Hunters And Demons
I ran through the forest to escape the so called "hunters" who were pursuing me. Well, if you could call them hunters and if you could even call it a pursuit. The three idiots who were following me were clearly new to the hunting business.
Heh, easy kills. For now the plan was to let them think they had me on the run to escape them, then double back and pick them off one by one. I paused for a moment to see about finding a spot to hide for an ambush.
Luckily there happened to be a bush I could hide in, it was pitch black outside so I could blend in. The only thing that might give me away would be my eyes glowing from their flashlights. Like how cat eyes glow when you take a picture or something like that.
"The tracks end here, so it couldn't have gone very far. Tom, check around here for it. Kill it if you see it. Mark, check to the west of here. I'll go check out the east. Keep your silver knives close just in case it gets too close."
Look at them, trying to be professional hunters. Amusing. I'd overheard them talking about how it was their first hunt and how they wanted to be all cool and badass and take down a werewolf on the first try. Yeah, good luck with that. I'm not about to become their little trophy so they can have something to brag about.
If they honestly think they'll become like the Winchesters, they've got another thing coming. Well, if they somehow survive this then there's the possibility. But I'll see to it that they don't walk out in one piece.
I carefully crept up behind their buddy Tom, I smirked to myself. "This is gonna be easy." I thought. I grabbed the back of his neck, spun him around, and bit down on his throat. I bit down as hard as I could to quickly crush his trachea so he couldn't cry out for help.
While the remaining hunters were unprofessional, they were smart enough to bring silver. At least they had some intellect. Just to be certain that Tom was dead, I tore out his heart and ate it. While I generally don't eat the hearts of my prey, I do it to ensure a human is dead.
I then set off westward to find this Mark guy. Once I found him I tackled him down and started to snap at his throat to crush it. He managed to keep my fangs about an inch away from his throat. Then the fucker stabbed me in the side with a damn silver knife.
That fucking tears it, now the fucker is going to suffer. I was going to play nice and make it a quick death because I was in a good mood, he ruined that chance now. I slashed at his torso and managed to leave a deep gash across his chest.
He screamed out in pain, can't have that now can we? I pinned him down and slashed at his throat with my claws until his throat was torn to ribbons and his head was separated from his body.
I walked away from the body into a bush to assess the damage done by the knife. Damn thing was still in my side, talk about a thorn in the side. Jokes aside, it hurt like a motherfucking bitch on a hot summer day.
I closed my eyes and braced for pain as I slowly pulled the knife out. As soon as I had the knife out, I limped up to the corpse of Mark and stabbed it in the side. "Doesn't feel very fucking good does it, fucking bitch bastard." I snarled. Well, I communicate by growls and the like similar to how wolves do.
Point is, it's what I said to the bastard's face. I then set off to go rest and tend to my wounds. I'll get the last hunter one of these days, mark my fucking words.
Time skip to a month later
It was yet another full moon, I'd already shifted earlier. But I like to spook people on the night of the full moon. It's amusing to go into town in human form and hear people swear up and down they saw a werewolf.
I was bit by a pure blooded werewolf as a kid, I don't really remember much about it. All I remember was I made some sort of promise to a man for him to turn me into a werewolf, then he had a pure blooded werewolf bite me.
I think he said something about it being easier to keep the creature tamed if it keeps my consciousness. I think so anyway, I'm not sure. I was six at the time, I'm sixteen now. Man, time does go by fast.
Enough reminiscing for now, now I have some work to do. While I was in town I'd ran into some people I hoped I'd never, ever meet. Sam and Dean Winchester. The fucking Winchesters are after me now. Fucking hell man, just my fucking luck I suppose.
I didn't dare leave my house, I was terrified they'd find me. I was taking a quick nap in a small area I made for my wolf self when I heard the door break down. Immediately my senses kicked into overdrive, adrenaline coursed through my veins. I could hear my heart pounding in my chest.
Then... Then they found me. They both had shotguns I was certain were filled with silver shotgun bullets. There was a third man, he wore a trenchcoat. Maybe, maybe he can help. I wasn't sure of what he was, he wasn't human that much I was certain of. But I'd never met a creature with the scent that he had.
I lowered my ears and put my tail between my legs, maybe if I tried showing I wouldn't hurt them then maybe they'd let me live... Oh who am I kidding? They'll kill me anyway. Then it hit me, if I could escape into the forest they'd never be able to find me. It's worth a try..
I sprinted as fast as I could passed them, then the man in the trenchcoat caught me. He held me by the scruff of my neck, Dean pointed the shotgun at me. I closed my eyes and braced for pain and the feeling of death. But it never came.
"Get out of the way." Dean growled "No, this one is mine. See, she made a deal with me back when I was a crossroad demon. Her ten years are up, she's coming with me." A male, accented voice growled. I slowly looked over to see the source of the voice.
In front of me stood a man of average height in a charcoal black suit and matching tie. He had some scruff going, but there was something... Off about him. It was painfully obvious he's a demon, I mean he just said he used to be a crossroad demon.
But something about him in general just seemed... Off. He said I made a deal with him, but wouldn't I remember that? I would like to think I would remember someone I made a deal with. Maybe I could speak to him if I get through this alive.
Finally, Dean put down the shotgun "Fine. She's yours, Crowley." Dean grumbled before telling Sam and the man in the trenchcoat he referred to as 'Cas' to leave with him. Cas gently set me down and gently petted where he had held me. The odd thing was, I could feel the scratches left by his nails healing quicker than what they usually would. Just.. What was this Cas guy? He's not a demon, demons don't heal their vessels. And I doubt a demon would heal another creature after hurting it.
I glanced at the demon referred to as Crowley. "Come along, love. You're coming with me." He announced. I gave him a questioning look "You made a deal with me when you were a kid to give you lycanthropy. I told you, ten years. And then you come to daddy." He smirked at his statement.
So this was the guy I dealt with? I don't remember him... You'd think I would remember a demon but seemingly not. Good job brain, you had one bloody job. He picked me up and held me like a puppy "Now then, you're coming with me, love."
I gave him another look of confusion "You don't remember, do you? In exchange for me helping you gain lycanthropy, you agreed to be mine for eternity. You signed the contract in blood that ten years from that day, you would come to Hell with me and be my bride. Now then; let's. Go." He growled.
Hey guys, fun little challenge here for those interested in mythology. There's a reference to Egyptian mythology with the sides of the Nile river and why the pyramids are on one side and villages are on the other. See if you can figure it out, hint: Pay careful attention to the directions the hunters went
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