Chapter 4: A Council Of Motelings
"Mote?" Eary called out. The rest of the group waited in anticipation. However, he did not respond. Decan, now sitting closely with Eary, exclaimed, "He's been gone all night. He hasn't responded to anyone's call." Mei squeeled in nervously "Guys I'm really freaked out. First, we run into Sasha, and now Mote is missing."
Luke calmed the crowd of nervous teens. He had Eary recount his steps of when he last heard or saw Mote. "We we're here! I don't know what could have happened to him." Eary whined, his eyes tearing up. Decan quickly wrapped an arm around the young man. "He had become much more affectionate since Josh brought the girls home." He thought as he clung to his estranged love.
Luke once again took control of the conversation. He looked to Alice and, with a look of suspicion, inquired. "Let's go see where the mansions portal door was last leading too." Eary felt a sense of elation after Luke spoke. "Of course!" He stated in cheery excitement."The portal doors go to the ruins, too! That's where Mote's friends are." Luke nodded."Exactly."
The group of youths walked to the safe house large entryway. Station off of a closet, the gadget known as a portal door was indeed set to the Nocopo ruins. "See! I knew it." Luke exclaimed proudly. Turning around, he inquired, "Everyone ready for another trip to the ruins?" The team cheered as Luke opened the door to the chilly darkness. "Ephraim, this place is pretty cool. But it's a smidgen dangerous, so don't wander away." Ephraim nodded excitedly as the group entered the ruins.
"It's warm in here." Eary thought as they emerged closely to the moteling sanctorium. Several large curtains lay strode upon a large wire that 'someone' used to cut the sanctorium off from the rest of the ruins. Eary muttered out loud. "What is he up to?" Moving into the cavern. Eary and his friends arrived in the largest of the shrines. "Empty." Eary noted. Alice rebutted to Eary's observations. "Look, the way forward is open. I bet there all in their concert all." Eary glanced at the girl. With a quick nod, the group continued on their way.
Reaching the moteling auditorium l, Eary was shocked by what he saw. On the ampetheter's main stage sat Mote. Next to him was a large television, some sort of power generator, and Eary's video game system he acquired last year for Christmas. As they moved closer, the group was accosted by a familiar pop culture sound. "JERRY! JERRY!" Eary looked to his brother, Luke."Are they watching Jerry Springer?"
As they moved in closer, Mote could be heard, "Okay, now what do we do when some bitch disrespects us?" A small purple moteling raised their arm. "Rip that bitches wig off?" Mote pointed to the moteling, "Correct you are! Oran, num nums!" Oran could be seen tossing a few cheesy num nums to the moteling. Eary called out to his friend, "Mote!" The blue moteling looked their way. "Hold tight, everyone. Got official Claris business to attend to.
Mote listened to the events of the evening. "It was the Chinese food, wasn't it?" Mote cackled as Mei began to protest, "Excuse me? My family has the finest food in New York!" Alice interrupted the squabble, "Excuse me! We have something important to attend to." Eary chimed in back."Yeah, someone is dead!" Mote rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah, wait a second." 5he whole group paused, confused by the moteling's command. He continued, "See! Someone else just croaked. And another and another. It happens all the time." Eary pressed further."Mote! They were trying to buy nocopo gems." Mote raised his eyebrow, "Now that's something different." Mote paced to and fro as he recounted."The shard from the Rathok kingdom was supposed to possess the ability to build anything. Most of the tech the nocopo used came from the rathok. So I'd bet dollars to donuts that Sasha of yours has that shard." Calvin exclaimed, "But why was that businessman so interested in the gems?" Denby extended his arm, directing himself to the front of the group," he chimed in, "His name was Edgar Williams. He used to be one of the world's leaders in tech. This is going to be huge news." Mote nodded as he pondered, "I don't know how'd he be usin' gems in tech. But I don't like the sound of it."
A flash of light pink light emanated from out of the darkness. Anu approached, an annoyed look upon her face. Mote announced, "Hey toots! What's shakin'?" Anu sighed."Mote, I can not believe you forgot." Mote's ears sprung up, "What'cha mean? I ain't forget nothin'." Mote looked around nervously, "Ah, happy birthday, Anu." Anu dismissed Mote's antics. "No, that's not," she sighed as she continued, "Have you forgotten of the gem trade from the times of the nocopo?" Mote smacked his forehead. "Of course! What would I do without your brilliant memory?" Anu chuckled as she rolled her eyes, "I think it would be prudent to consult Oran and Lorcan on the matter." Mote scoffed."Why Lorcan?" Anu continued."He was king during that time and would have much knowledge on such matters." Mote nodded."Fine." Mote waived his little hand. A moment later, Oran and Lorcan appeared before the group.
Anu said, "Greetings, we have a matter of grave urgency." The two moteling's looked at each other puzzled, "Aliright." Said Oran, in confused anticipation. Anu informed the pair of what the teens saw on their adventure. Oran shook his head knowingly.' "Strange. It took the Rathok mellinium to figure out how to transfer the Leoht's umbra powers into technology. How'd these three Scions figure it out so quickly?
Alice inquired, "What do you mean?" I thought all nocopo leave these weird rocks. Mote shook his head. "Nope! Only Leoht. But it does big the question of how theys figured it out." Lorcan chimed in, "Under my rule, we motelings worked tirelessly to find and return the gems to the people of Leoht." Eary said."What's the big deal about tech infused my power gems?" The motelings went still. Soon, Anu came to the front and explained, "The umbra jewels and rathok technology were used in conjunction to create powerful weaponry. If this is going on again, you and your friends could be facing a much greater threat."
The group went silent at Anu's words. 'Could these weapons really be so deadly?' Eary thought to himself as the team made their way back to the mansion.
Once inside, Decan pulled Eary off to a secluded corner, "I wanna see you." He said, his presence weakening Eary's knees. Giggling softly, he replied, "Alright, but I gotta get rid of Ephraim for the night." Decan continued."What's going on there anyways. Wasn't he dating Josh?" Eary nodded, "Yeah, but I think Josh turned him off with being too bossy. We're just friends again. Like always." Decan nodded a slightly as the moment was interrupted by an inquisitive Ephraim. "Hey guys, what's going on?" He said, eager for more adventure. Eary approached the young man. Guiding him by his arm, he said, "Hey Ephraim, I was hoping to get some time alone with Decan tonight." Ephraim recoiled in suprise, "Oh, yeah, that's cool. I'll just catch a ride with Luke." Eary grined, as he said."Thanks, you're the best." And quickly made off up the stairs with Decan.
Moving down the halls of the large labyrinthinian mansion. The two found a vacant bedroom and ducked inside. Embracing each other immediately, Decan exclaimed, "God, I've missed you." Decan's tight grasp revoked the strength in Eary's body as he melded in with the boy. He said, "I miss you so much, I thought everything was going to be perfect when we left Bright hope." Decan's hand caressed Eary's face. Looking deep into each other's eyes, he said, "I know. I didn't know how hard Laura was going to take me going missing. And I thought we would be their longer." Eary pulled back. In a shaky tone, he exclaimed, "So that's it then? I was just your abduction gay love affair?" Decan shook his head and quickly corrected the young man. "No, I didn't say that." Decan sighed loudly. Placing his hands on his head and closing his eyes tightly, he explained, "My parents don't know how I feel about you, and they love Laura." Eary nodded, the sorrowful still expression on his face held the proof of his maelstrom of internal pain. Decan once again embraced him. Caressing his hair, he stated, "I'll do it then. I'll end things." Eary gazed back. With an elated smile, he squeezed the boy. The two stood in silent reverence of their bond. After a bit, the two lovers secure in their bond, returned to their friends downstairs.
Moving into the living room, hands locked together. The pair was met by Mei's giddy glee at the revelation and smiles all abound. The group of friends enjoyed hours of television and conversation. As Eary and Decan prepared to leave, Alice pulled Eary aside and confronted him. "So listen. I understand you're young and boy crazy right now. But you still need to make time for your friends. So tomorrow night, Mei and I are kidnapping you. Got that, Sailor Moon?" Eary nodded and grinned. On the car ride home, he repeatedly grabbed onto the locket firmly. Dreams of being Decan and Eary Villa Gómez flooded his mind as he blissfully pulled into the driveway.
That night, as he slept. Eary dreamed he and Decan were married. They had many children and a great big house together. As the dream went on, however, a great fire erupted, covering the walls of their home. A moment later, Eary ran from the home. Only to find the same stone structure as his other dreams. A figure, in a large cloak, led him down an endlessly dark corridor, illuminated by only flames and screams of nearby windows. "Ilia!" He called out. Turning to face him, the young, golden skinned woman replied, "Are you ready to learn the truth?"
Eary shot from his bed in a cold sweat. His heart beat throbbing in his ears. 'Truth?' He thought as he stared off into the darkness of his room. 'What truth could she mean?' His mind racing. "Mote! Mote!" Eary called out. "Damn moteling, still in Antarctica." He sighed, a feeling of unease and panic still filled his body. He didn't get much sleep that night. As the constant question burned inside of him. "What truth?"
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