Chapter 15: First Day Jitters
The shrill shreik of the three boys' phones rolled up the eyes of the three sleeping teens.
Josh let out a loud sigh as he quickly exited the bed. He had been doing so since the three got tied together, and their drama, in one of the safe houses, queen sized beds.
Eary didn't blame him. It was bad enough knowing he had spoiled things. But he could literally feel the desire radiating from Ephraim at night. Let alone his best friend's newly found handsy-ness in his sleep.
Ephraim and Eary lay there, pretending not to notice Josh's emergence.
As soon as he had collected his clothes, Josh quickly exited without a word.
Ephraim sighed. He slowly turned his head towards Eary.
"How'd you sleep?"
Eary kept his eyes delicately shut. A moment later, he could feel as Ephraim's face pushed closer to his examining.
"Faker." He lightly teased.
Eary's mouth shifted into a smile as he chuckled reluctantly at the boys' accusation.
Eary groaned. He rolled sluggishly onto his back.
"Eph," He exclaimed in a groggy stupor.
He let out a loud sigh as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He smiled softly.
"Fine, how was yours?"
Ephraim shook his head. He stares off into space for a moment before answering.
"I had the strangest nightmare." He stated bluntly.
"Yeah? What about?" Eary asked, dismissively.
"I was in a dark space." He replied grimly. "And their was this man's voice, taunting me."
Eary tilted his head. He examined the shaken look on his friends face. "You, ok?" He asked in concern. "What did the voice say?"
"Just bad things." Ephraim replied coldly.
"What kinds of bad things?" Eary inquired cautiously.
"Stuff about me. Hurtful stuff." Ephraim replied, smiling somberly. "Don't worry about it. We should get going."
He swiftly rose from the bed. His SpongeBob pajama bottoms clung to his legs from the static caused by his movements.
The morning light gently revealed Ephraim's toned physique. Despite the pangs of guilt, he couldn't help but sneak a peak.
The young man had tomed up considerably since he joined the hockey team. Eary watched as he moved about the room, collecting his clothes. As he moved to the door, he turned quickly and smiled.
Eary threw the blankets over his head.
"Why does he have to be so cute, still?" He asked himself from the solitude of the covers.
He took a deep breath. Crawling from the bed, he followed suit and collected his things for the day.
Arriving downstairs, he was greeted by the family's traditional spread. However, today yeilded a much more diverse selection. His mother, Calvin's mom Denise, Mr. and Mrs. Wong, Mote, and his motelings swirled about the dining room.
"Holy cow!" Eary exclaimed as he examined the large table filled with food.
Delia smiled at her son as she set down the pot of oatmeal.
"We all got up a little early to make breakfast for you kids." She explained kindly.
Eary smiled and embraced his mother. "Thanks, Mom."
The recent developments in hevean had left him feeling a bit insecure. Seeing his mother's devotion to him and his siblings helped curb the sting of his recently discovered adoption.
She kissed the top of her son's head and told him to eat up. Eary nodded and turned to the table.
With all the food available, there was nowhere left to sit.
"Hey!" A muffeled voice called out from the kitchen.
Turning his head, he saw Alice waiving a fork in the air as she chewed a mouthful of pancakes.
He rolled his eyes and smiled as he quickly made up a plate and followed after the girl.
They made their way past the full kitchen and into the packed living room.
"Hmmm, okay." Alice said as she quickly glanced about. "This way!" She ordered as she made her way to the conservatory.
The foliage rich garden cast large spools of ivy that coiled and weaved about nearly every wall and label. The morning sun illuminated the three boys eating at a copper rusted outdoor table and chairs.
"Over here!" Decan called out from the group which contained Ephraim and Josh.
"Does Josh know about you and Decan?" Alice voice rang in Eary's mind.
Eary flashed her a shameful glance as he he shook his head.
Alice chuckled under her breath as she dawned a welcoming smile.
"What's up, guys?" She asked cheerfully as the two approached.
"Hey." Decan said, smiling at Eary.
Eary slyly smiled back as Ephraim rose from his seat.
"Here you can sit here. I was just finishing up." Ephraim said as he gathered his plate and proceeded past the pair.
"Thanks, Eph." Eary stated awkwardly as he watched him continue on silently.
"Yeah, me too. I'll see you in the car Decan." Josh flatly stated quickly following Ephraim's suit.
Alice and Eary took their seats, but a grim feeling washed over Eary.
"What's Ephraim's deal?" Eary asked in a daze, still staring at the door.
Alice echoed in his mind, "Duh, he's probably just nervous around you since you turned him down."
Eary sighed. He remembered the weight of that mantel of embarrassment.
"I'm not sure." Decan replied casually. "He was quiet all through breakfast."
"Should I go talk to him?" Eary asked, still staring at the door.
"Nah, he's probably just gotta take a shit." Mote snarked materializing out of midair.
"Probably." Alice agreed, nodding calmly. "So." She said coyly. "Classes?"
Decan set down his fork abruptly. "About that."
Eary turned to face his amor. "About what?" He asked flirtily.
"About, maybe..." Decan looked at Alice longingly. Beckoning her to leave.
"Oh, I've already read your mind." Alice announced abruptly. "I would be nervous about telling him too." She playfully poked as she continued to eat her breakfast.
Decan siged and looked sternly at Alice. He quickly refocused on Eary.
Shifting his expression, he calmly said, "About not hanging out so much at school."
Eary felt a jolted sting of confusion.
"Is that a problem?" He asked in quiet offense.
"Josh is feeling pretty beat down by the whole 'Ephraim liking you' thing." Decan said quietly.
"He doesn't really like me." Eary stated dismissively. "He's just confused because he almost lost me."
A silence took the morning meal.
"So how does that make you feel, Decan?" Alice asked guidingly.
"Honestly, Alice. Kind of uneasy." Decan blurted out.
Eary shook his head, his eyes widened in confused disbelief. "What are you talking about?"
"Really?" Decan asked angrily. "Ephraim clearly has a thing for you. You sleep next to the guy. And you stare at him every time he's around."
"I do not." Eary said defensively.
"Ya kinda do." Mote chimed in.
Eary scoffed in defense.
"Eary, alright, I'm sorry." Decan said consolingly. "I know your history together. I know he's been wanting to make a mends. But it does bother me that you still stare at him."
"I honestly didn't know I was staring." Eary exclaimed bewildered.
"It's more of a glance when he walks into the room, really." Alice added.
Eary paused. A deep sinking pit pulled at his core and held him fast to the breakfast chair.
"Eary, Decan! Time to head out!" Delia called out from foyer.
Amidst the tension, the two young men quietly stood.
"I'm sorry." Eary whispered as the two through conservatory into the living room.
"It's fine." Decan replied somberly.
Eary scanned Decan's face. Eager for a hint of truth in his words. But none was to be found.
Reaching the parkay floors of the foyer. The two were immediately intercepted by Delia. Handing the pair each a sack lunch. She immediatly instructed,
"Boys, perfect. We were just sorting everyone up." She explained with a smile.
"What for?" Eary asked as Decan stood by distantly present.
"For safety, Airbear." She blurted out abruptly. "The adults stayed up last night and worked out how everyone was going to be transporting back and forth during this scary time."
"Okay, so where do we go?" Decan asked, breaking from his trance.
Cordelia instructed each of the children to a vehicle. Eary was horrified as his mother sorted him with Ephraim and Decan. As the three loaded up into Eary's chilly antique. Eary payed close attention to not glance at Ephraim.
"This car is so nice. It's quite the collectible." Ephraim stayed, rubbing his hands down the stitching of the cars interior.
"I'm glad you like it, Eph." Eary replied, nervously glancing at Decan in his rear-view mirror.
His annoyed boyfriend rolled his eyes from the backseat.
Eary felt his skin's heat rise to the surface as he nervously asked, "Hey, Dec! Are you excited to get back on the ice? I know my dad must miss you out there."
"I guess." Decan replied in a low tone.
Eary smiled awkwardly in the rear mirror.
"Well, you gotta stay out there if you're going to be a Maple Leaf some day." Eary cheerily exclaimed.
Decan's reflection revealed a quick smile as his attention fixed upon the passing houses out his window.
"I can't get over this stitching. They really did fine work back then." Ephraim continued, sliding his hand down the seems of the seats in Eary's peripheral vision.
Eary focused on the road amidst his tension with Decan and Ephraim's odd fixation. The old mustang guided its quarrents safely to school as the three pulled up.
Exiting the vehicle, Decan approached Eary.
"Hey." He said quietly.
"Hey." Eary replied softly.
Decan stepped closer. His tall frame cast a comforting shade as he leaned forward.
"Are we gonna be okay?" He asked with the hint of an apology in his voice.
Closing his eyes, Eary fought back tears as he replied, "Of course." He replied mournfully."I'm the one who's wrong."
Decan caressed Eary's arm in comfort. The two leaned into kiss, when a sharp voice broke the moment's spell.
"Let's go, Decan!" Josh cried out as he and Ephraim walked towards the school's entrance.
Decan looked up at his annoyed friend, walking away in anger.
"I should get going." He said, his lips cracking into his charming smile. "I'll see you at home."
He swiftly departed, making his way after the pair of hockey boys with Eary's gaze tracking them as they gathered with their usual friends.
"Ah, what's wrong?" Mei asked, pulling Earhart from his fixated longing.
Glancing back, he was greeted by his four friends gathering to his side.
"Nothing." Eary glanced back to see Decan, and the croud begin to wander into the double doored enterance.
"Aw man, did the guys leave already?" Calvin asked, squinting his eyes toward the direction of the hockey team.
"Yeah. Decan asked that we dont spend so much time together in front of Josh anymore." Eary replied, his voice cracking with uncertainty.
"For now." Calvin quickly interjected. "We talked about that last night. He just wants time for Josh to cool down." He replied reassuringly.
Eary nodded quickly in nervous composure.
Maggie smiled and placed her hand on Eary's shoulder. "Guess what?" She said, her eyes beaming with excitement. "Mei had an amazing idea." she replied, almost giddy with child-like enthusiasm, a rarity for Maggie.
"We're gonna be cheerleaders!" Mei cheerfully announced, shooting a fist into the air.
"Hurray..." Hannah groaned.
"Oh, come on! It'll be so much fun!" Maggie said encouragingly, smiling sweetly into the girl's rigid expression.
Hannah pulled back her shoulders, flicked her long brown ponytail across her shoulder, and smiled back.
Calvin, Eary, and Mei stood awkwardly as the pair's fixed attention told a story words need not express.
"Sweetie." Delia called out as she, Mitchell and Ben scrambled towards the friends. "Where's the boys?" she continued as the three approached.
"They went in already." Eary replied, pointing towards the school.
"It's alright, I'll catch them in class." Mitchell said to his wife.
Delia pursed her lips and nodded politely to her husband. her expression shifted as she addressed her son.
"I want you to check in with Ben today." she said gesturing towards the lad. "We pulled some string to get him started here a little early. So I want you to make sure he is doing ok between classes."
"I will, mom." Eary replied, smiling over to Ben.
"I also would like it if your little friend could accompany Ben today. Just in case." Delia continued, glancing around them invisible space on Eary's shoulder.
"Mom, Mote stayed..."
Eary was about to explain the moteling's absence when a powerful rustling came from his backpack. The quick sound of a zipper, an explosion of papers and supllies casscading across the pavement announced the arrival of the little stowaway.
"Your ol' pal Mote wouldn't stay home on your first day back, now would he?" Mote announced from nowhere. "I gotta be supportive and such."
An empty brown paper bag blew passively empty in the January breeze.
"My Lunch! You Dick!" Eary called out, mouth agape as he angrily pointed to the bag.
"What? That wasn't me, that was you!" The little moteling replied. "Yous a nervous eater, and ya black out during it. I've been meanin' to tell ya."
Eary berated the vacant spot of air, while Ben and his friend giggled at the specticle.
"Eary." Hanaah called out, ending the argument.
"What?" he shouted back in annoyance.
"Everyone is watching." she said softly, as she gestured her eyes to the parking lot filled with gawking teens.
Eary quickly surveiled his surroundings. All eyes were indeed upon him, as curious bystandards and initiated students stared in a kaleidoscope of reactions.
"Now look what you did!" Eary gruffed to the invisible floating moteling.
"It's nothing new, Eary." Mitchell quickly dismissed his son's agitation. "Your friend is here, right?" he asked in suspension.
Ben cheerfully replied in Eary's steed, "Yeah, he's just pickin' on Eary."
"Good. Mote, I'd like you to stay with Ben today. Is that understood?" Mitchell asked scanning his group for an etherial sign of compliance.
"Yeah, like that'll work." Eary scoffed folding his arms.
"Yous can count on me, Mitch!" Mote announced from the void.
"He just landed on my shoulder!" Ben happily announced.
"Thank you, Mote." Delia said kindly. "See, Eary. You just have to try and be a little nicer in your approach, thats all."
"Yeah, Eary. Ya gotta try bein' nicer to me." Mote snickered.
Eary was about to retaliate when the sound of the bells beckoned them into their daily stations.
"Come on. Let's go kids." Mitchell announced as he hearded the group into the building.
A wash of anxiety and uncertainty washed over Earhart as he and his group entered the school.
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