. "Ugh... great, I'm sorry." Logab said standing up. Patton hurried iver tohelp "It's not problem Lo." He said kissing Logans cheak.
Patton looked at Logan's shirt. "Well, I guess it's now called-" Before Patton coukd finsihed off his sentance, Logan know what was coming, and so interputed him "Don't."
"It's called a-"
There was a moment of silence but Pattons smile widened. "A tea shirt." Logan shock his head. "I /hate/ you, Patton." He said walking away to get new shirt. Patton smiled to himself and she cleaned up the mess.
There was a knock at the door as Patton finished cleaning up. "Hello? Virgil! Roman!" Patton said as the two of them stood at the door. "Hey Patton." Virgil said as they wlaked in. "We ment to come over yesterday, but we noticed you were busy." Virgil said chuckling and Roman smirked.
"You saw?" Patton asked blushing. Both of them nodded as Logan walked back into the room. "Hey there." Roman smirked at Logan. "I know that face, thats the face you make at Remy when he crushes on someone, you saw us kiss then." Once again the two of them nodded.
And so they spent their day at Patton's. Logan explained how Patton and him were dating now, Roman noticed how happy Virgil looked. Virgil was so happy for Patton, plus he felt good that Patton was no longer stuck with only him. Virgil always felt like he was a burden to Patton, so no matter wether thats true or not at least he didn't have to be stuck with him, and he found love. Vorgil felt like he couldn't ever fine love, afterall the curse, his lips.
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