"You still live in the silences
between my thoughts."
On our way to the club, I was in an SUV driven by Stephano. Matteo was sitting next to him and I was in the back with Silvio who was sitting to my left. The car ride was mostly quiet, with a few comments between the guys in the front.
Once in the parking lot, Matteo made sure to specify where I had to go and where Alfonso was. He showed me a picture of him so I could be able to recognize him.
He seemed to be a man in his mid-forties with salt and pepper hair with a tan complexion. He seemed to be around 5'10 and he wasn't skinny but he wasn't chubby and his body was not as buff as I would have thought. He had more of a dad body type. He didn't look intimidating which was something in my favor.
"If you start feeling nervous just remember that you aren't Miss D'Ambrosio anymore. Once you walk inside that club you are Aurora Gallegos and you can make out of that fake persona whatever you want, okay?" Matteo looked back at me with a reassuring smile. "You're gonna do good, I believe in you."
"Thank you," I replied with a shy smile, soon understanding the reasoning behind his logic.
I could turn Aurora Gallegos into anything I want. I can turn her into everything I wasn't.
Then Silvio talked over some security procedures if something were to happen. He explained the safest exits and every single spot where the main guards were. I nodded in understanding trying to take everything in.
"Are you ready?" Stephano asked neutrally, looking at me through the rearview mirror.
"Yeah" After my confirmation Matteo and Silvio got out of the car leaving us alone.
"I will be going in with you," Stephano revealed and I was kind of surprised it was going to be him instead of Silvio. Knowing that he was going to be there made me nervous, and I cursed to myself missing the confident mindset I had a few seconds ago.
After some minutes I got out of the car and walked towards the entrance, I was given a VIP pass so I was able to skip the long line.
Stephano said that he was going to come in a few minutes after me because we could not be seen together.
Once inside the bright neon lights blinded my eyes, I looked around trying to find either a less crowded spot or my target. Giving up on both, I went to the bar and sat down on one of their high stools.
Looking through their drinks menu I knew I had to get something not only because I was at the bar, but because I needed something that was going to help me calm down.
"What can I get for you, darling?" I looked up to look at the bartender who was a gorgeous dark-skinned woman.
"Can I get the Lagavulin? Neat please." I ordered what Ezequiel would always get since I had no idea what half of the things on this menu were.
While she prepared my drink I pulled out my hand mirror looking at myself but then looking at my surroundings behind me. Even though Matteo told me where to find Alfonso, that did not help because he was nowhere to be found.
Once my drink was in front of me I took a small sip.
"I haven't seen you around here," said a man who sat right next to me. "Are you new in town or something?" The Italian accent made me look at him and it was none other than Alfonso himself.
"You could say so," I replied, trying to sound uninterested. One thing I was not going to do was run to his feet.
I was chasing him, but I wanted him to feel like he was in control.
"Mr. Costa, can I get anything for you?" The bartender asked him.
"I'll get whatever she's having." The bartender nodded and left.
"What's your name?" Alfonso asked, noticing my silence.
"A pretty name for an even prettier girl like you." He replied making me internally gag at his expression.
"Thank you," I said smiling lightly, of course faking it.
Once his drink was in front of him he took a sip while keeping eye contact. "I didn't take you for a whisky type of girl." He said with a smirk.
If he liked that I gotta thank Ezekiel for this.
"Oh, you know nothing about me." I returned his smirk.
"I'd love to get to know you. Want to go somewhere more quieter?" He asked, getting up from his stool and offering me his hand.
I simply nodded and took his hand.
He walked in front of me, holding my hand. It definitely felt weird considering he could be my dad and we were holding hands but I ignored that and just went with it.
He took me to a more private area that had dancers and most of them had little to no clothes. He sat on an L-shaped booth motioning me to sit next to him so I did.
"You don't seem to be from around here..." he trailed off waiting for me to reply.
"That's because I'm not, I'm from Florida." I said, looking at him intensely.
"You look exotic, plus you have a slight accent." He continued.
Exotic? Please.
"Oh yeah, I'm Latina." I replied truthfully.
He seemed satisfied with my response because that made him bite his lip and hum in response.
Oh, he is sick.
"I have never been with a Latina before." He confessed.
Yeah, cause we are smart enough to not let you hit.
At that moment I was regretting even accepting this mission. He made this so hard and he was sick in his head.
"Oh really?" I fluttered my eyelashes while smiling.
"Mhm." He replied, getting close and trailing a finger up and down my exposed thigh.
Feeling uncomfortable I looked around the club and my eyes fell on Stephano's who was already looking at us.
I would say I have never seen him so angry, yet, that's kind of hard to say when he seems angry 99.9 percent of the times I see him. His hand was gripping his drink so hard that it surprised me it didn't shatter. Even though the room was dark I could see that he was glaring at us.
He was not paying attention to the dancers or even the people around him, he was looking at us.
Ignoring his normal behavior, I looked back at Alfonso who was already looking at me.
I grabbed his wandering hand which was making me utterly disgusted at his antics, "You're going too fast, Mr. Costa." I said, remembering that the bartender called him that.
When he heard what I said he smirked, his eyes shining with lust. "Oh? Is that so?" He asked, getting closer to me.
If it wasn't because I knew I was surrounded by security and Stephano was a few feet from us, I would have been terrified.
I only nodded which gained me a grin from him. "I enjoy the chase," he revealed. "Lemme take you out." He stated, not really giving me an option.
"Hmm... I'll think about it." I replied and he didn't seem fond of it but he tried masking his annoyance.
I went up close to his ear and whispered seductively, "I'll see you around." And I got up from the booth and left.
I walked down to the bar searching for one of the guards Matteo told me about and once I saw one I nodded slightly his way, signaling him that I was done.
We met outside and he waited with me until a black SUV stopped in front of us and he opened the door for me. "Mr. Bergamaschi will be at the house later." He informed me and I thanked him, getting inside the car.
Once inside, looking at the familiar face of my driver I smiled in relief. "Hey," I said, not knowing how to start the conversation.
"You did so well, I am really proud of you." Matteo acknowledged me. "You did way better than I thought, in no time that bitch is gonna be at your feet." He laughed and I joined him.
"Thank you," I laughed once again, "I hope so because he is so creepy." I said, remembering how touchy he was.
"Yeah, he can't help himself when he sees a pretty girl, especially if she's half his age." Matteo sounded disgusted and I felt the same way.
We kept talking about what just happened a few hours ago, and since Bergamaschi was not in the car with us Matteo seemed so much more relaxed.
Once we arrived at the house he told me that he was going to let me know about the next mission and then he drove off.
Once in the house, I went to my room to take a well-deserved shower, of course, with Onyx behind my ass at every second.
Wearing just underwear, socks, and a crop top I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. I started untangling my hair and thinking about everything that happened today.
I finally met Alfonso and everything went well tonight. I sighed in relief, finally wrapping my head around everything.
I opened the bathroom door, letting all the heat and humidity come out. I was surprised when I didn't see Onyx around considering he's always there but just ignored it.
Walking back to the room I went to grab my phone and finally get ready to sleep.
I heard a rough voice calling behind me and that startled me making me jump. Looking at the source of the voice I saw Stephano sitting on my bed.
"Fuck, dude!" I put my hand on my chest trying to calm myself down. "The fuck is wrong with you?" I glared at him, not caring that I was only in my underwear.
He looked at me up and down clenching his jaw and he seemed angry at something. "So you just let men see you in underwear?" He asked through gritted teeth. Was he expecting me to cover myself or something?
"I know this is your house, but to be fair this is my room." I clarified leaning on my dresser. "Plus you didn't even knock or wait for me to get out of the shower." After all, if he didn't want to see me like this he could just leave.
He stayed quiet, clearly knowing that I was right.
"What do you need?" I was confused about why was he there.
He got up and walked close to me, he stopped a few centimeters from me and I could feel the heat radiating off his body. His gaze was intense and he was looking at my face. Nervous about whatever he was going to say I avoided his eyes but he grabbed my face with a strong hold making me look up at him, yet, gently enough not to hurt me.
If I said that his actions had no effect on me it would be a lie.
"What was that about, huh?" He said, his voice laced with venom. His eyes were dark and his breathing became rigid.
"What are you talking about?" I asked lowly, confused about his question.
"You're going to go out with him." He didn't ask, he just stated.
Was he jealous?
"If that makes things quicker then yes," I replied and he didn't seem too content with that answer because his hold on me tightened.
He was angry and somehow jealous, yet my body was enjoying this as much as my brain was telling me not to.
"Let's see about that, principessa." He smirked sickly. He looked like a psychopath and that only left me wondering. What is that supposed to mean?
He didn't give me time to ask as he just walked out of my room without saying anything else.
Word count: 2024
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