The King of the Night
Ever heard of the King of the Night? I sure hadn't until I walked into that town on the Sunday that I arrived. The day was very sunny, ironic huh, and there were kids playing around in the field. The first place I went was to the shop, where I set my eyes on the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen.
She said to me, "Ah! Hey there! How can I help?" I really wanted to tell her that I wanted her to come back to London with me, but no. I asked for the packet of crisps I had been dying for since I stepped off the plane. Where was I? Well, I thought I was in America, but I was fairly sure I wasn't.
I walked off towards another poster of the "King of the Night". It showed a shadowy figure who wore a charcoal crown. I quickly returned to the shop to hear her voice. "Who's this 'King of the Night fella?" I asked her. She looked up at me as if I was insane.
"It's the persona we've given to the man kidnapping my children." She answered. I asked her if she had children who were lost and she told me that she had no interest in having children. And so I left.
Later, I returned as she was closing up the shop. "Do you know of anywhere I could stay?" I asked her. She shook her head.
"If there was room at the Inn, I'd have somewhere to go." She replied. "My boss tells me I'm not allowed to sleep in the break room anymore."
"You're homeless?" I asked.
"It's no biggie. I'm used to it." She replied. It was dark. The two of us sat down outside the shop. And then we noticed something strange. There was someone moving in the distance. It didn't emerge after some time, so I forgot about it.
"What's your name, by the way?" She asked me with her beautiful voice. Am I saying beautiful too much. Sorry, it's just how I felt.
"Susan." I replied, simply.
"Well, I'm Grace!" She laughed with a beaming smile. That's when I saw it again, movement in the bushes. I stood up. "What is it?" She asked, clearly concerned, standing up too.
"There's someone around." I replied. She rolled her eyes. But, I began to move forward towards the busy before us. I saw something shining and I moved back, trying to push Grace back too.
Someone moved of the bushes holding a blade of some kind. It was long, possibly a sword. They had a blackened crown on their head, a ski mask and a black robe. Grace gasped. I did nothing. I knew he'd follow me here.
I've not been completely straight with you so far. I did know where I was going. I never left England. I sent a lookalike on a plane for me and then ran off North into Yorkshire. I didn't exactly know where I was now, but I knew my attacker. I knew the identity of the King of the Night.
"Gordon!" I cried out. All I got as reply was his deep laughter. "Stay back, please." I asked Grace kindly. She seemed to recognise words coming from my mouth but seemed to stay frozen. And then my dreams were crushed as he darted quickly to and from Grace, merging her and the blade for an instant, before she fell to her knees in pain, blood soaking her shirt. I look into his eyes and reassured myself that his death would mean nothing but happiness to me. He moved towards me with the blade.
So, who am I? I asked myself this, knowing I was likely about to die. I am Susan Green and I am the daughter of Arnold Green, the police officer who's dream was to stop the "King Council", a gang of criminals who were only after publicity and gold. Unfortunately he could only get one, an achievement in itself; nobody else had caught a member of the King Council before. Unfortunately, the leader killed him whilst he was off duty. The leader was known as the King. But, for today, I knew him as the King of the Night. I didn't care whether I had to capture him or would kill him in the end, I just wanted to finish what my dad started.
I jumped backwards and grabbed a loose brick on the wall and threw it at him. It hit his blade and dented it. He seemed to give up on it at this point, throwing it into the grass. I now had a new target. I jumped towards, him, trying to gain more ground. It worked and I managed to secure a spot which I could grip the sword from. "It's over." I said, moving the blade to his neck. Unfortunately, after turning around to pick up the blade, he'd vanished. He was gone...
"How is she?" I asked the doctor.
"Recovering." She replied, smiling. "Did you want to check on her?"
"Of course." I walked into the room. "Hey." I said to her.
She coughed. "Hi." Grace replied. "Did I drink too much or...?" She asked. I laughed.
"No." I told her, still laughing. "The King of the Night cut through your front." I stopped laughing.
"I see." She said. "Was he caught?"
"No." I replied. "I've tried to, but he got away."
"Can I help?" She asked me, smiling. I smiled back in response.
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