the pain
(Warning this chapter involes self harm(cutting) so be warned sorry)
Honeys pov
I walked upstairs and cried u went to my bathroom because my room had a connected bathroom and ton out the knife I kept there fur emergencies and walked into my room once again I moved the sleeves of the shirt I was wearing and cut st my wrists crying my eyes out for what I did to my family if I diden't go that hospital they would be alive still it's all my fault. After a bit I heard waking up the stairs and stopped and hid my knife pulling down my sleeves hearing a knock at my door and a "Honey can I come in. We need to talk."I heard my brothers say outside my door " come in brothers."I said back and made sure they wouldn't be able to tell I cut myself which they couldn't "what is it jeff ,lui?" I asked " what's wrong honey? We know somethings up you have been up here for a while now are you alright.?" Lui said with sencerity in his voice "im fine guys really I am." I said with a fake soft smile " I know that smile is fake what is it honey don't try saying it's nothing."then he looks at my arms and the sleeves had moved up a little I hadn't noticed but lui did "what's this." Lui asked pulling up my sleeves "honey why are you cutting? What is it? Please tell me you are not blaming yourself for mom and dad's deaths, because it wasn't your fault you couldn't help that you blacked out and we had to take you to that hospital. Honey please you can talk to us we won't be mad at you. Please honey just tell us what's wrong." Lui said and I started to cry while jeff and lui were hugging me I told them what was up" Lui your wrong if I hadn't wanted to see what was up with the forest yesterday I wouldn't have heard the static and wouldn't have blacked out therefore would not have had to go to the hospital and mom and dad would still be alive making their deaths my fault that is the reason I was cutting myself it made the pain and guilt go away and I don't know what to do I still hear voices in my head they keep saying 'it's all your fault' and 'your brother are next you know they will die around you. You monster you murderer' It hurts lui I idont want anyone getting hurt anymore because of me what do I do if you get hurt because of me (a/n sorry but bold will be her other personality back to the story)yes brothers what if WE hurt you I don't think we have meet the names Amber and I am the better half of Honey I am what she can't ever be hahaha STOP go away Amber no one wants to talk to you ugg please tell me you got the medicine Lui this os driving me to my breaking point." I said he nodded and handed me my meds I read over them I had Geodon which is for my psychosis and schizophrenia I have Prozac for my depression and anxiety I have something for my tourettes which is called clonidine and last I have something for my bipolar disorder named latuda don't know I read how many I take for the Geodon it's one Prozac is two Clonidine is one and Latuda is also one so I that them and I get tired after a while so my brothers hug me and tell me goodnight then leave "goodnight brothers see you tomarrow." I say in a really sleepy voice "night honey" lui calls "night sis" Jeff calls also then I fell asleep.
-time skip next morning-(same pov still honey)
I woke up and it was later then I wake up normally I wake up early all the time this time I woke up at I check my phone"12:45" I scream "what's wrong honey we heard you scream" lui said "Why didn't you guys wake me up a while ago it's 12:45 in the afternoon come on guys you know I hate sleeping in I always wake up early ugg why did you let me sleep in lui, jeff *sigh*" I yelled angry for no reason " im sorry I don't know why I yelled I'm not angry in just annoyed I'm sorry brothers." I said and they hugged me man do I like it when they make feel better because they always do when they hug me "sorry sis you looked so peaceful in your sleep we diden't want to wake you up. Now you have to take you medicine and come downstairs and eat." Jeff said " okay thank you brothers I will be down in a minute." I said and they left I got ready in my black leggings,Light gray tank top and dark purple hoodie then I laced up my dark purple nikes and put my light brown hair that has blue tips into a simple ponytail then put on some mascara and dark purple eyeliner then took my meds and walked downstairs where my brothers where waiting for me. "Sorry I took forever I couldn't find something to wear so I settled on this and before you ask yes I took my medicine Lui now where is the food I'm starving."I said and lui nodded and went to the kitchen and brought me food out "here you go honey." Lui said "thank you lui." I said like I was looking at God when he brought me food "haha your welcome honey." He laughed and said after I ate I got tree agai n I think it has something to do with my meds anyways I was about to go upstairs but when I stood up I fell and my legs felt paralyzed "Honey are you alright what happened " lui yelled running towards me since he was in the kitchen and I was in the living room "I don't know I went to go upstairs because my one medicine makes me tired I stood up and my legs felt completely paralyzed lui what happend.?" I said scared "it's okay honey it is probably a side affect of one of your meds I will call the doctor and ask okay." He said and carried me to my room " but for now go to bed okay I love you sister." He said and set me in my bed and covered me up in the covers " okay lui thank you also where is jeff he left this morning and has not come back yet (a/n this is where Jeffs story kinda starts you will find out what I mean more next chapter.) Do you know where he is." I asked and he nodded " he went back to school and we are going back next week after we find out what you meds do to you and what happens if you don't take them in the morning but after school since they make you tired. But yes Jeff went back today we have let your teachers know what happened as well and that it might be a few weeks until you are back again alright honey." Lui told and I simply nodded and went to sleep.
(1257 words new thing I might do if y'all like it.)
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