"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."
- C.S. Lewis
I was sleeping peacefully until a vibration under my pillow interrupted my rest.
Deciding to ignore it I turned to the other side and tried to get comfortable again so I could proceed with my sleep.
Luck wasn't on my side since it started vibrating again.
Damn it
I grabbed my phone from under my pillow and answered without even opening my eyes.
This call better be something important because interrupting my sleep should be something illegal.
"Hmm?" I said without any interest in whoever was on the phone.
"Ren, I need you to come to th- wait... don't tell me you're still sleeping." Sounded the familiar voice of my dad followed by a sigh. "It's 2:47 how are you still sleeping?"
"I'm not sleeping!" I blurted out. "What do you need, dad?" I asked, sitting up on the bed knowing that whatever he was about to tell me was going to be important.
"I need you to come to the warehouse at Lancaster and help out with the wounded." He sounded too calm based on the activities that were occurring on the other side of the phone.
With that, I got up from my bed and walked to my bathroom. "Okay. I'm on my way." And with that, he hung up.
At least my sleep wasn't interrupted for something stupid, right? I thought to myself as I brushed my teeth.
After that, I took a quick shower and started thinking about what happened or was still happening at the warehouse.
My dad was an important man, but he didn't have any enemies... or so I thought?
Maybe there's something he isn't telling us.
I tried doing everything as quickly as I could. There were wounded people and I didn't want to make them wait.
This is so unexpected, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was something big. Something that we were not expecting.
At least not me.
Getting dressed quickly I grabbed my phone and walked out of my room. I went to the kitchen then grabbed a water bottle because I didn't have time to eat anything and I was not hungry since I woke up 20 minutes ago.
I noticed the house was too quiet so that meant that nobody was home. It was always loud when my brothers were home. That explains how I was able to sleep until this late.
I made sure to lock the door and then I got inside my car.
On my way there I could not stop thinking and wondering about what was happening at the warehouse. Usually, I didn't have to go help since they have another doctor over there. I mean, they always need my help when a shipment goes wrong, and today was not a shipment day. That fact alone made me more curious.
What could be happening? I just hope that everything is okay.
Once there I got out of my car and walked to one of the doors.
The warehouse was located in a hidden area. It looked like an old abandoned building, which is good because nobody would suspect it.
I knocked on the door five times to let the people inside know that it's someone trusted. The door was quickly opened by Giovanni.
Giovanni was a man in his forties with tan skin and dark eyes. When his eyes landed on me his eyes relaxed and he looked almost relieved.
"Finally miss Serenity. We have been waiting for you" he began saying, opening the door wider for me. "There are around four men wounded inside. Nothing too serious. Just mild scrapes."
Mild scrapes? Let's see about that.
"What happened?" I questioned. I know my tone was probably neutral, but I was dying to know what was happening.
"Your father will inform you soon," Giovanni said with a blank face. He started walking, I suppose to where the rest of the men were.
I knew it wasn't his place to tell me, but I still wanted to know. Plus if he told me I wouldn't complain at all.
We walked up the stairs to the second level of the warehouse. I could feel the change in the atmosphere. It was quiet and tense. That didn't help with my anxiety.
It was not a bad type of anxiety. It was kind of anxiety mixed with anticipation.
I was not scared. I was born in this lifestyle so I was almost sure that I have dealt with worse, but honestly you never know.
But nobody was telling me so that just made me more and more curious.
We kept walking until we walked by a room at the end of the hallway.
"Here's Leonardo and Ledger. They were both shot." He said standing by the door. "In the next room is Dr. Rossi with the other wounded."
Dr. Rossi is the only doctor, but it was not always like that. He actually went to college for it and had all his certifications unlike me. I know about the field but I never went to college for it. I never needed it since I have been working for my dad.
Why would I need to go to school for something I already do? I would not say I love doing this but it is gratifying to be able to help my family and the people who need it.
I have seen Leonardo and Ledger before, probably like once or twice but I have never talked to them. They were both probably twice my age so I didn't feel the need to talk to them or bother them.
The room was well lit. There were three more men in the room and they were talking to each other as if two of them didn't get shot, probably like 40 minutes ago.
As soon as they saw me everyone went quiet. They all stood up and bowed their heads lightly to show respect.
This is so weird.
I smiled lightly to see if the tension subsided. They all seemed to relax with my actions.
Did they think I came here to bite them?
"So which one of you wants to go first?" I asked, trying to make them feel comfortable with me.
They worked for my father but they didn't work for me. I didn't want them to feel like this with me. Plus I was younger than them. It makes me feel kind of weird when people who are older than me show that much respect.
"I'll go first. I know Leonardo is scared." Ledger teased walking closer to me while trying to hide his smirk.
The other guys in the room started laughing and Leonardo just rolled his eyes.
"I am not scared." He warned looking at Ledger.
Ledger stopped and turned around facing Leonardo. "Alright go ahead then."
I could sense the humor in his tone. The other guys were hiding their laughter.
"No. I'm fine man, go ahead I'll wait over here" he said walking back to his chair.
Ledger started laughing and after him, the rest of the men laughed.
"You know if you wait too long your wound my get infected causing your arm to possibly get amputated, right?" I asked him, trying to hide my laugh. I felt like I was messing around with a kid. I mean it was possible for his wound to get infected, but hopefully not today.
"What?" He looked alarmed and looked up at me trying to decipher my expression. I can imagine him wondering if I was being serious or not.
With that, we all started laughing.
Ledger lied down on what looked like a hospital bed which I guess was brought here for them. I saw that there was some medical equipment but not exactly what I needed.
I sighed. "Ledger... here bite this" I handed him a towel "this is gonna burn," I informed him and looked at the alcohol while putting on my gloves.
I grabbed the scissors and cut his shirt open. His wound was on the right side of his chest. By looking at the wound I knew that the bullet was still inside.
They all kept talking to each other and Giovanni was still by the door.
Since I saw that Ledger was paying attention to the conversation that was going on with the other guys I decided to pour the alcohol into the wound.
He grunted in pain and glared at me.
"Sorry." I apologized without actually feeling sorry. It was kind of entertaining seeing his reaction.
I had to sterilize his wound to remove the bullet.
The bullet didn't go that deep so it was not going to be that hard to remove it.
I didn't have an ice pack that I could use to numb the wound or even whiskey so he could drink to dull the pain.
He can handle this I'm sure of it.
"Can you heat this blade?" I looked at Giovanni while searching for the blade. "Here. I want it to be red hot." I handed him the blade and he just nodded.
After some minutes of carefully examining the wound, I removed the bullet with the tweezers.
Removing a bullet was extremely dangerous and more if it was in his chest area. It can get infected or even damage his nerves.
I poured some more alcohol on his wound to sterilize and finish the procedure.
After that Giovanni came back and he gave me back the blade.
I was not ready for what I was about to do.
"Ledge... inhale." With my command, he took a deep breath and that's when I pressed the blade to the wound and sealed it shut.
He groaned in pain while he bit down on the towel. I knew the pain must be unbearable.
"You're good to go" I said trying to stay professional.
With that, he got up from the bed and walked to where Leonardo was.
"Good luck Leo." He kept teasing Leonardo.
Leonardo walked in my direction trying to hide his fear.
"Miss Serenity, your father wants to see you." Informed Giovanni from the door.
Really? Right now?
I looked at him then looked at Leonardo.
"It's urgent," Giovanni repeated after noticing my doubt.
"Alright. Send Leonardo with Dr. Rossi." I huffed.
I saw Leonardo relax after I said that. He really thought that with Dr. Rossi it was gonna be better?
Carefully I took off my gloves and threw them away.
I walked to the door where Giovanni was. We started walking to my dad's office that was on the third level of the warehouse.
When we got to the stairs Giovanni made sure to go in front of me.
On my way, I could feel my anxiety approaching again.
Once we walked in front of the door I knocked on it.
"Come in." Said my dad in a strong voice.
Giovanni opened the door for me and I muttered a small thank you. I started walking and I noticed that my two brothers were already here.
I sat beside Ezekiel while Nixon was on Ezekiel's right side.
I heard the door shut and when I look behind us Giovanni was nowhere to be found.
Uh oh.
"There's something we need to talk about" My dad expressed while revealing the obvious.
"There's-" He was cut off by his phone ringing. He looked at it furiously and picked it up.
"What?" He started pacing around the room and the three of us just stared at him. "No." That was the only thing he said.
He just shook his head at the same time he was looking outside the window.
"Mierda." He tensed.
"Don't let him in."
Word count: 1969
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