14. Beach
(TW: Mention of Su1c1d3)
"So, earlier, you said something, and it might be out of place to ask, but, umm, what did you mean, umm, when you know, you siad that, that you've treid to kill yourself more time then I have tried to kill you." Roman said, he felt bad so he watched how the water gentally swayed back and forth, smoothly runnign across the surface before backing away.
"I-" Virgil said struggling to speak. "I've tried commitng suicide a few times. Maybe about three time. But every time I either get to scared becasue I don't know what hppens next, and others I have been caught to early, some just failed. Okay so there was definalty mpre them three. But soemtimes still think it's a good option, I know how mcuh stress I give people. When we met I poisons you, because the curse means my lips are poisonous, well, anything that goes near my mouth has the poison on it, I'm immune, but think, fork, spoons, cups. People have to wear gloves when cleanig mhy stuff which have to be burnt. Also my stuff has to be clean at leat three times. My mother made my life torment to others."
"Maybe she just didnt think it through." Roman sajd trying to be a bit upbeat.
"Yeah she did, my parents argued and she cursed me then, her mind corrupted my whatever they argued about, I can't remember, whatever, I'm suck with it."
"Hey, umm, i'm sorry, maybe we can find a way to break the curse once we have discovered my brother's death mystery?" Virgil nodded.
"That would be nice, but I doubt there is a cure or anything."
"We can tried." Roman sadi trying to be encouraging.
The both of them carried on staring out at the waves as they sat on the beach. The sun was even lower now, only a quarter of it shined over the horizen, Roman found himself amazed byt the beauty of this night, while Virgil was consumed by his thoughts. They sat in quiet, and for the both of them it felt like a minuet, but by the time they came back to reality the sun had been long gone. A voice was calling down to them "The beach is closing in five minuets!"
Virgil jumped up, "I guess we should be heading back. So, umm, what are your plans then, like, what your parents be worried?" Virgil said as he and Roman walked back into the city.
"Nah, thye probally haven't realy notice or just think i'm having a bit of a reblious perido again. It's fine, they'll just have a slight go at me when I get back." Roman said light-heartedly. Virgil felt bad for him, the fact Roman thought his parents wouldn't even notice he was gone. You'd think it was the oppsite, espcailly since their eldest was murdered nine-years back.
They got to the Catsle, the way there they had carried on talking, it was one of those good coverstaions hwere it starts as something then qucikly changes. Like you start by discussing your last lesson then your talking about how weird the number 12 is. (A/N: and I was too lazy to come up with a good thing to mae then talk about so yay!)
"Okay, okay DR. Gloom, I must admit you were right." Roman laughed related to what they were talking about. "See I told you." Virgil said smuggly trying not laugh too.
They walked into the castle and once again the converstaion shifted. "So why did you stay?" Virgil asked as the laughed died out.
"I don't really know, I just felt like I needed too, like there was something forcing me to stay. Maybe it's desiny, telling me I have to fine my brothers murderer, that may mean they were from Tonid too." Roman said like a fictional chyaracter on a journey of adventure and struggle. Which is /definatily/ not what this 'book' is. Hahahahaha.
"My gods." Virgil uttered as he began walking faster. "Hey!" Roman laughed as he caught up with him. "Whats wrong? I'm pnly telling the truth."
"I know, but that was the most cliche cringe worthy shit I've heared all day, which says alot, Princey."
*Instert offended princey noises.* "Well excuss me Brad Pitiful." Which Virgil just laughed too.
"This is your room Princey, night." Virgil said walking away with a two fingered salute.
Roman walked into the guest room smiling like an idiot. He couldn't get Virgil out of his mind, well, until...
"Hello!" With that Roman squilled, falling backwards, but catching himself. Harrison, the one who apparated out of nowhere ns scared Roman, laughed as Parker too joined the room. "What the fuck you guys." Roman said calming down.
"Sorry, Harry is just excited." Parker said hugging Harrison. "Basically we have some great new, and a slight warning. But AWESOME news." Parker said trying toi degrade the bad news.
"So, whats the bad news then?" Roman said knowing he wanst to get the bad news over and done with. "Well, it's not bad news it's just a warning. Bacially we had spoke to the Ghost Emperor to call in a favour, which was kinda pushing it, but thy are lovely and granted it, but also told us whats will happen. In the spirit world time works differently, like they have already met the dead you, like your ghost and knows exactly how things should go, which thinking about it is proablly whay they let use come here. Anways in three days you will find out something and you have to be calm, because time is flux and you have to stay as clam as possible or you will change your whole future, and trust me when I say you don't want to do that." Parker explained.
"IS that all you can tell me?" Roman pleaded. "And if the Ghost Emperor knows how things should go then how can it change?" Roman needed to know everything he could becasue he wasnt ready to be calm about what he figured to be the news. He's best guess whats he was going to find out who his brothers murderer was, and he didn't think he would ever be able to be calm about it.
"It's all very compliacted, also we aren't old enough to know, in Ghost years we are only nine, you have to be fifteen to know the 'politics' or whatever oif the world, so you can stelt in and stuff, but Paker and I are a bit reblious if you couldn't tell." Harrison said with a slight smile.
"Fine. Whats the good news then?" Roman said hopefully. Parker and Harrison looked at each other with a smile before turning their heads to Roman and saying....
"You can speak to your brother."
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