Night at the Parks: Battle of the Base
My day had been spent pretty much just pacing back and forth in front of Jess and my bunk bed. Jess had been up top, day dreaming and drawing. When the night drew nearer and the clock turned to 10:00, I got a text from Philby.
Prof. Phil
Crossing in 15 sharp.
I jumped up to the second rung of the ladder to Jess's bunk, and she jumped, almost hitting her head on the ceiling.
"What's wrong with you?" Jess asked, rubbing her skull.
"We're crossing over in 45. Nighty night!" I turned off the little lamp that Jess had at the head of her bed and jumped to the ground. I pulled the covers up to my neck and tried to drift off to sleep, which was hard when you were thinking about it, but something every Keeper had gotten used to.
When I woke up, I was laying right in front of GMR right on the square with C3-PO and R2D2's 'footprints'. Willa had just crossed over across the way next to one of the lion statues, and Finn and Maybeck were sitting on a bench.
"Aye, look who's here," Maybeck stood, waving us over. Willa and I stumbled over to where they were sitting- it took a moment to get yourself together when crossing over in DHI 1.0 -and sat down as well. Everyone else crossed within the span of the next fifteen minutes in the order of Philby, followed by Charlene, and then Jess. After everyone had arrived, we sat in a circle in the middle of GMR forecourt and started to formulate a game plan.
"Alright, we know we need to get at least three people down to The Base. Safety in numbers." Philby started.
"I'll go," Maybeck volunteered.
"Me too." Charlene followed.
"Jess'll go too." Maybeck offered Jess up as well. She tensed and barely nodded her head in agreement.
"Alrighty then, what else to we need to get done?" Finn broke the awkward silence that had fallen over us.
"Well, what are the most villainous attractions that we should check out?" Willa asked, tapping her chin. As if on cue, a giant strike of lightning flashed on the other side of the park, striking the Tower of Terror. Finn and I looked at each other and knew what the other was thinking, and took off to one of the tallest points in WDW.
My breathing became more intense as we passed villain-themed candy shop, as if the Evil Queen would come to life out of the shop window at any time and try to feed me one of her apples. Meanwhile, Finn and I were lowkey racing each other. As soon as I would speed up and pass him he would get faster to pass me, and vice versa. Before long, we had arrived at the gates of TOT and were running through the queue, although I wasn't quite sure what we were running towards.
When we had gotten to the point where guests would normally board the elevators, but Finn went behind the 'check in desk' that a CM would stand behind to direct people to elevators and instruct how to scan Magic Bands for Fastpasses. He flipped up the clipboard, which revealed a control panel. I gave him an confused look.
"What? I worked this attraction last summer." Finn laughed and began pressing a series of buttons. The set of lights to my left flashed and I screamed, to which Finn howled with laughter.
"Don't do that!" I punched him in the shoulder.
"Alright, alright." Finn calmed himself and pushed a few more buttons, opening the elevator doors to our right. He flipped one more switch and I heard the second door of the 'Library' elevator room open. Finn slammed the clipboard back down and led me over to the right library doors, which we walked through and then passed through the second one on the other side of the room right before it closed.
We were now in the 'boiler room' of the attraction, the part of the queue where the chickens of parties were reveled and were given one more chance to escape before boarding. Finn and I walked through the line, which was dark except for a few emergency lights. I pulled out my phone and turned the emergency flashlight on, which was little help.
Once we got through the line Finn used the control panel to turn on the lights. I put my phone away and let my eyes adjust to all the new light.
"Well, what now?" I asked, looking around.
"I don't know, and I don't think it'd be a good idea to get on that," He pointed to the elevator. "but I also think that's what we have to do."
"You're right, that's a horrible idea." I crossed my arms and sighed.
"Well what do you suppose we do?" Finn asked, looking at me.
"Get on the elevator." I replied and motioned to the control panel. He smiled at me in a way I've never been smiled at before, and flipped a few switches. Within moments, the attraction had whirred to life and I heard the car centering itself, and the doors clicked open.
"After you," I motioned to the doors.
"Ladies first." Finn smirked and I glared at him, stepping into the car. He went and messed with the controls a little bit more before coming back to the car. "Pull the seat belt out a little bit on that and buckle it." He pointed to the seat next to me. I followed his instructions and he hit a button outside of the car doors, closing them. Finn jumped over the doors just in time before the elevator closed and the ride started, and he slipped under the seat belt that I had buckled before.
"You are the passengers on a very most uncommon elevator about to ascend into your very own episode of... The Twilight Zone." Finn shook me when the narrator said The Twilight Zone and I screamed for a solid fifteen seconds, punching him afterwards. Hard.
"That's gonna leave a mark." Finn grumbled, rubbing his shoulder.
"You bet." I growled and sat back in my seat as the narrator continued.
"One stormy night long ago, five people stepped through the door of an elevator and into a nightmare." The narrator continued, and I watched with a close eye as the projections of the family and the bellhop on the elevator come to life, lighting forming between their hands.
The elevator ascended again and we reached the next set of doors. "That door is opening again, and this time it's for you." I bit my lip as the car started moving forward, the sound of a clock ticking much more menacing than it normally was during the daytime.
Once we had reached the end of the track and the car was moving into place for the drops, the narrators voice started up once more. "You are about to discover what lies beyond the fifth dimension, beyond the deepest darkest corner of imagination," I grabbed Finn's hand. "in The Tower of Terror."
The sound of 'snapping elevator cords' the attraction regularly provided kicked in followed by something I had never heard before. It was a cackle all too familiar, something that we'd heard one too many times. When I saw a flash of green and purple lightning cross the sky at the first drop, I knew the origins of that laugh.
She was back.
*evil cackling* GUESS WHO'S BAAACCCKKK? Not just me... ;)
I hope that chapter wasn't too cringy. I haven't written in this book for a while, so it took me a bit to get started moving again. But now, our plot is actually moving a long. I did a lot of unpurposeful (I don't think that's a word) set-up for things in earlier chapters that I didn't know what to do with but now, I have so many ideas and this is gonna turn out to be SWEET!
And thank you guys so much for getting this book to almost 900 reads?! The KK community is the most supportive fandom out there!!!
Also, I have a lineup of dedications for this book, among all my other ongoing novels. So if you've voted or commented consistently on this book or one of my others, be patient, your dedication is coming! This chapter is dedicated to fandomxtrashh who I can't remember if I dedicated a chapter to already but oh well she votes on a lot of my stories so thank you girly haha! (UPDATE: I did dedicate the last chapter to her whoopsies oh well)
Also, did anyone get my pun in the title of the chapter? Comment if you get the reference!
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