Katsuki nosed Izuku's cheek gently, staring down at the slumbering Omega with a prideful grin, leaving chaste kisses up and down his jaw and neck as he hovered over him. Izuku grumbled, green eyes slowly opening to look up at the man, cheeks turning a light shade of pink with the close proximity. "Good morning, sleepy head," The Alpha chuckled, leaning down to lock their lips together. Though taken by surprise, the Omega melted into the sweet kiss, fingers grazing over his broad shoulders and resting on his back, eyes fluttering shut as he let himself be pulled from the bed and sat in his mate's lap. After a few moments, the blonde pulled away, only to hide his face in the mess of fluffy curls atop of his lover's head, wrapping his arms around his waist to pull him closer. Izuku smiled warmly, now fully awake as he leaned into the blonde's chest, breathing in the calming scent he let out. "I love you, Izu.." He whispered softly, the greenette purring happily.
"I guess it's morning, then," The green eyed male giggled, gasping as the man stood from the bed, legs wrapping around his lover's waist to support himself. He sighed, hiding his face in his neck as the Alpha kissed his forehead, laughing loudly at the small croon the much larger man let out as he nuzzled his scent glands against him, scent marking the Omega and coating him in his thick pheromones, making sure he smelt like him.
"I have something I want to show you," His deep voice made him quirk a brow, wrapping his arms around his neck and looking up to lock their eyes together. He offered a cheerful smile, hand coming up so that his finger could touch his nose slightly, giggling as the man nipped at his finger playfully, enjoying the fact that his mate really was just like a giant puppy sometimes. Of course, he'd never actually tell the man that, though.
"Like what?" He questioned, peppering soft kisses to his sharp jawline, enjoying as the King sighed in content from the attention his tiny Omega was giving him. Katsuki shook his head with a chuckle, slyly pinching his hip, earning a little yip of surprise from the former servant, who gave a playful glare to the spikey haired Alpha.
"Wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you, would it?" He smirked, gently nipping at his button nose, taking his lover by surprise, who gasped, giving a pout and looking away, crossing his arms and huffing. Katsuki placed his hands under his ass, hoisting his mate up to sit higher and leaning in to blow cold air against the shell of his ear. "Come on, little one... Wouldn't want to get your Alpha all riled up, would you? I might have to make some adjustments to your attitude if you keep that up," He let out a deep chuckle as Izuku's face turned a bright shade of pink, wrapping his arms back around his neck and hiding his face in his chest. "Good," The blonde laughed lowly, ruffling his already messy curls as he walked out of their shared bedchambers.
"Love, you have to get down if you want to see the surprise," The blonde King whispered softly into his mate's ear, stopping so that he could get down. The Omega grumbled lowly, hugging the man tighter and snuggling closer to him as the blonde gently nipped at the shell of his ear. "Come on, baby," He cooed, patting his back to encourage him. He pouted, but slowly let himself be lowered down nonetheless, his lover placing a hand on his lower back to guide him on, holding him close as they walked. "Don't be scared, okay?" The ruby eyed male spoke softly, glancing down at him. "They can... be kind of rambunctious around new people. They won't hurt you, though."
Izuku quirked a brow, unsure of what he could possibly mean. After nodding slowly to show that he understood, though he wasn't sure what he was supposed to understand, the King slowly opened the large, metal gate. He watched in slide open, a hand coming up to cover his eyes. He let himself be led forward, the sound of the gate clicking shut behind him catching his attention. As if regretting his decision, the man hesitantly lifted his hand from his eyes, Izuku letting his eyes flutter open. A large snout breath hot air into his face, the small greenette gasping and falling backwards, only to prop himself up on his elbows to stare in awe at the giant creature before him. He took in the shiny red scales, covering most of his body, save for it's underbelly, and his eyes gleamed bright with intelligence, a lively gold color. It was humongous, standing at least thirty feet off the ground. It's large tail swung behind it, almost wagging like a dog.
"Izuku, this is the dragon yard. And this little devil, is Spark. He's mine's cub," He spoke softly, reaching up to pet it's snout gently, laughing as it licked a long stripe up his face. The Omega stood reluctantly, stumbling as he was nudged forwards, head swiveling around to look at a much large dragon standing behind him. It didn't look quite as friendly, almost appearing to be on edge as it stared down at him. "Be nice! He's my mate, Xplodo," He scolded the creature, who looked between him and Katsuki curiously, before finally sniffing Izuku, happily licking at his face after a few moments. The greenette giggled, reaching up to touch his shimmery scales, eyes raking over his body. He was bright orange, his eyes a deep red.
"They're.... magnificent, Katsuki!" He laughed in pure happiness, letting himself be led by the gigantic creature to a clearing, an angelic looking female sunbathing in peace. He gasped as he was pushed down into a nest of some sort, made up of many soft materials. Xplodo and the female curled around him, the white scaled dragon, who was no doubt Spark's mother, laid her head down on his legs, letting out a soft croon.
"Hey!! Give me back my damn mate!" He heard Katsuki shout, giggling as the Orange dragon looked at him with big puppy eyes. "No! Xplodo, Angel, give me back Izuku! He's not your damn pup!" The white creature, whom he presumed was Angel, growled at him, flicking her tail and turning her attention back at the frail Omega, starting to gently groom him. "Excuse me!? FUCKING—" Xplodo nuzzled against the freckled male almost mockingly, staring directly at the man. "Oh, you-!!" Izuku laughed softly, tenderly petting Angel's surprisingly soft scales.
"Alright, you should let me out before he goes on a rampage," He giggled to the two creatures, who gave a knowing look, moving out of his way so that he could step out of the rather large nest.
"I heard that," Katsuki grumbled, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind to tackle him, laughing as his tiny mate squealed in surprise. "Do you want to go for a fly?" He asked softly, watching as Izuku's eyes sparkled with excitement.
"Yes!" He responded almost immediately.
"Alright," Katsuki chuckled at his fast answer, helping him up and whistling loudly, Xplodo instantly racing to his side. "Ready, boy?" He patted his long neck, staring up at his dragon, before snapping his fingers. The Orange creature lowered his head, letting Katsuki slide on easily, reaching a hand out to help Izuku up. Xplodo lowered himself on his haunches, spreading his wings and craning his head up, before taking off, Izuku wrapping his arms around his lover's waist to keep from falling. Only after a few moments, he let his eyes slowly flutter open, looking down and staring at the ground, which was now hundreds of feet away. He looked around him, staring with awe at the clear view of the mountain range, giggling happily as he looked at his surroundings. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Katsuki smiled at the Omega's reaction, holding onto Xplodo for support, though he knew he could trust him.
"It's amazing!" Izuku exclaimed, a bright smile tugging at his pink lips.
"Let me show you our Kingdom, Izuku. From my view," He said proudly, nudging his foot against his dragon's side, making the Orange creature speed up, diving slightly to get a bit lower. Izuku shouted with glee, letting his hands loosen from around Katsuki as he got more comfortable with being up so high. Katsuki couldn't contain the bright smile that spread across his face. "Where to?" He asked, awaiting his mate's answer. Only then did he realize that the arms around his waist had disappeared. He looked down, only to see Izuku pummeling downwards, heading straight for the ground. "IZUKU!!!"
Oops, I did another cliffhanger- Sorry not sorry 🥰 Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤
Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes!
1495 words
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