When the voices started
Honeys pov
I was walking with my big brothers we started school today they were both in higher grades then me they were both in high school and I was in middle school well before we move on let me tell you a bit about me I am 13 years old while jeff is 15 and lui is 17 (I have no clue how old they actually are I think it is around that sorry also the beginning may be kinda boring sorry) I love the colours white, Dark purple,green,blue and light gray I am in 8th grade I live by the woods which is ironic since my last name is woods so haha " lui are we almost there why is it taking so long to get to school it feels like we have been walking for hours." I whined and he just sighed" because we have to go a different way today honey we will be there in a few minute we have only been walking for 10 minutes." Jeff said I nodded and put in my earbuds since I always have them I love music I put on my 'creepy songs' playlist and turn on 'sweet dreams are made of scream' and hum along after a while I must have started to sing because my brothers both stopped and looked at me as I sang
-the song-
Sweet dreams are made of screams those who lost there minds will disagree you travel the world on his seven teeth. Everybody's looking for someone and they found you and they found you.. and they found......you........Sweet dreams are made of these who am I to disagree you travel the world on the seven seas everybody's looking for something some of them want to use you some of them want to be used by you some of them want to be abused by you some of them want to be abused sweet dreams are made of screams the corrupted ones won't let you sleep they'll crawl on the walls and they'll spread their disease everybody's looking for someone oh....................
Then I took out my earbuds annoyed of them staring " Yes like something you see brothers you have been staring for three and a half minutes." I said with a slight giggle in my voice when they freaked out a bit "no no no nothing like that you just have a pretty voice honey that we diden't know about. " they both said then I heard it, in the forest I stopped and so did they "Honey what is it we have to get going or we will be late to school come on.....honey........HONEY" I heard lui scream but I started walking to the forest (I know I'm like that person in the horror movies that saids" im gonna go check and see what that was be back in a minute" then gets killed.) "Honey where are you going " I heard lui said he sounded worried" I heard somebody over here while you and Jeff were panicking it sounded like somebody talking like voices and I am gonna check it out duh I will be back in a second." I said and my brothers ran after me and grabbed my arms " there is no way I am letting my little sister go into the forest after hearing talking what if someone is in there and they have weapons they could kill you "lui said as always sounding like an overly protective father" yeah yeah dad I get it I get it sheesh" I say and he rolls his eyes and we keep walking to school but the weird thing is that the voices continue in school and once there was even a static that almost made me pass out in math class and these voices I guess are just in my head because no one else hears they I don't know I will ask lui amd jeff after school maybe they will know what is wrong.
- time skip after school.-
I was waiting outside the middle school for my brothers when they finnaly got there " took ya long enough guys I have been here for almost half an hour." I said irradiated " sorry sis we got held back for a bit to clean up a few classrooms sorry to keep you waiting let's go." Jeff said and I reluctantly walk with them (A/Ndid I use that word in the correct context opps hope so sry if half of these words are not correct I n there content)"Hey lui, jeff I keep hearing those voices again in class and even this really load stain that almost made me pass out in math today do you know why it's kinda creeping me out know because no one else hears it am I going crazy I'm kinda getting scared and it all started this morning by those woods." I said and stared to shake vigorously and cry I never cry like ever they seemed taking aback by this then lui walked to me and hugged me now soon layer jeff did the same "it is alright honey your not going crazy they has to be a way to explain why only you can hear these voices maybe it's just something like schizophrenia or something there is nothing to worry about okay we are always here and we will help you however we can so don't cry honey you will be alright I promise I'm right here y pu r brothers are here." Lui said in a conforting tone that made me feel better"thanks*sniff sniff*lui and Jeff i*sniff sniff* love you my brothers." I said and we continued to walk home once we got back the static stated again and this time it was loud and I mean so loud it could make me deft "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH stop stop stop stop stop stop" I scream and repeated about a hundred time and the whole family ran in terrified "WHAT HAPPEND HONEY WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING" they all scream "The - the static is so loud it hurts so much it's making me deft help me please lui, jeff, mom, dad someone please do something anything it hurts and keeps getting louder" I said on the edge of a mental breakdown it sounded like if someone had static turned as loud as a scream on full volume the put it right in your ears then multiplied that times ten "okay okay what do we do and what does she mean static lui what happend" my mother said I think I cannot hear them anymore I was currently curled in a ball in the corner screaming my head off and crying rivers then I blacked out. Oh no what happen to me what will happen now.
Luis pov-
We heard honey scream and ran up to see her in the corner in a ball screaming 'stop' and crying a river " what happen lui." My mom asked and I explained what happend that morning and as I did it went quiet completely quiet and all of our heads snapped towards honey and she was unconscious she must have blacked out from the sound" she must have blacked out we should take her to the hospital though to see what is wrong with her though maybe it is schizophrenia but I am not sure." My dad said and I nodded and picked her up and we went to the car and got to the hospital " Hello what can I do for you."The woman behind the counter said then noticed the girl in my arms and stood straight up and said "okay come this way and we can look at the girl correct that is why you are here right sir." She asked me and I simply said "yes" then we followed her.
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