Chapter 19: The Sacred Seven
Professor Maxwell led the way. As the team of Nocopo descendants delved deeper into the mysterious cave. The scenery shifted from frozen stalagmites and andesite walls to the former slick black stone, fitted into the walls in enigmatic jigsaw patterns.
"Good. It looks like we have found the path leading back to Udug Hul." Maxwell cheerily announced.
The group of youths followed behind hesitantly. A foreboding feeling washed over each. In their shared unease, they huddled closer together.
The path was frigid. No light, save for Mei and Eary's powers. And Maxwell...whom tread faster than the others. He emitted a faint orb of white light, keeping the area around him hauntingly illuminated.
"The professor doesn't really talk about his powers, much." Eary thought to himself as he observed the lone man leading them.
"Alice," he concentrated to himself as they tread through the hollow aired cavern.
"What's up, boo?" Alice's voice rang in his mind.
"What kind of powers do you suppose the professor's got?" Eary thought.
"I've only seen him using those balls of light. They probably don't do much. Considering he got abducted." Alice voice rang in his head.
"It's white light. Does that mean the professor has white light?" Eary thought.
"I dunno. Here, I'll ask everyone. Hey guys, has anyone seen Maxwell use anything other than his glowy ball powers?" Alice's voice rang in Eary's mind once more.
"I don't think so." Calvin's voice echoed in his mind.
"Just the orbs of light during class." Mei's voice rang out.
Soon, his mind was filled with chatter from everyone, but Maxwell. Yet none knew more. Eary called out for Alice to stop. But the girl wore a face of tension and ignored the call. His senses began to blur as everyone's thoughts jack-hammered around his mind.
Eary and all of his friends simultaneously fell to the ground. Ben had tripped over a rock. Triggering their shared minds to fall with him. Breaking the mind bond.
Reeling from the cold hard floor. Eary looked up to see the professor standing ominously over them.
"Perhaps some things are said out loud." He coolly stated, the orb of light casting an eerie glow over his face.
The group rose from the fall. A brief reprieve was all that was allotted. As the professor swiftly beckoned them down the path once more.
The awkward feeling of guilt ached at the back of Eary's mind. Breaking rank with the group he caught up to Maxwell.
"Professor." Eary asked, his mind entranced by the professor's orb. "What color are your powers?"
"I'm glad you asked Earhart." The professor warmly replied. "I control the white light."
Eary was taken a back. He had never known of another user of white light. The closest he had seen was Decan. But even then, he had only received Vale from the white jewel. His mind raced with questions.
"Is white a rare color to have?" Eary asked.
"Indeed it is, Eary." The professor began to explain. "It is the balance of all the colors. A blend of pure magic and light. It’s only possessed by few.”
“What kinds of people?” Eary asked curiously.
“The white and dark light were possessed by only members of royal bloodlines.” Maxwell replied.
Eary thought about the implications of Maxwell’s last statement. Could Maxwell be some long distant relative to him? The thought amused him as they continued down the path. Professor Maxwell may very well be his closest living relative. With everything that he had just learned of himself, he found it oddly comforting. They continued along. Their feet and shuffling echoed in the dark distance. Maxwell’s orb of light revealed a fork in the road.
“Ah, but which way to choose?” Maxwell muttered to himself as the team collected around him.
He turned rashly. His orb, the only light in the barren forgotten complex. Maxwell started to divide the group in two. However, Luke and Sakile refused, insisting on sticking together. Reluctantly, Maxwell agreed and the team set off down the path to the right.
The twisting stark and frigid path soon lead to the oddest thing yet. A room fully lit. Hovering orbs of light much like the professors, suspended hauntingly about. The floor was partitioned into six separate enormous triangle tiles. Six statues, cast in a strange colored metals, sat at each base, While one made of an iridescent white metal stood in the center.
“That’s Mica, there, that is.” Mote said, materializing in front of Eary and pointing to the statue at the center.
Eary examined the center statue closer. The orbs of light illuminated the statue giving it a rainbow aura.
A young man, in ragged clothes, brandished both Vale and the Celestial Scythe. He proudly looked forward, to the future.
Eary felt intimidated by Mica’s impressive legacy. Being the first Claris had to be tough, Eary thought to himself as his dire situation ping-ponged inside his mind. What if he couldn’t be like Mica? What if he failed as a Claris? Then thoughts of Decan and Ephraim flashed involuntarily. His mind and feelings began to swirl in a vortex of chaos.
“Hey.” Alice’s voice rang in his mind.
She quickly swept in and comforted the distraught Claris. Guiding him along. The two paced themselves to a safe distance. She leaned down.
“You doing okay? Your head was getting a little crazy there.” Alice asked in concern.
“I'm fine.” Eary replied in annoyance.
“You’re feeling very uncertain about things. I can tell.” She replied smugly.
“Well of course I am. Who wouldn’t be?” Eary groaned. “By the way, how about asking to read people’s minds? Isn’t that against psychic moral code or something?”
“I can’t.” She stated bluntly.
The girls face had shifted from it’s usual playful confidence to one of growing concern.
“What do you mean you can’t?” Eary asked his voice trembling with worry.
“My powers… They’re getting stronger.” She replied grimly. “I’m able to lift crazy shit with my mind, Eary! I can’t turn off other people’s thought’s, and it doesn’t bother me. I’m teleporting through no teleport zones. That’s how we got you the other night.”
The girl paced frantically as she continued her rant.
“I’m also starting to fuck with time, too!” She stated among her rant.
“That’s the power you got from the red super gem, correct?”
“Yeah.” She sighed as she stopped and stared longingly at Eary.
"How long has this been going on?" He asked.
The tempo of the conversation drew an electric tension between the two. Eary's mind raced. What if Alice succumbed to her ever growing powers? Were the super gems really a bad thing? Where was this all leading? Could he hold on to the...
"Stop it." Alice blurted out, disrupting the boys internal panic.
"Sorry. Forgot." Eary replied apologetically.
"It's been since my first experience from the purple gem. But the telepathy has been going crazy this last week." Alice explained candidly. "Eary, I'm scared." she continued as tears rolled down her cheeks.
Eary quickly consoled his friend. The two held each other close as mutual quiet sobs escaped their embrace. The moments passed like hours as a sense of helplessness over took both. They held each other as they walked back to the main party. Maxwell and Mote had just begun explaining the room they were in when the two returned.
"Alice, Earhart. Perfect timing. Mote and I were just explaining to everyone the legend behind this shrine." Maxwell announced.
"It ain't no legend, Pops!" Mote replied correctively. "I was there! see!"
The moteling pointed up to the shoulder of Mica's statue. Just as he had claimed, upon Mica's shoulder sat a small statue of Mote. He was wearing what appeared to be in leather armor and carried a large jug.
"I really need to talk to Mote about his drinking." Eary thought as he gazed at the 26,000 year old bust of his friend.
"Mica and I collected them Claris shards. Built most of the temples and shrines and established a whole Claris damn empire." Mote explained passionately. "And I was livin' large. Sure I wasn't no king. At the time!" He proudly straightened the fur upon his arms "But I was the Royal Moteling. Which was way fuckin' better! I could do what ever I wanted. I had servants and a huge suite in the Lehot palace and..."
"What does this have to do with these statues, Mote?" Eary flatly asked.
"Oh, right. These are Mica and his friends that sealed Eldris, 26,000 years ago." Mote quickly explained.
"Thank you, Mote." Maxwell said flatly. "These seven statues are known as the Sacred Seven. These individuals conquered the darkness in their land by sealing a powerful evil beneath this very spot."
The group all looked down at the floor in horror.
"Eldris is sealed beneath us?" Luke yelled as he grabbed Ben and Eary and began to pull them from the geometric shrine.
"We don't know for sure that this shrine is..." Maxwell explained but was immediately interrupted by Mote.
"Yep. He's down there alright." the moteling explained casually as he pulled out a pinch hitter and a dugout from his pocket.
The youths all scattered from the spot as Maxwell and Mote calmly remained. Mote ignited his treat as the party all stared at him mouths agape.
"Relax." Mote replied between coughs. "He aint gettin' out."
"Then this is the fabled cave of the chosen?" Maxwell curiously inquired.
"Sure is, Pops." Mote replied, holding his breath.
"Hey let me get some of that." Luke said moving in on the moteling.
Mote handed over the paraphernalia, while Alice, Sakile and Denby huddled in behind them. After a large puff of smoke escaped the moteling's lungs, he landed and continued.
"Of course yous all know Mica. He was called the mornin' sun back in those days."
He said pointing at the statue in the center. he next pointed to the statue that sat upon the purple triangle. "That's Sigilla, The brightest moon. She was real in tune with the construct of this reality and could really fuck up some shit."
Eary examined the statue of Sigilla. It was made of opaque polished amethyst. The glow of the orbs illuminated it's deep soft purple interrior. She stood unarmed, in proud defiance. Her dress looked to be a mix of a classic medieval dress. Only it appeared to be made of rags.
He next pointed to the blue tile and announced, "That one there. That's Zaviyar the bladed crescent. A real force to be reconed with, that one was." He explained at the dugout and pipe made it's way back to him.
The statue was bulky and made of a solid slab of lapis lazuli. He was clad in thick sharp armor. His face concealed by a helmet. A great sword of unusual design rested in his grip. His stance seemed readied and strong. As if he could conquer any foe.
Mote pointed to the green statue next.
"That’s Espen, the ragin' sky. Nice kid. Talked a lot." Mote explained then released a large puff of smoke.
Espen's statue was made of glossy malachite, resembling the storms his name implied. He grasped a spear dug into the ground in both hands. A cape, resting down his shoulders, caught a breeze stilled by time. The stone stared down in quiet reflection, off-setting the stormy theme.
Mote pointed to the yellow statue. "Good ol' Pello is the guy in yellow. Called him the sturdy horizon. They obviously didn't know 'em. Real heart breaker right there. And why not? he had me as a teacher. and..."
"Mote, you're high, you're rambling." Eary stated as he moved in on a closer look at Pello's visage.
It appeared to be made of semi-clear citrine that sparkled in the magical lights. He was scantally dressed and well built. Eary closely examined his chiseled features and torn shorts. He was bearing down and staring strong out in the distance. A large mace was wielded in his left hand. While his fist was clenched in his right.
Eary walked to the orange statue. He was suspended forever in a beautiful bust of carnelian. He balanced upon one toe. His other leg raised across while his folded arms concealed his hidden daggers. A tattered hood secreted away his intense gaze, filled with determination.
"Mote, who's this?" Eary asked as he and the younger members examined the statues with Maxwell.
"That would be Gatik, the settin' sun. Former thief that Mica and I brought into the fold. Real good guy. Honor among theives I tells ya." Mote replied.
The final statue sat upon the red tile. A girl, cast in an impossibly clear ruby, danced in a swirl of flames. Her up reaching hand held a ring while her other arm brandished another ring in the flames. Her hair was a wild mess of locks that reflected the intense heat of her flames. Her eyes lay fixed to the sky, in steady resolve.
"That's that wanderin' sorcerress. What was her name now." Mote replied as he lowered his gaze and snapped his fingers. "I guess I forgot!" Mote announced as he burst into a chuckle that caught fire with his smoking buddies.
Eary rolled his eyes, folded his arms and let out a large sigh.
"Her name was Alinta, the wandering star." Maxwell suddenly explained. "She was the last of Mica's team to join and ended up becoming his advisor on metaphysical affairs."
Eary looked at the professor with a mix of amazement and confusion.
"How could you know that professor?" Eary asked.
"I've been studying the Nocopo for years, Earhart." Maxwell explained, "Many ancient inscriptions still survive to this day. The story of the Sacred Seven was of great importance to Nocopo culture. So there was much to research."
Eary nodded and smiled. The vast time span boggeled his mind. How could anything survive this long, he thought. His moment of reflection was cut short.
"Are these you guys?" Decan asked examining the statues.
The team all began to closely inspect each one.
"I think they are. This one is me!" Mei announced as she brandished her chakrams. "We're the same."
Each member found there corresponding statue. Alice stood next to Sigilla. Sakile to Zavigar. Calvin stood in awe next to Espen. While Denby did his best to recreate Pello’s pose. Luke skeptically gazed back to Gatik. Hannah, Maggie, Ben and Decan stood awkwardly aside as the seven members observed a parallel version of themselves.
“I guess were not part of this, guys.” Decan huffed.
Eary made his way swiftly across the room. Approaching the quartet, he stated, “I guess I belong here too. Seeing as I don’t have a soul and all that.”
“You have a soul.” Decan replied. “See, you and Mote saved the world before.” he pointed to the Statue of Mica and Mote.
“I’m an Aedish, Decan. Remember?” Eary replied. “I’m not Mica and we’re not these people. We just have their weapons and you have Vale. Maybe you’re Mica. You think of that?” Folding his arms and huffing away. He ducked behind Espen’s statue and fought back his tears.
Decan followed suit and consoled the sobbing Eary.
“I didn’t mean to remind you of that.” He said softly. “You have a soul. You do. I know it. You’re the nicest person I know.”
Eary felt a surge of warmth and calm in Decan’s arms. His sobbing and worry slowly subsided as he came to his senses.
“I’m sorry. I know it must be hard looking at all that and not seeing a statue that represents you. But I feel the same. Besides, I don’t believe in reincarnation.” He explained, his mood improving with each word.
“Me either. I think we got this one chance.” Decan replied his dark eyes sparkling in the glow of the magic illuminating the room.
The two kissed. Eary’s head tingled and warm sensation traveled down to his heart. His balance faulted as his legs grew weaker. Decan held him fast. Not breaking the depth of the moment for a second.
Returning to their feet. Decan wrapped his arm around Eary and pulled him close. The warmth of the embrace soothed any fears he may have. Walking side by side, they returned to the group.
“Yes! Reincarnation is totally a thing.” Mote firmly explained to the others.
Eary felt a sense of shock an anxiety fill him again as the moteling continued.
“It’s don’t happen all the time. But I does happen. Especially in a crisis situation like the one we’s in now.”
The group looked awestruck as Hannah, Maggie and Ben stood off feeling left out. The professor dismissively frowned as he listened to the discussion.
“You six probably are.” Mote said pointing to the larger crowd. “You’s three aint.” He stated pointing at Hannah, Maggie and Ben. “And Eary probably aint. Considerin’ he aint got no soul.”
“Mote!” Decan cried. “Have some sensitivity.”
“Wha… Oh hey guys.” Mote cheerfully replied. “We’s was just talkin’ about this shrine, here. So what’s up with you two’s?”
Eary rolled his eyes and huffed at the moteling. He and Decan rejoined the others. They gestured for Hannah, Maggie and Ben. Who reluctantly followed suit.
“How is the cave of the chosen opened?” Maxwell inquired.
“It’s a special ritual performed by all three kingdoms of the Nocopo. That’s all I can say.” Mote replied firmly.
The Professor pried deeper for more information. But Mote proved too hard a nut to crack.
“Do you know the way back from here?” Luke asked.
“Ya bet I do, kiddos! I’m pretty sure I can get us back up top from here.” Mote enthusiastically replied.
The team took one last look around. The aura of reverence sanctified the space. It’s serene luster was hard lost, as they ventured back into the frozen dark complex. Led only by Maxwell’s light.
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