the birthday party
Honeys pov
Today we have that birthday party so I take my med early so I can sleep before we leave "lui I'm taking my meds now so I can sleep before the party."I yelled " Okay honey thank you for letting me know are y pu taking all four or just the ones that make you tired." He yelled back up "im taking all four brother." Alright honey." He said and I took my medicines and about five minutes later I fell asleep
-time skip to when I get up-
I wake up about an hour before the party and get ready I put on my dark purple hoodie with a black tank top under it with my pocket knife in the pocket that I have kept on my since randy and his group of idiots just un case for self defense I also put on some dark purple leggings and my black nikes and put my hair into a bun and walked downstairs "I'm up lui, jeff are you guys ready to go." I asked "honey we still have over 45 minutes before we have to leave how about you get something to eat okay." Lui said I nodded and walked to the kitchen and got something to eat
-time skip to the party-
Jeffs pov
We were about to leave and honey was more excited than expected well she never got invited to much nither did anyone else so it is fair " Honey calm down a bit it's just a party." I said and she calmed down pretty quick "sorry Jeff I don't get invited to much of anything." She said I know this honey ugg " I know do ya have everything and your meds as well since you have to take them twice a day." Lui said behind us "ahh oh my lui you scared me yes I am ready I think." Honey said then took everything out of her pockets "umm meds,pocket knife,hair tie,ummm eyeliner,mascara umm. I think I have everything." She said" Why do you have a pocket knife with you honey."I asked confused why she is bringing it with her" umm just in case randy and his group show up and try anything or attack us. I have it for self-defense." She said putting it back in her pocket and moved around something else under it " what did you move around honey." I said and she took out a gun the one that mom and dad had in case of break in "Why do you have dad's 9mm pistol honey " I said and she put it back In the holster and sighed "well also self Defense I have I feeling they might come and attack us and it's in case they are also armed Luke with guns or something I don't know why but I have a feeling they are gonna do something and the voices told my to get weapons as self defense then I took my meds to shut them up but listen to them I'm sorry." She said scared I would yell or lui would yell "it's okay we won't yell I was just confused and I think jeff was too." Lui said and I nodded "okay let's go." Honey said and we left
-time skip to half way through the party.- Honeys pov
I took meds again and fell asleep forgetting that they made me tired.
Luis pov
Honey took her meds again then fell asleep I think she forgot they made her tired well she has been sleeping for about five minutes " look who it is the woods kids" I heard from outside it sounded like.......Randy " go away randy" Jeff yelled th en I heard screams and ran out how us honey sleeping through this
-time skip ten minutes later still Luis pov -
They were fighing now Jeff and Randy and it elevated quick the hit jeff woth a bottle of alcohol how he was covered in to he ended up knocking out Keith and I couldent do anything finnaly honey woke up "what's happening lui ?where's jeff? why is everyone screaming? Why does it smell like alcohol? What's happenimg?" She said " Jeff and Randy are fighing and it elevated quick they hit jeff with a bottle of alcohol and it shattered on him th ats what the smell is amd HOW DID YOU SLEEP THROUGH THAT this has been happening for almost twenty minutes." I said and she took outbher gun and loaded it " okay this is going to end before anything happens that's worse. " she said and ran to the screaming only to stop smelling something burning then she SCREAM " JEFF ON FIRE LUI CALL AN AMBULANCE OR SOMETHING." Then I heard gun shots and called an ambulance "Honey, Honey are you okay Jeff are you there what happened." I said running upstairs to see jeff burning and honey trying to put him out " it's o-okay Je-jeff you will b-be okay I pr-promise l-lui c-called and am-ambulance they are a-almost here so-soon don't leave me please b-brother I n-need you so you c-can't die I k-killed them so they c-can't h-hur-hurt you anymore please s-stay with me j-je-jeff-jeffery woods please I'm right here your s-si-sister is right here just h-hold on I hear the ambulance stay w-with me please." I heard honey cry and did she said she killed then she KILLED those boys that was probably the gun fire I heard I forgot she brought one with her I don't hear much screaming and I see jeff he isn't burning anymore so she put him out he looked awfully burnt "this is th e parametics where is the boy that was caught on fire."is heard downstairs " UP HERE WE PUT HIM OUT BUT HE IS VERY VERY VERY BADLY BURNT PLEASE HELP." Honey scream and I heard running up the stairs " okay can you help us get him downstairs please." They said to me, I nodded then they saw the two killed " how did they die do you know sir." I looked at honey she nodded and cried more "shot by my sister as self defense because they trying to shot her and she panicked and shot them please don't arrest her." I said and started to cry "if it was becasue they tried to shot her first it was not a homicide it was self defense bit I cannot say if it was aresstable the police will have to say they should be here any minute do you know who this boy is or the two killed are." They asked I nodded "the two killed were Keith (don't know the last names sry)Lanes and Troy Taylor ( if you know their last names tell me amd I will change it sorry I made up ones.)and the boy is jeffery woods our brother the boys have been after him for almost a month." I told him and he nodded then they took jeff away we had to wait for the police to get there so me and honey waited when they got there we told them everything that happened "so who killed the two boys lui " the officeraskrd " I did officer they pulled guns out on my and my brother that was buring and I panicked and shot them because before my dad died he told me if he were to ever die before my sweet sixteen that I could have his 9mm pistol and he died about a month ago so I took it because I had a bad feeling about coming but we already agreed to go so we came anyways the only reason I couldn't call the police or anything sooner is because I took my meds*pulls out four bottles of meds and shoes officer* but forgot they make me tired and fell asleep like a passed out can't wake up sleep and lui was not here I suppose at the time I think he had gone back he to do something but I am not sure to be honest so if anyone deserves to be punished it is becasue I did comit a murder of the two boys even if it was for self protection and the protection of someone else I just want to make sure brother is okay please." Honey said "No honey I'm the oldest therefore the one responsible for you and Jeffery and you killed them for to protect yourself and your brother even if it was homicide it was for protection and stop beating yourself up about you taking your medications and falling asleep you cannot help it now honey please."I said on the verge of Tears and she could tell and hugged me tight" it is the officers decision and I did kill two people lui and you know that is a big crime self defense or not it was still murder." She said then look at the officer who had handcuffs out " she is correct that is a class one homicide meaning two year minimum jail time protection or not it was murder sorry but I will let you make sure you brother is alright and if we hear anything about him we will take you to see him it is the least we can do." The officer said and we both cried "NO HONEY YOU CANT LEAVE YOU CANT LEAVE US WE NEED YOU HONEY PLEASE."
1600 words
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