*Insert chapter name here*
Honeys POV
I wake up kind of shakey after loosong so much blood the last few days but i will be fine. I put on the outfit i set put yesterday the black leggings anf nikeys the white tank top and hoodie and the black and white scarf. I also put my pocket knife into my hoodie pocket along with mynphone and earbuds. I eat an apple and grab my black butler backpack and i leave. As I walm to school i listen to music when the song "little games' by benny comes on and i sing along to it
Play us like pawns and relentlessly confine,
Into living up to gender roles and having absent minds
Don't you think it's funny how they tell us how to live?
Don't you think it's funny how we're all delinquent kids?
Like, hush now, don't say, don't say
Hush, boy, oh, hush, boy, don't say a word
Throw on a jersey and no one gets hurt
Hush, girl, oh, hush, girl, just bat your eyes
Play our little game, play our little game
Bounded all thoughts and corrected common sense
You're raising suicidals with your predetermined titles
Like "a mess", "distressed", "I am unimpressed", "you're excess",
"a dress is all you'll ever be".
Gender roles impose control and deceive progressive times
Welcome to the land of the broken minds
Hush, boy, oh, hush, boy, don't say a word
Throw on a jersey and no one gets hurt
Hush, girl, oh, hush, girl, just bat your eyes
Play our little game, play our little game
We feign opulence just to get by
Put on false confidence just to feel alive
They can't hurt me anymore
There's nothing left to break of me
There's nothing left to take from me
'Cause, baby, it's easy to fake a smile
When you've been doing it for a while
Baby, it's easy to fake a smile
When you've been doing it for a while
Hush, boy, oh, hush, boy, don't say a word
Throw on a jersey and no one gets hurt
Hush, girl, oh, hush, girl, just bat your eyes
Play our little game, play our little game
Hush, boy, oh, hush, boy
Hush, girl, oh, hush, girl
Play our little game
Play our little game
Play our little game
Play our little game
Play our little game,
Won't you play with me?
finish singong as i get to school and some people are staring at me i sigh and walk into school to art my firat class.
Ninas POV ( haha didnt see her coming hu)
I saw that bitch hiney walk into school looks line shes finally back. I smile to myself as i know shes just as crazy as her brothers are.... But i have to admit that one brother of hers jeff is kind of cute i shrug amd walk off to my locker to talk to my friends.
Back to Honey's POV
I walk into the class too and see Katie. I walk over amd hug her. " hey katie nice to see you again" i said and she turns and hugs back pretty tight"i misses you honey. Glad your back." She says as she lets go of me and we continue with art class. After art i run into you guessed it Nina UGGHH WHY ME i take a deep breath and try key word try to get pass her but of course she blocks my way " i see your back bitch" she grabs my arms and slams me afaunst the locker i wince because she grabed my cut arms" If uou ever try something like you did lasy mobth to me again i WILL hurt you " she says tightening her grip. I wince again" oh is something wrong with your arms. Does this hurt"she tightens her grip more and twists my arm. I can feel a bunch of my cuts re-openong and it hurts like hell. I can tell im bleedinh really bad as i wince again" oh looks like it does sorry." She said sorry sarcastically anf she does the same thing again and if there wasnt blood showing through my hoodie there is now" oh look at that " she pulls down my sleeves and laughs" the bitch is an emo cutter look at that " she turns around and yells to everyone around" HEY EVERYONE GUESS WHAT THE CRAZY BITCH HONEU WOODS IS AN EMO CUTTER "then she laughs and lets me go i look around anf everyones laughing and pointing at me. I run off to the nurse to get these wrapped up when i get there she looks at me with a pitiful look" Oh Mrs Woods why wpuld you do this to yourself. Is it because of anyone here? " she questions i look up at her" not exactly as you may know my brothers are Serial killers and are now insane so by hurting myself its getting rid of any bloodlust i have to hurt someone so i dont become a killer like my brothers but it started after the bit- i mean girl Nina Hopkins started to bully me but no its me trying not to become like my brothers because lately i have had a lust to see people hurt a wamt to kill someone or hurt them so but hurting myself it gets rid of the want for blood the want to kill or hurt someone." I reply to her and during that she took a few steps back maybe it was out of fear i shrug " well yes honey i knew about your brothers i knew both of your brothers they were really good kids i just cant believe they became killers. I know ypur dping this to stop from becoming like them but if you keep it up you could really hurt yourself long term or kill yourself so i am going to have to ask you to please try to find an alternitive also if you need to talk and ypu dont want to go to the guidance counselors bevause i know your broyhers never trusted them and did trust me maybe your lime that so im always here as well okay" mrs Brookes says and I just nod in response "okay Honey is tnat all you need as of now" she asks " yes Mrs Brookes i will be on my way back to class " i say and she nods. I leave and go back to class which thankfully is lunch roght now so i go in amd as always everyone looks ar me only now i hear people saying" look its the emo cutter "or "look theres the suicidal serial killer bitch" i just sigh and sit next to Katie who is confused on what everyones talking about and asks me " wjats everyone yalking about Honey, why are they all calling you a cutter and suicidal you arent are you " she looks at me with a very worried look i sigh and i nod "I am a cutter but its so i dont become lile jeff and liu it gets rid of my want to hirt people " i whisper and i move my sleeves showing hwr the bloody wraps arpund them and Katie imediatly wraps me in a hug. Its olay Honey " she said butbis ot really okay.........
Okay guys yes sorry i couldn't think of a title so insert one that you thinks fit and im also on a roll with chapters one right after another. Sorry for spelling errors as always and i will see ya all in the next chapters..
1275 words
Bye everyone
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