Prologue: The day I signed for volunteer work.
(Y/N's POV)
I was walking to Principal Armstrong's office after being called over. I didn't know why he wanted me there, I just hope I didn't do anything that would cause trouble or even worse....I am getting expelled. Well, I made my way to the offices and the front lady asked me to take a seat and wait until he calls for me. I waited for about 10 minutes till I heard a voice
Principal Armstrong- Mr.Y/N, you may come in.
Ok here goes nothing. I entered the room and took a seat feeling all nervous and my hands shaking.
Y/N- I-is there p-problem s-sir?
Armstrong- Don't worry Mr.Y/N, if you think you did something wrong you didn't do anything wrong so your good on that.
Oh thank god.
Armstrong- However....
Oh crap.
Armstrong- Your grades and requirements are not meeting up Y/N. This could mean failing your senior year before graduation.
WAIT WHAT?!?! No No No!! This can't be!
Y/N- *Gulp* W-w-w-what s-s-s-sir? F-f-f-f...failed?
Armstrong- Yes....but also you missed classes far too many times. That alone could set you back another year and this could mean making up all those hours back in summer school.
Oh no, its only three to four months left till graduation. Oh there has to be a way to fix this.
Y/N- I-is there anything I can do to improve? I-is there anything?
Armstrong- Hmmm....since there is only such a short amount of time till graduation day, all of the conventional ways won't be an option.
Oh god, I'm screwed.
Armstrong- But since you are an amazing kid and have so much potential, I'll have to use an unconventional way of helping you.
Y/N- What do you mean?
He then turned around and got to his file cabinet digging around for something then he placed three papers on his desk and I looked in curiosity.
Armstrong- I would like to give you the opportunity for volunteer work. There is three volunteer opportunities to choose from. One is the animal shelter, the second one is the Red Cross and the final one is going to the library and looking after school children in a club they call "The Kids club". Which one sounds interesting to you Mr.Y/N?
I think all sounds pretty interesting. The first one I would do since I have two cats at home but I don't know about coming home smelling like wet animals would not be a pleasant experience for mom, dad and myself so I think no on this one. The Red Cross sounds cool as I get meet people and help them recover from disasters so I think a maybe of that. Ok, the last one is....the Kids club. Well, I do enjoy working with kids, there fun, full of energy and most of all they are curious about pretty much everything so I can teach them what they are curious about.
Armstrong- So Y/N......which one suits you?
Well, I think I already decided, sorry Red Cross but...
Y/N- I think The Kids club would be the one for me.
He them grabbed the paper and looked at it before doing some nodding in approval.
Armstrong- Excellent choice Mr.Y/N. Now, I'll write you a note of approval so you can get it the position in a instant since you are crunched for time.
I nodded and watched him writing the note while thinking about the kinds of people I'll meet in there and what kind of adventures I'll have with those kids.
Armstrong- Ok Y/N, here's the note and you are free to home early today.
Y/N- Sweet! Thanks Mr.Armstrong! See you later!
I waved bye to him and headed my way to my car to drive home so I can take a nap before I go to the library and I think it closes at 8pm so I should be good. Yes, if there's a god out there props to you, I can finally leave high school for good! Oh wait......theres still college and stuff like that but that can wait later, right now its sleepy time for me.
(Armstrong's POV)
Hooh boy Mr.Y/N, I really hoped you chose the other options instead of the kids club. The Children there can be a bit..........weird at times and it happens especially when they like you and see you as an older role model of sorts. I can only wish you good luck Mr.Y/N.
Your gonna need it.
(Timeskip, 4 hours later.)
(Y/N's POV)
I woke up to mom and dad coming home and calling for me. I quickly got up and went downstairs to greet them.
Mom- Oh there you are Y/N. What were you doing in your room?
Y/N- Oh just took a nap. Thats all.
Dad- *Chuckle* All right then, whatever you say.
Mom then punched dads arm meaning she got what dad said. Well, I couldn't take this embarrassment and had to go to the library.
Y/N- Well I know you just got here but I need to go to the library.
Mom- What for?
Y/N- I need to sign up for some volunteer work over there. I'm gonna volunteer to look after kids over there basically.
Dad- But....what about you grades and everything?
Y/N- Yeah..about that, the Principal called me to his office and talked to me about it and how it could lead me to fail senior year.
Mom/Dad- WHAT!?
Y/N- B-but he then gave me a choice of doing some volunteer work in order for me to earn credits that will carry over to my record and can ensure that I graduate.
Mom- Really? He did all that?
Y/N- Well, I have questions about myself but I didn't had any other options for me so I took it without a second thought.
Dad- Well Y/N, if this is what it takes to pass high school then by oh means go for it.
Y/N- Thanks dad.
I looked over at my watch and it was almost 7pm.
Y/N- Oh crap, its almost 7pm, I need to go over there to sign up before they close.
Mom- Well come on, get a move on son.
Y/N- Well, all right then I'll head out now.
I gave the both them hugs and said my byes before I headed to the car and drove over to the library.
I was almost there and I looked for one of the only fanciest building in the city and after some time, I found it.
I went to the underground parking lot and paid the fee before finding a spot to park in. I got a spot and went to the elevator to go to the first floor where I think the information desk is. I looked for signs and found where it was. I went over there and was ready to sign up.
Y/N- Uhh excuse me but...
Front desk lady- Ah yes, what can help you with sir?
Y/N- Oh hello, I was just asking on where can I sign up for the volunteer position you have for the Kids club thing you got here.
Front desk lady- Oh ok, well you can sign here right now and fill out the paperwork. Once you do so, we may get back to you in about a month.
A month?! Why, I cant wait that long.
Y/N- Is there some way to make it go faster or...
Front desk lady- No, its still a month unless you have some kind of note that says otherwise.
Oh thats right, Armstrong gave me his written note to give out so I can get it quick.
Y/N- A note I do have, here this is from Principal Armstrong himself at (insert name) high school saying something about this.
I gave her note and she examined it for about a good minute. Then she got on her computer tying something which I assume was a message to confirm that he did give me it. After nodding her head, she put the note on her desk and gave me a clipboard with a paper in it.
Front desk lady- Ok sir, well all you have to do is to fill out the paperwork and the volunteer position is yours.
Y/N- Yes. Thank you.
I grabbed the clipboard in joy and I sat down on one of the comfy chairs they have and began to fill out the blanks. Man, some of this stuff was a bit confusing to fill out but its fine, I was almost done with it and had to sign the bottom blank and I am good for the day. I filled it out and was about to go to the front to return it but then....
Something bounced onto my leg for a second and I looked down to see a ball
Aww it was so cute looking but who threw it? I was about to give it a bounce when I heard footsteps towards me.
????- Hey mister, thank you for saving my ball!
I saw a girl running towards to most likely get this ball back.
Y/N- Oh this? Hey its no problem.
I gave her back the ball and she gave it a hug then looked at me with a smile.
????- Say mister, what are you doing here in the library?
Y/N- Well, I am going to be joining the Kids club as a volunteer.
Her eyes was filled with joy after hearing that.
????- *Gasp* Does that mean your gonna be our new caretaker?!
Y/N- Yeah, in some way or another.
????- Thats so cool, we always welcome new people in the club and I'm one of the kids who is in it.
Y/N- Ahh ok ok, thats so cool that I'm already meeting one of the club members.
????- Yeah it is!
And we chatted about many kinds of things like our favorite ice cream was and many other miscellaneous fun stuff like that. Then I checked my watch and it was almost closing time.
Y/N- Oh man!
????- What's wrong Mister?
Y/N- I need to turn this paperwork back in. I really need to go now but I'll see you on the first day ok? Well see ya!
I speed walked to the front desk and I turned it in then went on my way. But then I heard the little girls voice once more.
????- Goodbye mister, hope to see you soon!
I waved her bye and walked back to my car in victory today. I got to have a second chance of graduation, I got the position and I met one of the club members today and had a very fun conversation. Today was overall a good day and cant wait for tomorrow. I drove back home while getting some food on the way and was about to hit the hay.
Y/N's mind- This is gonna be a fun and breezy experience all right.
(???? POV)
I saw the nice boy leave though the elevator and I couldn't wait already for him to be here in the club. I can't wait to tell the others the news tomorrow at noon. I wonder what is going to be like this time around. I hope he is very fun to play with but we'll see tomorrow.
????'s mind- I cant wait to talk to you some more mister.
(End...for now)
Annnnnd here is my newest yandere book here folks!! Congratulations to those who voted on this book, ya'll are the winners for this one. Now to all the other voters out there, thank you so much for voting and I saw some encouraging comments about the other ideas. Now I saw that in second place was yandere mafia and I was really thinking about starting it if your interested but I need yall's help again. Do you want to....
1. Start Yandere Maifa but have one of my other books on hold in exchange.
2. Keep things the way they are and start on Yandere Mafia when I have one of my books completed.
Well happy voting you guys and once more I hope you will enjoy my newest book. Till then, this is adventurefan2020 and I'll see you in the next update.
See ya'll later!👋.........
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