Jennie inhales, taking in the murky, sewer scent of the pond along with the smell of rotting leaves.
"Ah, fresh air."
Jennie strolls along the edge of the water, an indescribable opaque brown colour. The pond was bordered with thick, grey stone bricks. In the center was an old fountain, dirty and grey, with the head of a screaming lady at the top, where water should be spurting out of her screaming mouth. However, the fountain has been out of commission for years now, but Jennie thinks it can be truly appreciated this way. The terror in the woman's eyes is more noticeable.
The pond was installed a few generations ago, in the forest just beyond the graveyard. Centuries old trees surround the pond, fencing it in, hidden from the world. The trees extend high into the sky, fragmenting the view of the blue expanse. The leaves create a thick green canopy, shading Jennie from too much harsh sunlight. The trunks underneath look like bare pillars supporting the ceiling from collapsing.
Jennie had decided to come for a stroll to distract herself until her Lisa comes back. She might as well make good use of her time in the forest and forage since she wouldn't mind some more mushrooms. It would be nice for dinner as well.
She leaves the clearing, made for the pond, and enters the surrounding forest with her parasol in one hand and a wicker basket in the other. Her thick boots are softened by the layer of fallen leaves and soft ground.
"What do you think, November? Think we'll find some nice mushrooms today?" She says outloud, voice lost in the wild expanse of the forest.
She feels her moving along her web that was currently wrapped around her ear, mixing in with her earrings.
"I hope we could at least find some Chanterelle, that would be a treat."
Patches of sunlight stream through the foliage, bathing the forest with a golden glow. Jennie shades herself with her parasol, the black contrasting greatly with the bright greens and yellows of the forest.
Jennie loses herself to the outdoors. Her shoulders soften, sturdy feet walking over the terrain, leading her to wherever they choose. She brushes past branches and leaves, eyes trailing on the forest floor for a potential mushroom. Her thoughts settle, they're no longer flying through her mind, hundreds of thoughts and emotions clashing together in a giant whirlwind. The heavy fog that usually clouds her mind dissipates, allowing Jennie to solely concentrate on the moment.
Here, everything seems to stop. The movement of the sun is hard to tell above the canopy, sunlight constantly streams through the leaves. Jennie doesn't know if it's been only a few minutes or a few hours. She's managed to find a few mushrooms, her basket half filled. She was currently circling a few fallen logs. She had a feeling there was some here, she just had to find it.
She crouched down, parasol falling to the side, as she used both hands to sweep around some leaves.
"Hm, I'm sure there's some in here. It's a perfect spot for some mushrooms to grow..." Jennie mumbles to herself.
She feels November stir on her ear. She had gone quiet for a bit while she was walking, probably napping or something.
"Hey November, do you see anyㅡ"
Jennie stills as she feels November tense and recoils. November acting like this could only mean one thing; she was preparing to pounce on prey. If November was on her ear and prepared to attack it meant something was a threat to Jennie.
She takes a deep breath and forgets about foraging. She scans the surrounding area, trying to figure out what the threat is. All she can see is green and the earthy bark of tree trunks. She can't hear anything out of the ordinary, just the wind and rustling leaves. Her eyes are jumping around, her muscles tenses ready to pounce. She feels the outline of her knife against her thigh, giving her some relief.
Jennie was much further into the woods now. It wasn't common to find stragglers in the forest, especially since they lived deep inside, but it has happened before; stray hikers or psychopaths, sometimes teenagers who were dared to seek the haunted house deep in the forest where a bunch of freaks live. Jennie wasn't so sure why they were scared of her home.
Jennie got up from her crouching position, still hyper aware of her surroundings. Her eyes darted around when suddenly she heard the rustling of leaves, not from the wind but as if something were stepping on them.
Her head flies towards the direction of the sound but doesn't see anything out of the ordinary. All she sees are tall trees, like columns, and overgrowth of bushes and branches. She pulls out her knife, holding it ready in defence, when from the corner of her eye she sees a flash of black.
Black? A bear?
No, Jennie wouldn't miss something as glaringly obvious as a black bear. Whatever it was, it had enough skills to hide from Jennie while having an unnatural colour for this environment. It was definitely something that shouldn't belong in these woods.
Jennie is ready to sprint off when she hears the sound of breaking branches and a sharp roar from behind her. Her head snaps back, realizing the thing was in prime position to pounce on her back, when November jumps from her shoulder.
Her small body is just a spec in the air but it's like Jennie is seeing it happen in snapshots. November's body is enlarging, legs extending much further than natural, until in front of her is November, a thousand times bigger than a spider should be.
November reaches a height just slightly taller than Jennie, her long legs extending out into the forest using nearby trunks to hold her up. One leg is probably thick. The sound of her snapping mouth echo loudly throughout the forest, razor sharp as it breaks through the branches in her face. In this size, Jennie can hear her hiss at the threat.
This was November's defensive form. She rarely has to become like this since Jennie is perfectly capable of defending herself, so whatever was stalking her must have been dangerous enough for November to trigger her transformation. For as long as Jennie has had her, November has only gone big three times;
The first was when she first met Noodle. It gave everyone a heart attack when she shot up inside the house. Poor Noodle hid in Jisoo's room and didn't come out for a week.
The second was when a group of teenagers were getting too destructive on their property.
The third was during a rare trip to the city at night. Not only did the bustle of the city put her on edge, some drunkard became too aggressive for Jennie and she scared the living daylights out of her by almost biting her head off.
November snaps her mouth a few times, sending a warning signal to whatever was stalking them.
"There, there, November." a voice rings out.
The tension in Jennie's muscle release and her grip on her knife loosens as excitement shoots through her body.
"Lisa?" Jennie ask, incredulously
Lisa steps out from behind a tree, an amused smile on her face. However, Jennie is confused. The flash of black she saw was much too quick to be Lisa running around and November wouldn't have reacted so violently to her presence.
Jennie hears the breaking of branches and a snarl behind her. She whips around, now very confused.
Stalking towards her with deliberate steps and golden eyes is a panther. It's black fur and cat-walk look very out of place in the middle of the woods in the afternoon. The panther has its stare glued to Jennie. Realization rings clear in her mind as it walks closer, intense gold eyes like its friend.
"Octavius," Jennie says, words coming out like a sigh of relief.
Octavius tilts his head, like he's acknowledging Jennie's confirmation.
"Oh, wow," Jennie says, getting over initial shock.
"Come on now," Lisa, from behind Jennie.
Jennie kneels down so that her face is in line with Octavius. Jennie stares at him wide-eyed with amazement. It's not often one sees a panther face to face so it's easy to forget how graceful they are when they prowl, the deadly drag of their claws, and their powerful stare that pins you to the ground. Jennie can't help but see the direct similarities to Lisa.
Octavius stops a few inches away from her face. Her heavy breath tickles his face, blowing a few strands away against his black fur, Octavius's golden eyes glow, almost like the colour of fallen leaves. He stares her down like he's passing judgement, debating whether Jennie is worthy of living, of being with his Lisa.
Jennie has difficulty swallowing under his piercing stare, but after a beat Octavius leans in and touches his nose to Jennie's face. He sniffs a few times sending trickles of warm air around Jennie's face. Octavius must have been pleased with what he found because he starts rubbing his head along Jennie.
Jennie giggles at the change of events.
"Hi," she says quietly, into his fur. "W- Woah!"
Octavius rubs hard enough to knock Jennie onto her backside. Jennie clings onto the panther as she starts petting the panther back.
"Good, he likes you," she hears Lisa say from behind her.
"I'm glad," Jennie laughs at the panthers' small huffs.
Octavius plants himself in Jennie's lap as he continues to bury himself into Jennie's neck. Jennie feels more than sees November shrink back to her original size, a small gust of wind indicating the change. She looks behind her to see Lisa standing with her in her open palm.
"Come now Octavius, let Jennie stand up, she can pet you some more later."
Lisa holds out her unoccupied hand to help Jennie up. She brushes off the dirt from her skirt before turning to her with a big smile on her face. Jennie throws herself into Lisa's arms. Lisa laughs brightly at Jennie's excitement.
"Now, I'm yours for the rest of the week. All yours, my darling." Lisa says, into the side of Jennie's head.
Jennie pulls back from Lisa's shoulder and cups her face. "Finally!"
She slams their lips together and the small tremble in her chest settles. Now they were finally together, no more stolen time and interruptions.
Lisa keeps her close with one arm around her waist and Jennie smiles at the feeling. This is where Jennie belonged, in the safety of Lisa's arms. Jennie feels Octavius try to squish his body in between their tangled legs, shoving his face along their hips.
"Okay, okay, Octavius we get it, you want attention too." Lisa says, against Jennie's lips.
They separate and look down at Octavius who seems all too pleased to be breaking up their moment. Lisa playfully shoves Octavius' body away.
"You big baby,"
Jennie snickers as she detangles herself from Lisa. She watches as November jumps from Lisa's shoulder to hers.
"Good girl," she says, gently petting her. "Had a bit of a fright there, did you?"
"Yes, sorry for that." Lisa sheepishly says. "Didn't know November would react like that and go big." she added, waving her arms around.
"You forgive her, right Novie?" Jennie coos.
Jennie watches her move around a bit before nodding.
"She says she's okay,"
"I'm terribly sorry, Miss November. I should have known, Mister Octavius takes stalking a bit too seriously sometimes." Lisa bends down to her level on Jennie's shoulder.
"Is that how you found me?" Jennie asks, looking down at Octavius.
"Yes," Lisa says, straightening up again. "Rosie informed me that you were in the forest and probably wouldn't be back for quite a few more hours. I would have never dared venture into these woods, I would have gotten lost immediately, but Octaviusㅡthat stubborn young manㅡjust wandered right in. I had no choice but to follow; after a while I assumed he must have been making his way towards you."
Jennie's eyebrows raise in surprise. "But he's never met me..?"
Lisa slides her hand up Jennie's back to rest against her nape. "He hasn't, but I'm sure he's smelled you on my clothes enough times now,"
"Oh," Jennie says in understanding.
"Well, let me properly introduce myself, Octavius. Jennie Kim, at your service." She says, curtseying.
Octavius bows his head, snout touching the ground.
"Let's go back so we can get you two properly settled."
Jennie and Lisa walk together as Jennie clings herself to Lisa's arm, through the forest as Octavius dodges in and out of trees and November hangs on Jennie's ear like an earring.
Their walk is broken up by conversation and quiet moments as the trees stream past them infinitely. Eventually they make their way back to the pond. Octavius hops onto the grey stone bricks, prowling around the pond.
"This pond yours?"
"Yes, it's our families. I believe it was put here a few generations back; used for sacrificial drownings."
"I see,"
"Jisoo unnie and I would play around here all the time as kids. I think she drowned our great-aunt here," Jennie tells, smiling wide. "I would have preferred poisoning, of course, but unnie has always been a hands-on type of person."
"Incredibly wicked, darling," Lisa says.
"Speaking of family, let's go meet them."
Jennie pulls them along to the graveyard gates, creaking loudly as they're pushed open. Before them is a barren plot of land with the skeletons of dead trees and grey ground. The graveyard is placed along the edge of the cliff, beside the house, so it's all open air. The headstones are placed haphazardly around, jutting out of the earth in random angles, with some statues indicating any notable family member.
"This is Auntie Mi-ri, killed by a mob." Jennie says, waving to a tombstone. "Tried for witchcraft. They never caught her, of course, she just wanted to die."
"Cousin Daebong, beheaded. Cousin Chaewok, electrocuted. Uncle Jongseom, rocks tied to his ankles and thrown into the ocean." Jennie says, eyes bright and smile devilish.
Jennie walks side by side with Lisa through the paths along the graveyard. Their hands linked together as they weaved in and out of tombstones.
Liaa watches Jennie with a fond smile.
"Great-aunt Suyeon ㅡnot the one unnie drownedㅡ hanged. Second cousin Hakyeon, poison testing gone wrong but he wanted to join Satan on his hellish crusade so I think it worked out well for him." Jennie says, pointing out the headstones they pass by.
"Ah, what a death. Killed by your own hand."
"It was stupid if you asked me, Second Cousin Hakyeon was never great with poisons anyways so, serves him right." Jennie says, looking at Lisa. "It'd much rather go like Uncle Jongseom. Don't you think it would be fantastic, slowly sinking to the dark depths of the vast ocean, surrounded by cold blue, the salt of the sea drawing the blood out into your lungs as you end up choking on your own life force. How pleasant." She sighs dreamily.
"I think hanging by trial for witchcraft is much more fashionable." Lisa argues. "It would certainly be noted in history. Known for the rest of time."
"Ah yes, but how typical. Ten of my aunts and cousins died like that. Got quite boring after a while. They all expect people like us to die that way." Jennie says, leading Lisa down the path.
She skips ahead of Lisa, arms swinging between them. Lisa laughs warmly at the happiness radiating off of her.
"I will say electrocution has been a fun new one. My little cousins like to play around with it."
"But you can't underestimate the power of a good stabbing," Lisa adds.
"You're right, cutting the jugular always gives a good show." Jennie says, thoughtfully.
"Ah, but how about the arteries on the thighs, quick and lethal. Or the good old gut, much more dramatic and you could die by infection or internal bleeding several days later. Watching them crumble as they realize they've been stabbed adds to the dramatics."
Jennie stops in front of a bench, near the cliff edge, that looks out onto the top of the forest below. Jennie's deceased family headstones surround them as they sit down, breeze ruffling their hair.
"Well you know your poisons, darling, why not death by poisons." Lisa asks, as she wraps her arm around Jennie, tucking her into her side.
"Poisons are fun if it's the right mood. Wife who's husband she found cheating, rich boss who assaulted his assistant," Jennie lists. "Lonely woman with lots of money," she teases, looking up at Lisa.
Lisa chuckles as she kisses her forehead.
"My darling, if you wanted to kill me I'll sure hope it would be exciting." Lisa says, against her forehead.
She grabs Jennie's chin and trails her lips down the bridge of her nose. Jennie's eyes fall shut at the feeling of Lisa's soft lips against her face.
"Pushed over the cliff," Lisa says, with a kiss to her closed eyelid.
"Drowned in our bath tub,"
A kiss to the other lid.
"Poison on your lips as you kiss me goodnight."
Lisa seals their lips together and Jennie feels like she's been plummeted to hell with the way her heart stops. Every kiss always throws Jennie off guard. Even though she knows it's coming, every time their lips meet it's like new and Jennie falls just a bit deeper in love.
They part gently but Jennie keeps her eyes closed, basking in the warmth of Lisa against her side, her breath tickling her damp lips. Jennie opens her eyes slowly, dragging them up Lisa's body, taking in her long black, trench coat and slacks. Jennie walks her fingers up along the buttons of her black buttoned-up shirt as her eyes drag up to the underside of her chin. Lisa has been watching her the entire time, silent as she lets Jennie do whatever she pleases.
Jennie drags her fingers along Lisa's neck, tracing her Adam's apple as she swallows. Jennie find her skin so warm, even though she can give off a cold impression, she's impossibly warm to Jennie. Lisa warms her cold life.
Jennie cups Lisa's jaw, rubbing her thumb along the smooth, pale skin of her cheek. Jennie pauses at each of her features. Her plump blood-red lips, her nose, her inky doe eyes and hair; Jennie could never get tired of looking at her because each time felt like there was something new to discover, a new expression to learn, and Jennie delighted in knowing she had all the time in the world to discover each new thing.
"So? Does it please you, my love?" Lisa asks, dark eyes warmed by the glowing sun. "My face?"
Jennie giggles into Lisa's jaw, nuzzling her face there.
"Yes, it does, thank you very much." She mumbles.
Jennie pulls back again to watch the way the golden light of the sun creates new shadows across her face.
"I love you." Jennie says, eyes peering deeply into Lisa's.
Lisa peers down at Jennie, face momentarily stunned at the sudden confession. However, she quickly overcomes the shock, eyes becoming impossibly soft and smile, small but so genuine and absolute.
Jennie's confession didn't feel groundbreaking or earth shattering, it simply felt like a verbal confirmation that sealed her heart and soul. She's never felt more certain about her feelings. They didn't barge into her life out of nowhere. Jennie was waiting for her, waiting for these feelings her entire life and now that they were here, she knew it was love. She feels present in her body, in this moment, as she stares up at Lisa, nothing could change these all encompassing emotions. Jennie feels so, so safe with Lisa holding her entire heart. She wouldn't bat an eye if Lisa broke it into dust, but she knows Lisa wouldn't do that, that she guards hee heart with as much ferocity as Jennie does with hers. She knew Lisa was meant to be hers, she just knew.
"I love you just as much and more, my moon." Lisa says, smooth-deep voice ringing clear.
Jennie smiles at her words, leaning in to kiss her cheek.
"I know," she whispers.
"But I'll keep telling you that forever. Until we're buried six feet under, together in one coffin."
"Together until the last light."
Lisa kisses her once more, sealing this moment between them and the wind.
They get up to walk back into the house, wrapped around each other again. Jennie feels giddy with happiness, basically bouncing back to the house.
A hand made of bone and decaying flesh pops up from the earth as they pass by a tombstone. The boney fingers wiggle in the air and catch Jennie's attention.
"Not now Uncle Kisum!" Jennie shouts, stomping on the hand to send it back under.
Lisa looks at her with a raised brow.
"Don't worry about him, he'll be fine." Jennie says, running back to Lisa's arms.
Morticia and Gomez who? I only know Jennie and Lisa 😍🤪
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