School, a new friend and suspended
Honeys POV
After about a year of being alone i went back to school to finish off my school life and today was the first day. I got ready in a navy blue long sleeved shirt woth a black and white stripped scarf like Liu's black tight dress pants and my black nikes and i brought my white hoodie that is one of my brother Jeff's and i grabbed my ' black butler's backpack and was off. I was walking to school pass that God foresaken forest as always because this is the only way i know to get to my school but this time....i didnt hear anything and i didnt feel like i was being watched i sigh in relief." Oh thank you forest for not making me crazier then i am already" i say as i continue to walk
-Time skip to school-
I get to school and i immediately recive harsh glares and scoffs from everyone" what is with eberyone today" i whisper and walk to my first class which is Art okay i can deal woth this as im walking everyone makes a path for me or runs away what the hell is going on. I get tp the classroom and walk inside only to be THE FIRST ONE THERE YES. I take a seat in the far back of the room and wait for class to start which didnt take long as for the second i sit down other students come into class and about three minutes later the bell rings for class to start. " Hello students i am Mrs Cameron and i will be your art teacher. I will take attendance when you hear your last name please say here" after that the teacher called a bunch of names and each person called 'here' wasnt paying attention umtil one name caught my eye "Katie Otis" the teacher call and a girl with a light blue shirt amd Brown hair who was in front of me called back" here" and went back to sketching i think after that there were aboit another ten names until mine was called"Honey Woods" i raise my hand" Im here" i call and right when i say that every head but Katie's snap twoards me " dp you happen tp be the sister of Jeffery and Liu woods" the teacher asks and i nod " yeah what aboit it" i ask annoyed from all the glares im getting" i was just wondering i had both of them in class two years ago " she answered but i heard her say" and they are serial killers now so i better watch you closely" under her breath.... Okay? After that we start class amd we had to be in partners and of course i was alone. This isnt new so whatever i do the project and finish before anyone else or i thought so but apperently Katie finished the same time i did and we turned in the project and sat down." Hello " i said to Katie and she looked up at me " Hello" she said in an unimpressed amd board tone" you are really good at art" i complement poitning to a beautiful sketch of a boy woth a blie blazer and brown hair like hers on hos blazer there is a smiley face pin he also has a mask with a red smile on it " thanks " she said witj a smile and goes back to finishing her drawing then starts on a new one. A drawimg on a boy with white slin lime jeffs and a carved smile and no eyelids lime Jeff.... She was drawing my brother" how do you know wjat my brother looks like" i ask her" brother? Im drawimg a creepypasta named Jeff the killer" she replied a creepypasta? A what?" A what?" I asked nd she explained" ph but why is that one my brother thats exactly ehat he looked likebefore him and my brother Liu went missing" i said to her and she sighed" i dont know but the other one"she flips back to the man woth a smiley mask" looks likey brother Helen well without the mask he does his name is The Bloody Painter... I dont know thoigh maybe they are our brothers. " she said" can i ask you something. Why did everyone look at you like a crazy person when the teacher called ypur name" she asked i looked down" i dont know they have been all day " i sigh" oh im sorry... Well do you want to be friends then " she asked and i smiled" sure Katie and you can teach me more on these creepypasta then " i say back to her." Sounds like fun then Honey" she said and the bell rang for the nect class....history uggghhhh i hate history and kaite didnt have the clas woth me she has biology we say goodbye and walk to class. On the way to xlass i hear people talkong abput me and Katie i look at one group of girls that are talking about me and Katie loud on purpose " Hey bitch are ypu and ypur crazy friwmd gonna turn outblike your serial killer brothers" one girl said sje had black hair woth a pink streak in it amd a purple hoodie on with a black skirt " If you keep running your mouth i will and you will be my forst victim" i said bad in a threatening tone." DID YOU JUST THREATEN MY" she scream" DO YPU KNOW WHO I AM" she scream again" yeah ypur a snobby slut " i said she and her group get close to ms and hit me more like punch me ringh in the face hard i could feel .y nose break "you just made a really bad mistake" i said in a crazier tone" wjat the hell do you mean bitch" she lopk at me amd seen the crazed look in my eye" this is what i mean" i said she was about to make sone dumb reply but i jumped on her and started to beat her.... No i dint take bullies nicely after what happened to jeff. She screams amd thrashes but I stay on her beatong her i kinda didnt take my med today either so yeah. Im then pulled off her by someone" what is going on her Mrs woods. Mrs Hopkins " i heard that voice its the principal" she attacked me shes insane jist like her serial killer brothers" the girl who i knew before as Nina Hopkins said in a faked' was the victim here' voice" is this true Mrs Woods" the prinipal asked again "she started it she called me and Kaite Otis crazy psychopaths and said all we will do is turn out like our brothers. I DONT TAKE KINDLY TO BULLIES after what they did tp my family. But if she wants to keep pushing my buttons i will become my brothers and she will be my first victim " i say in a vloce that isnt my own it sounded crazy imsane even " MRS WOODS i will NOT have you yhreaten another student. And MRSBOPKI S I WILL NOT HAVE YPU BULLY PEOPLE NOR CALL THEM CRAZY. YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT SOME PEOPLE HAVE GONE THROUGH " she yelled to us Nina juat nods and shrinks back ebile i stand there lile nitbing happen ed" Mrs Woods i will have to at least suspend you for assulting another student" she said i nod still holdong my broken nose, she much habe noticed because she asked what happen and i explain that Nina punch my nose and probably broke it lets just say she got suspended too. Well im suspended for a month and nina is suspended for two weeks. Here goes a month at home.
That was the end and yes nina hopkins is added in. See ypu a next chapter
1320 words
Bye guys
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