Chapter 23: Forbidden Fruit
The next morning, Eary woke still beside his twin, however, Ephraim was nowhere to be found. Groggily, he glanced around in confusion. No sign. Josh had awoken from his brother’s investigation.
“What are you doing,” Josh asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
“Ephraim’s not here,” he replied as he searched around for evidence of the contrary.
“He’s probably embarrassed ‘cause I know he’s a hoe,” Josh grumbled as he climbed from the bed.
Could Ephraim really be so amoral? Was he really stringing both he and Josh along all this time? Eary shook off the feelings of insecurity and anger. He didn’t own anybody and neither did Josh. If this is what made Ephraim happy, it was fine. They were all still kids after all.
The two got ready without the usual coldness. Being hurt by the same guy can do that he guessed. As the two talked about their lives, a feeling of relief washed over him. He hadn’t felt this close to Josh since they were kids. They emerged from their room with a bond Eary hadn’t felt in years. They headed down for breakfast. After grabbing some food the two headed to the conservatory. Sitting at a table for two, however, was Ephraim and Jackson.
“Hey,” Eary awkwardly exclaimed as he approached the two in confusion.
“Oh, hey what’s up,” Ephraim casually replied in his varsity jacket.
The two held hands at the table. Their contrasting complexions stood out a midst their interlocking fingers. Jackson’s family had immigrated from Jamaica about three years ago. He had been so quiet and shy before and Ephraim was his best friend. So he pulled up a chair and greeted the newcomer warmly. To his astonishment, Jackson’s face froze up in a snide aura as he stared blankly at Eary’s friendly inquires.
“Eary, do you mind,” Ephraim quietly stated as he gave his friend a dismissive glance.
“Fine,” Eary replied as quickly slammed his chair in and stormed off to the living room.
Eary angrily paced through the halls, grumbling to himself. The nerve of that jerk! Doesn’t he know I’m his best friend? What a rude little prick. He had half-way reached his destination when a hand grabbed him from behind and pulled him into a nearby door. A quick flick of the light revealed his aggressor. Ephraim stood in the small bathroom, glaring at him.
“What’s your problem now,” He asked angrily as he held his hand on the door.
“You! That’s my problem.” Eary replied matching his friend’s anger. “First, you ditch me for Josh. Second, you mess around with everyone but me. Then you break my brothers heart and tell me you love me while I’m in a relationship. And now your boyfriend is being a little bitch!”
“What do you want from me,” Ephraim exclaimed in frustration, throwing his hands in the air.
“I don’t know,” Eary’s voice trembled as he broke down into tears.
Tears flooded from his eyes as Eary desperately tried to conceal them in vain. A warm, tight and familiar embrace quelled his pain. He turned to gaze into Ephraim’s deep brown eyes. His simple face was etched into his heart and soul. He leaned in to kiss him. Feelings of betraying Decan filled his heart as he began to pull away. Ephraim grabbed him and lifted him into the air. He instinctively wrapped his legs and arms around the young man as Ephraim pressed him firm against the wall. He leaned in for another kiss. Eary moved his head slightly, not breaking eye contact. Ephraim’s face grew stern as he raised his brow and leaned in once more.
Eary didn’t stop him. It was their first kiss. He was kissing Ephraim Bennett. His heart exploded in an orchestra of emotions. His face tingled while his mind grew faint and dizzy. The smell of him. That smell. It grew stronger as the two tore at each other. Somehow they had reached the bathroom floor. Eary pressed his hand on Ephraim’s shirtless chest. He lay straddled over him, their eyes never breaking contact.
Afterward, they lay together on the bathroom floor, wrapped in a towel. Eary listened to Ephraim’s heart beating. His chest filling with air as it raised and fell hypnotically. The sound of the bathroom fan hummed a a peaceful melody as Ephraim held him and caressed his arm.
“Ephraim,” A thickly accented Jamaican accent broke the moment of bliss.
“Ah,” Eph replied as the two looked at each other in amused bewilderment. “Shitting. I’m taking a shit,” he continued his face grimacing at the words as they left his lips.
“You’ve been in there quite a while. Everyone is looking for you. Its time to go,” Jackson urged through dark wooden door.
“Be out in a minute,” he replied.
The two quickly got to there feet and began to search through the pile of discarded clothes for their belongings.
Eary took many glances at his disrobed lover. He scanned his body committing it to memory. Like an undeniable fact of life. This would be the way things were from now on.
He grabbed Ephraim around the waist. He had just gotten his pants up and the clinking of his belt made Eary’s heart race. Locking eyes once more, their lips curved in to faint smiles. They gently kissed. Electricity shot down Eary’s body as they separated, eyes still locked.
Another knock revoked any conformation. The visitor announced himself. Although, his voice made Eary’s blood run cold.
“Hey,” Decan’s voice rang through the door this time.
“Oh, hey Dec,” Eary nervously blurted out.
“Eary? I thought Ephraim was in here,”
“He was. It smells pretty bad but I couldn’t hold it any longer.” Eary replied, his eyes locked in horror with the much cooler Ephraim.
“Okay, well hurry up. Its time to get going. We’re riding with that Jackson kid. Josh refuses to see Ephraim with him,” Decan stated in an informative tone.
Eary agreed and sent the young off. His heart pounded. What would he tell Decan. Obviously, he has to end things. But still, Decan was good to him. A swell of guilt formed in the back of his throat.
“Why didn’t you just tell him the truth,” Ephraim asked as he slipped his shirt over his head.
“I…I wasn’t going to do that now. I’ll wait for a better time,” he replied shocked.
“Was this nothing,” Ephraim asked as his breathing began to increase.
“What? No! I…have always Ephraim.” He replied.
“Always what,” he asked, he voice trembling with uncertainty.
“Oh, you already know,” Eary replied dismissively as he tucked in his shirt.
“No. I really don’t. Things have become very different lately. Some of it’s my fault for getting mixed up with Josh. Some of it’s yours for not being open about your powers.”
“Did I have to tell you about my powers to be your friend?”
“It would have been nice. I wouldn’t have felt like I was losing you to some mental health crisis. I would have felt closer to you. I wouldn’t have ever wondered about anyone else. Like I don’t now.”
“What do you mean,” Eary asked.
“I don’t wonder,” Ephraim stated bluntly. “I already know. We belong together. Maybe not today or tomorrow but I know it.” Ephraim replied.
His words struck Eary’s soul. Once upon a time, that would have been enough reason for his powers. It was all he longed for. He had felt that way for years and to hear those words now brought tears to his eyes. The two embraced for a final kiss as they quickly raced to the entry way.
“There you two are,” Delia announced in a mother’s annoyance.
“Yeah, we just bumped into each other in the hall,” Ephraim casually stated as the two joined the gathering.
“Hey, where have you been? Josh and I have been looking for you all morning. He said he left you with Ephraim and Jackson,” Decan asked.
“I got caught up talking with them, that’s all.” Eary coolly replied.
“Jackson was sitting out there alone,” Josh said suspiciously.
“Ah, yeah. What I meant is that I got caught up talking with Ephraim,” he replied.
“What did he say? Did he say anything about me,” Josh inquired desperately.
“Uh, no. I asked him about Jackson. That’s all.” Eary breezily cast of the question.
“Okay…let’s get going,” Decan said softly.
Eary headed out to his convertible with Decan, Ephraim and Jackson in tow. The four teens jumped in. Eary took a deep breath. His eyes met Ephraim’s dark soft browns in the mirror.
“You going to start the car,” Decan asked as he coldly stared Eary down.
He tore his gaze from Ephraim’s perfect face. He shot a glance at Decan. His face wore a serious and stoic expression.
“You doing okay, Dec,” Eary asked nervously.
“I’m fine. We’re late,” he replied.
He turned the key in the ignition. He felt every click and metallic gear as he revved up the classic car. The cold chill of the outside brisk morning air did little to combat the vehicles social climate. Ephraim declined Jackson’s numerous attempts at conversation. Decan, on the other hand, stared out the window. His crossed arms gave Eary a forbidding feeling.
Pulling the car into the spot next to Josh’s, Eary watched on in horror as Decan quickly exited the vehicle. He grabbed his brother and began whispering as the two headed off to class.
A silent terror and rushed through him. He knows. He’s telling Josh right now. His breathing increased. His heart raced. He wanted to chase after him. He wanted to apologize for everything. For hurting him. For leading him on.
He scanned the area for his companion in his morning escapade. He spotted him. He walked into the school, arm firm around Jackson.
“What the fuck,” Eary whispered to himself.
The wind blew harsh across the frame of the abandoned young man. He angrily marched towards the school. Ready to question Ephraim’s precarious behavior.
He reached the main doors and was met by the familiar sea of faces. Maneuvering over to the lockers. He spotted his quarry. Reaching up and slamming his locker in his face, he scolded Ephraim.
“What the hell was that,” Eary asked in hushed rage.
“Gotta keep up appearances, remember,” Ephraim replied as he reopened his locker.
“I…” Eary looked around nervously to see if anyone was paying attention. “I just lost my virginity to you this morning. I think that would mean something.”
“I lost mine this morning, too. You still haven’t said anything to Decan. So what am I supposed to think?”
Eary smiled through his anger. He hadn’t lost it to another. It was theirs. No matter what, it would always be true.
“It was your first time, too,” he asked, his anger fleeting into familiar butterflies.
Ephraim nodded while he collected his books. His serious face did little to hide the tears amassed on his lower lid.
“I’ll do it, I promise. But Josh can’t know,” Eary said trying to comfort his best friend.
Ephraim walked away without saying a word. Eary made his way to his locker. Each step echoing a consequence for his actions. What was he doing? He loved Decan yesterday. Why did doing just this with Ephraim change that so much. He didn’t mean to. He was angry for Josh. Or was he angry for himself? Now it didn’t matter. Now he had to end things with Decan. Decan. His silky kiss. He’d never know it again.
He began to cry as he stuffed his books in his bag. Each tear releasing his reignited love for Ephraim. Filling the void was grief. Grief for the life he was building. What would his friends say? What would his parents say? They still think Josh and Ephraim are straight. How would they feel when they find out he fucked Josh’s first love.
A set of arms grabbed him from behind. He turned to see the Face of Mei Wong, whose concerned aura melted his façade. He crumbled into the girl, his pain blinding him with tears. She escorted him to a nearby classroom. He told her everything. To his surprise, she was supportive. Her comforting words and nurturing presence calmed his in storm. He knew with his friends he could get through this. He just hoped everyone was as kind as Mei.
The bell rang and the two made their way to homeroom. With Eary leaning his head on Mei’s shoulder the whole way.
Classes took his mind off his troubles. It was a breezy day of studies. Hannah and Maggie both cheered him up, although he refrained from informing them of his dilemma . The absence of Josh and Decan at lunch had Eary in a cold sweet. However, Ephraim’s arrival put a smile on his face. Even Mei granted it a quick smirk.
Gym was with the boys, however. Calvin was chummy while Decan and Josh stared from a distance. Calvin kept inquiring if something was wrong. Eary shook his head, playing stupid. It seemed to work, Calvin and he enjoyed the first 10 minutes of class. That was until the boys pulled him aside. Just like that, Calvin was flashing him the cold shoulder.
Eary looked Decan in the eyes. His face twisted in worry. He slowly approached the pair. His legs dreading each step.
“Hey guys, what’s up,” Eary asked in his best ‘I’m doing okay’ impression he had.
“You tell me,” Decan replied, avoiding eye contact.
“I…” Eary replied.
“We’re you fooling around with Ephraim in the bathroom this morning,” Josh blurted out.
Eary froze. Only for a second. But it was all the two needed. They had known him their whole life as well. He called out as they stormed off. Mitchell rushed in to see what caused the ruckus.
“Why don’t you ask your son, or Ephraim about it,” Decan replied as he left the gym.
Mitchell turned. His face a swell of questions and agitation. Eary was lost for words. He glanced around at the judgmental faces. His stomach sinking fast. His father instructed him to drive home with him at the end of the day. A looming shadow grew across his life. He looked over to Calvin, who quickly glanced away.
He sat on the bleachers for the rest of class. A familiar feeling crept in. He felt like that kid again. The trouble causing odd ball. Students occasionally chuckled as they passed by. He heard as they mocked him for Mote. He heard as they said he was crazy. He even heard as people called him an abduction victim and that something happened.
It was moments like these that he longed for Mote. No matter what happened before, he was always there. Now he’s off with Ben all the time. He was never good council, but he was always a good friend.
He looked once more at Calvin. He played ball and enjoyed the company of the others. Why was he mad? He didn’t get cheated on, Decan did! Eary huffed in his head.
The day wrapped and Eary slowly approached the cars, where his friends stood vigil. Brian had arrived and had Ephraim standing next to the families minivan. Mitchell waived Eary over to his car. Lowering his head he passed by the quiet onlookers that consisted of his friends. Eary crawled into the passenger side, his shame making him nauseous.
Mitchell entered, and calmly started the car and pulled away. He didn’t head back to the safe house. Instead, he drove back to their family home.
Inside, he sat Eary on the couch while he took the chair.
“Do you mind telling me what this is all about,” Mitchell inquired.
“What do you know already,” Eary asked.
“I know Josh was balling in my office. I know that Decan was crying. He was trying to hide it, but he was.” He said, pausing to study his child reaction.
“It’s a long story, Dad.”
“We got time.”
With folded arms and legs Eary stared down his father. When Mitchell sat back and got comfortable, Eary knew it was over.
“You remember when I told Ephraim I liked him and came out?”
Mitchell nodded his head jokingly.
“Rings a bell.”
“Well, I wasn’t the only one who felt that way,” Eary said.
“Alright. But Ephraim is straight. He told you that. He was clear. I’m sorry if you got hurt Earhart, but…”
“I lost my virginity to him this morning.” Eary blurted out.
Mitchell paused and stared into his sons eyes. The seconds felt like hours as he continued to stare blankly at his son.
“The reason Josh was crying is because he dated Ephraim for a month this summer.” Eary explained. “The reason Decan was crying, was that we were dating when this happened.”
Mitchell’s arms collapsed in the chair as his face stayed in it mystified expression. Eary twisted and bunched at the end of his shirt, eager for Mitchell’s response.
“I was over him, I swear it. We were having an argument this morning. I was telling him to be nicer to Josh, since he was trying to date Jackson. Josh had just told me he loved him. We weren’t fighting. I don’t know why I did this,” Eary said.
“What does Ephraim want,” Mitchell inquired calmly.
“He wants us to be together.” Eary explained softly.
“What do you want,” Mitchell asked.
“Yesterday, I just wanted Decan and to be friends with Josh again. But…” Eary said pausing while shuffling out his feelings. “But…the miracle.”
“I would imagine that would be a motivator for Ephraim. But for you,” Mitchell replied.
“Dad I was forever different for him. I came through time and landed on his lawn. I took care of him my whole life. I sat with him through hardship. Then he joined hockey and started messing around with Josh, so he avoided me. Now I feel so torn. Decan is what I want to grow into, Ephraim is who I am.”
Mitchell nodded somberly as he stared at the carpet of his Toronto home.
“I remember how upset you were at me for getting Ephraim into hockey.” Mitchell stated. “I just assumed he could get closer to Josh again. I didn’t think Josh would be doing this behind your back.”
“Huh,” Eary exclaimed in shock.
“I paid for that, Eary. I paid dearly for that, from you. And he never came back around to you really.” Mitchell said staring at the ceiling, his voice cracking. “I felt like the worst parent on earth after that. We all loved your guy’s special bond. Then something happened and we didn’t know what.”
Mitchell’s face fell in his hands. He composed himself. Rubbing his hands together, he prepared his verdict.
“I personally miss seeing you two together. I’m gonna say, if you stole him back, you stole him back. But I’m also going to say you hurt a lot of people along the way. So it wouldn’t be right to ignore that. Josh also swore to me up and down he didn’t know what Ephraim’s problem with you was, that was a lie. And considering you had such a hard time after that, I can’t ignore that. You also, cheated on a young man who I very much consider like another son, so I can’t ignore that.”
Mitchell darted his eyes about the room. Searching for an answer.
“I think my guys have a lot of growing up to do. I think you need to learn some respect for each other and for boundaries. Ephraim was off limits. But so was Decan. Tell me, did you date Decan out of spite?”
Eary sighed. He knew the answer.
“In the beginning, yes. I wanted to hurt Josh like he hurt me. Now…” Eary clasped the locket around his neck. “Now I’m not sure.”
“My point exactly. You’re not ready to put someone’s needs ahead of your own. Especially with people so close to us. So I think I’m going to stop you two from dating for the time being.” Mitchell replied softly.
Eary felt a great weight lifted from his shoulders. Not only that, his father had finally validated his years of feeling like an outsider. He even approved of him and Ephraim, but probably would have with him and Decan. He nodded gratefully. He was right, after all.
The two headed back to the safe house. Mitchell pulled Delia and the Bennett’s in another room. He sat shamefully in the living room. His head hung low.
“Told you not to mess around with your brother’s best friend.” Alice’s voice echoed in his head.
“You were right, you usually are.” Eary thought back.
“So how was it?” Alice telepathically asked, raising her brow in curiosity.
Ephraim and the Bennetts flooded into the living room. Eary fixed his gaze on Ephraim. Who met him with a warm faint smile.
He sat next to Eary. Wrapping his arm around him, pulling him close. Eary felt a mix of warmth and unease. He didn’t want Decan or Josh to see this. He had wanted this. Back before things turned out like this. Both families surrounded the pair. Their warm smiles made him feel even more guilty.
The Bennetts began by expressing their love for Eary, the Olson’s did the same for Ephraim.
The grip around his shoulder tightened significantly. Eph’s expression shifted from a confidence to fear as the tone of the conversation shifted south.
He asked desperately if they could be together. Eary took the reigns and explained his conversation with his father and how he wasn’t ready.
Ephraim got up in a huff and stormed off. Lisa chased after him. Eary knew he had caused that. He knew he hurt him badly. But he couldn’t hurt those in his life any longer.
The boys were separated into different rooms. Eary, however kept the room to himself. A strange sort of gift from his father. A way of apologizing for his involvement in this.
Eary settled into the large bed. He hadn’t been alone at night in a great while. He comfortably stretched out and wrapped himself in his covers. He was drifting off, when a sudden thought occurred to him.
“Where is that damn moteling?”
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