First kill
Honeys POV
Three months later
This isnt helping anymore hurting myself isnt stoping this blood lust. Im scared that im goimg to hurt someone even if it is that bitch Nina i dont want to hurt anyone but i want to i want to hear people scream i want to hear them beg to live i want to see the blood pour out of them i want to see the life drain outbof their eyes i want to feel their cold dead bodies i want to feel like im in control as i hurt them i want to smell the metalic smell of blood i want to smell the fear amd see them cry and i slowly kill them. As im thinking this i start to laugh and im in the middle of class sp everyone looks at me "Mrs woods whats so funny." Mr Lincon or english yeacher said" n-nothing Mr Lincon * laughs* just thought of something* more laughs* funny is all"as I say this im laughing my ass off "would ypu lile to go into the gall to calm down Mrs Woods" Mr Lincon asks i nod and leave goikg put into the hallway to thunk aboit the same things i was and laugh more" that wpuld be fun, but i dont want to hurt them" then i hear a voice and there is no one in the halls. This voice doesnt sound familar but it saids" you do want to hurt people its in your blood your crazy you will just be a killer like your brothers honey so just let the bloodlust take over and kill after you do you wont want to stop and it will calm this bloodlust down trust me" I was confused because for some reason i did trust it and i always have my knife on my so i stop laughing and juat get a crazy smile on my faxe and go to one of the bathrooms hoping to see someone and i did a girl from my class i have noybing against her but sjes here so sjes my first victim" hello Amelia "i say and she jumps a bot and turns to me" oh hello Honey. What are you doing here? " she asks then face palms" duh we are in the restromm so thats probablu it "she laughs and so do i " no i came to say goodnight forever to you so. Goodnight forever" as i say ' goodnight forever i put a sleeved hanf over her mouth and slit her throat. Then i laugh anf use her blood to write on the walls 'she looked tired so now she will sleep forever. Goodnight Amelia' then i wash my hands and i travel the rest of the school looking for someone else since i dont have blood on my clothes and i still haveva bloodlust but that vpice was roght it isnt as strong anf killimg that girl felt so nice" lets see who next"i hear a scream come from the bathroom i was just in" SOMEOMENES DEAD" she screams and hear someone run over to her " what do you mean someone dead" spmeone saids and i recognize it as Mrs Rose my Biology teacher i hear them talk and then mrs rose runs pass me to the principles office and i hear an announcement come on " school will be endong early they has been a student discovered dead in the west womans restroom so all classes will wnd now and everyone will be sent home so we can perform an investagation " she saids and everyone is filed out of the classrooms i was sittimg outsode English laungues arts again so no one knew i left and i act suprised when people start leaving and i gp inside to get .y stuff then i leave with everyone and i find katie "hey katie did yoy hear about the murder" i ask in a fake suprised tone" yeah i winder whp did it " she saids " i dont know" o lie and we walk out and leave for home when i get home i burst out laughing " that was fun. *laughs*but i still wany to hurt someone who should i hurt now " i say to myself and i look aroumd for something to change into anf i end up chamging into some red leggings, red tank top one of jeff hoodies and one of lius scarves alonf with some red converse then i put on some leather gloves because they keep fingerprints off things i know because i watch a bunch of detective things i then grab my knives and my dads 9mm. Pistol and i smile leaving my house. I walk the streets until i get to my old house that is still vancant i go next door to a neighbors house and i sneak in once im in i find that the family is asleep so i go to the youngest room my old friend and i do the same thing i did to the girl at school today i cover her mouth and slit her throat then say "Good night forever " killed her then wrtoe in her blood 'she looked tired so now she will sleep forever. Goodnight' i did this to the rest of the family and a few more familys. In the neighbourhood. Then i hear siriens" oh no the police are on the way"i load and cock my gun ready to fire as i run back home and change quickly juat in vase they come to mu house. I wait for a while but they never come some people do come though and its Jeff and Liu i watch as they climd into my house" hello brothers" i say to the and they stand and turn to me."hello Honey we saw what you did, seems your done trying to hide your killer side now."Jeff said " hello Honey and yes we saw you and were pround of what ypu did and we think you shpuld join us." Liu said. I look at them with a comfused face" join you?" I ask clearly confused" yes join us as in come with us join us as killers. Come woth us and we can be a family again" They explain. If i go with them we will be a family again huh okay I like that deal " okay im in what do I need to take"i ask and they answer with " everything you can or anything you need" i nod and pack everytbing sonce i dont have much and i go with them. Heres to my new life as a kuller woth my brothers.
Two chapters in one day im on a roll..... I hope you enjoyed the chapter see you in the next chapter.
1140 words
Good bye guys
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