Chapter 9
I walk over and grab my knives, guns I'm grabbing my clothes when Daisy and Kacey slams the door open.
"We have to go! Mom's going to kill you for ruining the dance!" Daisy yells.
"Ok" I say calmly
"Why are you so calm?" She screeches
"It's not my first rodeo" I say putting my weapons in a bag.
"We have to go now!!! We have like 3 minutes!!!" She yells.
"Ok. So no time to change" I say.
"Ok let's go." I open the window and climb out.
"Damn dress" I mutter as I climb out. We make it out of the castle grounds into the forest.
Daisy is panting. "How do you still have energy?"
"Dunno." I shrug.
"You probably do this on a regular basis" She pants.
"Yep!" I grin evilly.
She sighs. "So were is the hideout?"
"Just a little longer" I say trudging forward.
"Your version of a little longer is like three hours" Daisy complains. I ignore her and keep walking I get to a path and stop. Daisy bumps into me.
"You were saying?" I ask pointing to the cottage at the end of the path.
"Oh nevermind" She mumbles as we run into the cabin I try to run to my room.
But bump into Issac. "Wow Princess what are you doing?"
"Don't call me Princess" I hiss.
"Nah. Why are you so fancy?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows.
"None of your business" I hiss pushing past him to my room. I slam the door open walk in and lock the door behind me after Kacey is in as well.
"Well that was fun!" I grin opening my chest to grab my other clothes. I grab my black leggings, black shirt, black leather jacket with a hood, black combat boots and belt. I take the drees off hanging it up in the closet with one of my five hangers. I put the clothes on. I pull my hair out of the bun and put it in a low ponytail. I grab my note book and open to a blank page and write my nightmare I had last night.
I feel the tears running down my face as I write.
"You good Iris?" Kacey asks.
"Yep" I lie closing my notebook and lying down to sleep. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
I wake up when Kacey is smacking my face with her pillow. "Wake. Up!"
"I'm up!" I yell rubbing my head.
"It's time for dinner. Eric wants to see us at dinner." She says walking back to her bed.
"Ok" I grab my brush from my bedside table and brush some of the tangles out of my hair.
"Lets go Iris" She says standing up opening the door. I follow behind her as we walk to the dinning hall. There are 5 long tables. Each for a different group. The first table is for the trains. Daisy, Issac, Annika. Table two is for the minor assassins. The thing you are after you finish training. Table three is major assassins the group after minor. Then the main assassins. Me and Kacey. Finally bosses. Erik.
Me and Kacey walk to our table and sit down. Eric is standing at the front.
"Good now that your all here I cans start announcements." He says sharply. "Firstly. Annika, Daisy and Issac you are being moved to minor Assassins. Please step up."
All three of them step up. The other three kids who were not called up frown and grumble.
"Silence!" Erik yells. The talking stops. "Do the three of you promise to protect with all your heart and mind?"
"Yes" They all say.
"Then you are officially a minor assassin. Here are your guns." He hands each of them a handcrafted gun.
Every assassin who joins gets a handcrafted gun made specifically for them. Custom made. Mine is black with a silver trigger. Kacey's is black with marron details.
Erik hands Daisy a grey gun with little daises painted around. Issac gets a black one with small blue details. Annika gets a beige colered gun.
"Sit back down now" He says once they all have their guns. "Now. We have found a base from the kidnappers. I need Kacey and Iris to investigate."
Issac stands up. "Why not me? I'm a real assassin now!"
"Because" Erik says calmly. "I need a more experienced assassin"
Issac sits down muttering something about it not being fair.
"Now. Girls do you accept?" He asks.
I turn to Kacey with a evil glint in my eyes. She's grinning like a mad man. "Absolutely!"
"Alright. You will leave at dawn pack your bags." He says sitting back down in his spot. We eat in silence.
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