Chapter 3: Adventures In Porting
"Where are we?" Ephraim exclaimed in wonderment. Mei cheerfully announced, "We are in front of my family's restaurant, Baba Wongs." Eary erupted in excitement."I love Chinese food!" Mei giddily replied."We have the best in the whole city!" Ephraim inquired."Are we in China?" Calvin interrupted."Not exactly. We're in Chinatown, in New York City." Mei was giddy with excitement."I'm so excited for them to meet you guys." She stated, glancing shyly at Calvin. He returned her affection, placing his arm on the small of her back. The two talked quietly as the group entered the large, red, double doors.
Inside, the group was met with a dimly lit interior, illuminated by strings of fairy lights. Four large pillars, encased in wood patern lamenet, held up the building suspended ceiling. Mei cheerily exclaimed, "Isn't this great?" Calvin approached the girl. They locked their hands together. And in an odd display for Calvin, he kissed Mei in front of his friends. Whispering in her ear, "It sure is."
The group huddled into a nearby both, while Mei excused her and Calvin. "This place looks sus." Alice grimaced while looking around at the basement restaurant. "I think it's cozy." Eary remarked to lighten the mood. "I think it's cool too, I've never been to a place like this," Ephraim excitedly agreed. "Give it a try, love." Denby lamented as Alice gazed around uneasy. "I've just had bad experiences with Chinese food in the past. It doesn't sit well with me." Eary reassured her."I'm sure Mei wouldn't bring us anywhere bad. And she did cook for you before." Alice sighed."True." Eary grined wide as he continued,"and I also have my healing powers. Just in case." Alice rolled her eyes."Fine, I'll give it a shot. But if I get sick, I'm holding you three personally responsible." The three young men gave a chuckle as Alice's eyes gave a malicious glare.
A moment later, Mei and Calvin returned. "Hey guys! I wanted to introduce you to my parents." Mei announced as she presented a middle-aged couple to the group. The group greeted them as Calvin stood awkwardly off to the side.
The Wongs graciously greeted the teens. As the father shook all of their hands. The mother presented them with menu's. After the exchange, Calvin and Mei rejoined their friends.
"They seem super nice." Eary exclaimed in a show of support. "Thanks. I have a wonderful family." Mei cheerfully explained."They also really like Cal." Mei lit up as she looked upon Calvin enamored. "Calvin smiled, putting his arm around Mei he informed the group."We've been using the portal doors all this week to stay in contact." Mei nodded excitedly."He's also been helping out around the restaurant." Mei explained in mild disbelief. Alice smiled. "I'm so happy for you guys. We were all wondering in Bright Hope." The young couple held each other closer as their friends congratulated them. After which, the group examined their menu's, to which Mei rose and returned to the back.
"You guys are super serious." Ephraim lamented to Calvin as Mei disappeared to the back of the restaurant. Calvin nodded. "Yeah, I think I might be falling in love." The group roared in excitement, except Ephraim. Who noticeably had shifted his mood. He inquired, "How'd you know?" Calvin looked at Ephraim in confusion."You just do. I don't know." Ephraim laughed off the awkwardness. However, Eary felt a swelling of pity for him. He was about to delve deeper when the food arrived.
A wide variety of different delicious looking dishes were dispensed in front of the group. "Oh wow! This looks great!" Eary exclaimed in polite enthusiasm. Alice smiled cautiously. With pierced lips, she managed compliment. "Mmmmmm," while Calvin and Ephraim Thanks the Wongs for their courtesy. Eary and Denby instantly dug in, while Calvin and Ephraim slowly served themselves up. Mei sat beaming as her friends woofed down her families cooking. However, Alice's hesitation caught her attention. "Alice, why aren't you eating? Is everything alright?"Alice grimaced."Sweetie, I didn't know we'd be eating. But Chinese doesn't sit well with me." Mei nodded in understanding."I'm sorry I didn't know, I feel bad." Alice shook her head."No, don't apologize. I'm the one who should feel bad."
As the two girls went back and forth about who should feel worse about the incident. Their four male companions ate up all of the dishes to compensate. The group exchanged goodbyes as they all congregated around Alice.
Eary could notice the bubbling excitement in Ephraim, as they stood huddled in with the others. "How ya handling everything, Eph?" He whispered, stepping to his tip toes to get closer. "This is the coolest thing ever! Is this what it's like all the time?" Ephraim asked in enthusiasm. A quick flash of his abduction bounced around Eary's mind as he shook his head. "This is the first time we've been teleporing for leisure. So, I don't know, I guess." Eary blurted out, his unease apparent. Eary felt as Ephraims arm wrapped around him as Alice announced. "Alright, everyone, next stop, London!" Eary pushed in closer as the group manifested in what appeared to be a large open grassy area.
"Where are we?" Eary inquired, examining the area. Alice snarked. "We're in Hyde Park, in London. You'd know that if you'd been listening." Eary coyly brushed off the jab while Ephraim tried to console a group of nuns they had just manifested in front of. Alice grabbed and pulled him away by the arm, while the frightened huddle of ladies waddled quickly away in the other direction. "Smooth." Eary giggled as Ephraim rejoined him.
The teens move along the darkened park's frozen distilled scenery. The setting sun cast an ominous red glow that cascaded off the fresh undisturbed snow. The serene isolation was cut bleak by the bustling sound of London traffic nearby. "There's the road," Denby announced as the crew made their way into the heart of London.
Amidst the cities illuminated lamp posts and neon signs. It seems the whole city was getting read for the nightlife. The sites and sounds of the bustling streets, Eary, was wonderstuck by London's majestic downtown. Each building he passed boasted a plethora of sights and sounds all new and intoxicating to Eary. "I've never seen so many lights that weren't coming from me!" He lamented as he gazed from building to building. "You like it here, love?" Denby stated bee lining to Eary. An act that made the young man recoil in revulsion. "It's really cool, Denby." Eary slowly pressed himself into Ephraim as he continued."You'll have to show us all around tonight." He stated, clenching Ephraim's sleeve. "Ah, yeah! You're in for a treat tonight then, love. I know these streets like the back of my hand." He reassured, walking closer as he explained. Eary paused awkwardly. Denby's attention made Eary uneasy, yet he couldn't help but feel enamored by the young man. "This is the best night of my life." Ephraim retorted to Denby in a doey eyed gaze. Eary glared up at the blissfully unaware Ephraim. Denby, excited by the interest, replied, "I wanna show you all something real chic." Alice interrupted."Is this going to be like the time you took me to McDonald's for a date night?" Denby scoffed."Will you just let that go, love? We were broke." Alice giggled as Denby led the group. Eary watched as Denby led the group of teens through the streets. His quiet aura gave hint of turmoil. Eary worked his way up to the estranged young man as they walked. "Hey Denby? Is everything ok?" Eary asked, trying hard to maintain a friendly energy. Denby shrugged off the question, "Me? Nah, I'm alright." Eary pressed further."Are you sure? You got kinda quiet all of a sudden." Denby shook his head in slick confidence. "Absolutely not. We're having a great time! Your little friend would say so." Eary raised his brow,"Ephraim? Yeah, I don't think he has done anything like this before. Come to think of it, neither have I." He lamented to the young man. Denby joked "Well I'm glad I got to pop your cherry then." Eary giggled uncomfortably as Denby announced their arrival."This is the spot!"
The group observed an impossibly long line, leading up to a grand archway. Denby quickly led the group to the front of the line. "I know a guy." He called back to his friends as they approached the bouncer. "Kingston." The man stared at the young man with a cold, steely expression. "Tiny." Denby said in exchange, returning the tough image. Eary felt uneasy as the two stared off. However, this was shortly followed by a jovial laugh and embrace. "How ya doing, Kingston?" The heavy set bouncer now standing towered over the group. Denby continued on exchanging pleasantries before Denby inquired, "Hey man, I was wondering if you could let me and my mates in?" The bouncer glanced at the rag tag group of teens. Eary smiled big and wide as the nightclub bouncer stated him down. "How old is he?" The bouncer questioned. Eary rebutted, "I'm Eighteen, sir. I have a congenital condition that doesn't let me get any taller." The bouncer continued to stare him down, with Eary firmly standing his ground. A faint smile broke the tension as 'Tiny' announced. "Alright, I'll buy it. You and your friends are cool." Eary was elated as he and his friends were granted entry. "Just keep it low-key inside. We got a V.I.P. up in the lounge tonight." The bouncer instructed as the group moved past. Alice joked to Mei. "Maybe he's rich, and I should go flirt with him." The two girls giggled as the bouncer informed."Probably won't have much luck. Some bloody Russian billionaire snob. He's got tons of girls up there." Alice exclaimed."Oh shoot. Too bad for me!" Giggling, she grabbed onto Eary, pulling him close as they entered the club.
It was noisy. It was clustered with a sea of faces. But it was exhilarating! Eary scanned the area from all angles. Flashing beams of different colored light strobed across the white antique walls. A large chandelier dangled in the center
"Holy shit dudes! Did you all catch that?" Alice remarked as the group huddled together in a dark corner of the club. Eary looked at her perplexed as Calvin, Mei, and Denby seemed to be in the loop. Eary shook his head. "Is there some reason that is significant?" He lamented. Alice sighed "Dude it was your nightmare, vision, dealy thing. You said Sasha Mikhailov is one of the Scions, right?" Eary nodded."Yeah." Alice rolled her eyes "Well there is a Russian billionaire up in the lounge right now, could be him." Eary gasped."Then maybe we shouldn't be here. Maybe we need to go get Luke and Mote." Alice scoffed."We're not going to fight him. We're going to spy on him." Eary paused for a second until he replied snidly."Hence why we need Mote. He's great at spying." Ephraim quickly snapped."What!?" Eary shook his head "Oh not on you. I mean, u didn't even know Ephraim." He said earnestly while thinking that Mote really wasn't that great of a spy, after all. Eary sighed. "Ok, but if we get caught, we are porting home right away!" The five teens huddled together, formulating a plan. A nearby Ephraim exclaimed, "Are we really going to do superhero stuff tonight? Holy cow! Holy cow!" Eary's gaze was momentarily averted by Ephraim's excitement. He whispered to Alice, "We should bring him home. My parents will kill me if anything happens to him." Calvin chimed in."Agreed. I like Ephraim, but this is getting out of his league, man." Alice sighed."If we send him back, he'll just tell Luke what we're doing, and we won't ever get to go porting again." She glanced up at Ephraim, who was still lost in his own world. "I say we bring him and swear him to secrecy." Eary shook his head."I don't know if he can keep a big secret." He protested. Alice snarked back. "Really? He messed around with your brother for two years under yours and Mote's noses. I think he's good if he's motivated." Alice gestured over to Ephraim "Hey come here." Stopping in his tracks, the enthusiastic young man quickly returned to the crowd. "So what's the plan?" Alice smirked."You're gonna have to come with us. But you can't tell ANYBODY about what happens after this, you got it?" Ephraim nodded in nervous excitement as she continued. "We have to get up to the lounge undetected. Do you have any suggestions, people?"
Mei enthusiastically commented, "We could be room service." Denby quickly shot down the idea. In return, he suggested his street cred get them to Sasha. Alice dismissed that while she suggested using her telepathy to sneak past the guards. An idea with merit, Eary thought, as they agreed to allow Alice to break them in.
Leading the group up a large staircase behind a 'Reserved' Alice paused, a mildly confused look danced across her brow. "What's wrong?" Mei inquired. Alice shook her head. "No one is even up here. Are you sure he ment tonight Denby?" Denby stated,"You heard what I heard, Love. We should still probably be careful." Alice rolled her eyes as she proceeded to the top and into the lounge. As the rest of the group ascended the steps, they were amazed to find that the room was, in fact, barren of life.
"See, I told you no one....) Alice immediately paused and stared off into the distance. "We need to hide, now!" Ephraim whispered "Why what's going on?" The rest of the party met his cheery inquisition with a resounding 'Shhh'. "The closet, quick guys." Calvin gestured to the team from a nearby louvered door. Inside the six teens crammed into the small janitorial closet. Not a moment later, about a dozen men arrived with several scantily dressed women. Cheif among them was none other than Sasha Mikhailov. The tall, chisled man practically burst from his suit. His shaved head revealed the outline of male pattern baldness.
"Guys, can you hear me?" Alice's voice filled each of their minds, linking them in a silent telepathic network.
"I can hear you just fine." A voice resembling Mei's echoed in their minds."This is wild!" Ephraim could clearly be heard as he vibrated through Eary's mind. "Silence, I'm just doing this so we can talk." Alice's voice dominated the network. "If they hear us, we're fighting our way out of here. So only think when necessary, please."
The group watched as Sasha and two other men sat across from each other. A strange tension over took the group as Sasha began to speak. "Lexi, go fetch Mr. Williams his quarry." A young lady stepped up and nodded somberly. She quickly left the room. As Sasha and 'Mr. Williams' made themselves comfortable, Denby's voice echoed in the group's minds. "That's Edgar Williams." He stated, his voice echoing in the channel. "He's a big-time billionaire over here in London." Eary pushed his thoughts over the channel."How'd he get so rich?" Denby's voice filled the channel with his reply."He works in tech. It used to be once upon a time his company was the largest in Europe. Until Sasha arrived with his Company Vinkle. It's weird to see them sitting here together." Alice's voice dominated the line."Shhh, she's coming back."
As the young lady returned to the room, she presented Sasha with a black suitcase. He quickly exchanged with the one Mr. Williams was holding. Sasha opened his case first. The group was surprised to find that inside was not cash but documents. A large amount of them, too, from what Eary could see. Next Mr. Williams opened his case, trying to hide his building excitement. Before he could see its contents. Ephraim's voice began to manifest in his mind. "I don't wanna bother anyone. And I know it's important, but I really need to use the bathroom." Alice agitation was evident as she scolded back telepathically."What?! It's gonna have to wait! This is super important. God!" Another voice began to manifest on the line. This time, it was Calvin. "I didn't want to say anything. But I could use one too." Denby's voice also chimed in."Same." Eary inquired."What happened to you guys all of a sudden?" Ephraim's voice returned to the line "Please Eary, it's really bad. I'm hurting." Alice's voice erupted."Quiet! This is important, I can't. " She was immediately cut off by the unmistakable wafting stench of someone's released gas. Alice snarked. "Who ripped ass?" The channel went dead as the group held their breath, trying not to gag in the enclosed space. A moment later, a gunshot broke the tension as Mr. Williams fell to the floor. His suitcase strone about the floor. Its contents now revealed to be a large assortment of nocopo power gems. The whole group stood in collective silence. Too afraid to move, too disgusted to breathe. Sasha had his ladies collect the gems. Before departing, and leaving Mr. Williams corpse on the lounge floor. Sasha stated, "Let's go. I've had enough of this place. It stinks like shit in here."
The six teens were instantly transported back to the safety of their Toronto mansion. After a few quick bathroom breaks, Eary, Alice, and the others collected and filled in Luke, Sakile and Decan. But new questions arose. What did the power gems have to do with Sasha's tech company. And why did Mr. Williams want them so badly?
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