Chapter 3
I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow so I'm thankful I put my alarm on before. It rings at 930 I quietly sneak out of bed.
I wonder if Daisy left already..
I sneak out of my room and peak my head into hers. Bed empty and made.
She really made her bed? How come I never make my bed?? Because you're not smart enough Iris. I laugh quietly at my inner thoughts.
I sneak out of her room to mine and out the window and to the forest. I get to the hideout it's a small grassy hut beside a mountain it is a all hut but inside it's big because it goes into the mountain. All of the assassins have a room with 1 or 2 other assassins I'm with Kacey. We have been friends since we first met, she has red hair and freckles. She is snarky like me, kind when she wants to be, she loves horses and great in a fight.
"Oy Iris!" Kacey calls when I walk into our shared room ours is in the cave so we have rock walls. Its one of the bigger rooms both sides have a bed they have mahogany bedframes with black sheets at the foot of the bed is a chest with extra stuff. Guns, Knives, clothes and other stuff.
"Hey Kacey!" I say hopping on my bed. "Any new leads?"
"Yes actually! We have a mission tonight! I volunteered you for the mission hope thats ok"
"That's great the two off us! Dream team!" I smile.
"Ok get your party pants on cause we leave at 10"
I check my watch its 9:40. "Ok"
Kacey reaches over the bed and opens the chest and grabs a gun and 3 knives. "Lets head out!"
We walk out of the room to Bens room. "Ben we need the information for our misson." I say
"Alright come" He beckons us to the table he has many papers on it. "This one" He points to one of the papers "Is what you need" He hands the paper to Kacey.
"Alright thanks we will be going now." She grabs my good arm and pulls me out of the room. "He scares the heck out off me I don't think he's mentally stable." She whispers to me.
"He's not" I whisper back. He was the only person to ever escape from where ever he kids are taken too. That's our mission to find out why every month like clockwork two kids a boy and girl under the age of 12 are taken somewhere. The weirdest part? Its been happing since my mother came into power as Queen... Coincidence? I hope. "Well let me see the paper"
Kacey hands me the paper. I look at it.
"Its a map!" I exclaim. Its quite old theres the forest and the kingdom farther in the corner of the map outside the kingdom walls is a X. A big red X. "Most likely we need o go there." I point to the X.
We head to the stable beside the hut. There are 5 horses for the 5 main assassins. I hop on my horse Piper a black and white American paint horse. Kacey hops on Marble her brown and white American paint horse. We use American paint horses because they are tinyish they listen and are sneaky. Kacey and I ride free, no saddle and all that stuff.
"Ready to ride Piper?" I ask my horse. Unfortunately she does not answer. Probably because she's a horse. We ride outside the walls of The Kingdom of Eda. We ride to the west a bit and we hop off our horses and tie them to the tree.
"See anthing odd?" Kacey asks me.
"No" I kick the ground frustrated. Somehow it opens up a hatch and the ground swings open reveling a ladder into the ground.
"Cool" Kacey says.
"We need a hide out like that" I reply. We head down the ladder quietly. It cold and damp. We make it to the bottom. It's dark the only light is from the top. I pull out my knife. Kacey grabs her gun. We slowly walk forward. We hear talking from the first room I open the door slowly.
"Hey! You can't e in here!" Yells a man in his mid-fourtys The second guy who seems to be smarter pulls a lever and alarm sounds.
I throw my knife at the guy who pulled the alarm at the same time Kacey shoots the mid-fourty man.
"This just got harder" she mumbles.
"No this give it more adventure" I tell her with a smile. We open the second door about 20 men are in it. Kacey looks at me I know exactly what she's thinking. We have worked together so long we know what the other is thinking. I take left she takes right.
I pull out my gun and shoot. Kacey does the same. Every shoot hits someone. Either a head, chest or stomach every shot kills. Once I'm finished I head out Kacey in front of me We hear a noise Kacey turns and shoots. The bullet misses me by about 5 centimeters I don't flinch. Kacey and I have the best aim if she wanted me dead I would be. I turn to see a man dead in his own pool of blood.
"Let's try his door" I say trying to open one. "Shit it's locked"
Of course that's when the army appears. Kacey smiles. "I got this you get the door."
I turn to the door and grab my bobby pin from my hair. And try to unlock the door. My hair falls in front of my face. The door opens. "Got it"
I walk in about 10 kids around the ages of 3-12 are sitting on bunks. Kacey come in behind me.
"It's the missing kids.." she gasps.
"ok listen everyone we are here to help you escape! We are going to bring you home! Young help the old and old help the young!" I tell everyone. The kids act immediately. They stand up and help the others.
"I'll shoot you get the kids out" Kacey whispers to me. I nod.
"Come on move move move!" I tell the kids we run to the ladder I watchbthe kids climb up and shoot at the army with Kacey. Once the army stops coming at us we climb up the ladder and look around.
"Did you all come from Eda?" I ask one of the older kids. He has brown messy hair. He looks about 12. He nods.
"Ok kids come on" Kacey says. She grabs the rope holding the horses she takes the front I take the back as we lead the kids to the entrance. I feel a tug on my jacket I look down to see a little girl about 3 looking up at me.
"Help" she says with tears in her eyes pointing to a HUGE cut on her side.
I pick her up and walk. "Kacey almost there?"
"Yup!" She calls back. We walk in silence till we get to the kingdom. Most families are still awake.
"I'll keep the kids here you get the families" I tell Kacey she nods running to the house knocking. The family's that are in the town square come walking up.
"What's going on?" A woman asks me.
"I have some of the missing kids" I tell her. Her eyes widen scanning the kids.
"BELLA!" She screams running to a girl about 7. Bella runs to her mother sobbing. That's when more family's come looking for their lost children. That's when I see it. I see blond hair in a ponytail. Daisy.. she is holding a first aid kit.
"Daisy!" I call. She turns her eyes widen with shock she runs over.
"Can you help her?" I ask her. Showing her the little girls cut. She nods.
She opens the kit and pulls out a stitches and starts stitch. Halfway through the job a woman about 20 walks up.
"What happened to Lillyana??" She breaths.
"Is this your daughter?" I ask.
"Yes" she says.
"As you know she was taken and something happened she was bleeding out to much without stitches she would have died" I tell her. The woman gasps and gives me and Kacey big hugs.
"Thank you, you saved her" she whisper in my ear. I nod.
"Done" Daisy says. The woman gives her a hug to. Then takes her daughter.
"That's the last of them" Kacey says.
"Yup." I hope on my horse. "Let's rock"
We ride back to the hide out in silence. Once we get back we tell Erik the leader of the Nightstalkers what happened and our findings.
"You did good" he tells us then let's us go.
"I got to head back" I tell Kacey leaving. I walk back to the castle I climb back through my window I shower and change into PJs and climb back into bed.
What do y'all think of Kacey?
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