Halloween special: Kid's town.
(No POV)
It was October 27th, 1955, and we see three teenage boys who were wearing greaser jackets driving along the roads going on a "Halloween getaway" but in reality, it's just an excuse to get away from the city for a while plus skipping school and not telling their parents where they were going. Out of the three of the boys, one was named John Tucker who was the more tamer teen compared to his buddy Zack and Bing. He was looking out of the country woods ahead while Zack and Bing were goofing off turning the radio tunes really loud. They will soon arrive in a town that might seem normal but it's not what it seems to be.
(John's POV)
We were heading on our way to a town that was only a mile away so we can go to the restrooms, eat, have some fun and move out the next day.
Zack- So John, what are you thinking?
John- Nothing dude, just when are we gonna get there cause I need some grub in me right now.
Bing- Same here and let's see if they have a movie drive-in so we can be as loud as we want to there.
John/Zack- Nice!
Yup, this was the life. Here on the road, with my buddies and no adult to tell us what to do.
John's mind- I'm gonna be expelled for this....oh well. Beats being in math
We saw a new sign that said:
"Welcome to Kid's town!"
Zack- Uh fellas, what the hell is kid's town?
Bing- No clue.
John- I don't know what that's supposed to mean but whatever it is, we are heading there right now.
Zack- No turning back now I guess, well let's go see what this kid's town is.
We arrived there not long after and sure enough, the streets were full of kids playing around but once they saw us...they stopped playing. They looked at us with strange looks, some little kids were hiding behind the older ones and some were whispering to one another most likely not friendly. All three of us were trying not to make sudden moves as to not provoke them but where are the adults around here? Are they on holiday or what?
John- Guys, what do we do?
Zack- I don't know but we can't leave here yet cause our car needs an oil change.
Bing- You didn't do that before we left?
Zack- Well, my mother didn't lend me some money to get one and I had none on me so I couldn't do it and I wasn't gonna cancel this getaway so I decide to wing it.
Zack- Well, now we have to stay in this creepy town with nothing but kids here.
John- Well, unless we want our car to blow up, we need to find an auto shop to take it for an oil change. And I'll pay for it cause I saved a bunch of my allowance for this.
Zack- Thanks John, I owe you one.
John- No problem but we need to find a place to eat once we take it in and find an inn to sleep in for the night.
Zack/Bing- Ok, good idea.
We avoided the kid's stares and saw a sign for an auto shop and we headed there seeing no other cars around so we thought it would take not long to get it solved. We got out of the car and rang someone to come over to check it out but no one responded. We rang again and nothing, i looked around to see a sign that said:
"Place key in the black box and someone will fix your car. "
John- Hey Zack, come here.
Zack- Yeah?
John- Look at this, it said to place your key here and someone will come here.
Zack- You're sure?
John- Yes, it said so right here.
I pointed the sign to him and he read it with a confused reaction but put the keys there anyways.
Zack- Whatever, hope they get to it but now I'm starving.
Bing- Me too.
John- And me three.
We exited the garage and walked around the town to find a diner but along the way, we encountered some of the kids who kept staring at us and we did our best to avoid them.
Zack- It's very quiet here without cars driving around.
Bing- Yeah and random people chatting and whatnot.
John- It's rather quite nice in a rather creepy sense since all these kids don't know how to drive and anything adults do.
We chatted about it some more till we saw a neon sign that said: "The lunchbox diner" Weird name but at last, we found a place to eat.
John- Look over there, a diner.
Zack- Stange name but alright food!
Bing- I don't care about the name, I'm ready to chow down on a juicy burger.
We headed over there and once we entered inside, no one was there too but at least we have some peace and quiet to ourselves...I guess. We sat down on one of the booth seats and waited for a waitress to take our orders. We heard someone coming but it wasn't a normal waitress, it was a younger girl who was dressed like one coming to our table.
Girl- Hi there boys. Welcome to the lunchbox diner, can I take your orders today?
We looked at each other in shock that this is real, but we came to our senses and placed our orders cause who else will?
Zack- I'll....take a...cheeseburger meal, please.
Bing- ...Same.
John- And me too also....yeah.
Girl- Ok, three cheeseburger meals and with cokes?
We only shook our heads and she wrote it down.
Girl- Splendid, It will be over here soon. Thank you.
She went to the back kitchen and we couldn't say anything.
Zack- Dudes, what the hell is happening right now?
Bing- Are there no adults here in this town? Like, any at all?
John- I can't say for sure but let's try not to act suspicious or anything like that, we leave this place tomorrow ok?
Zack- Ok man.
Bing- You got it.
I stood up to the jukebox that was near us and I put in a coin to play a tune, after searching around I found a perfect song to cheer us up a little bit.
John- There we go.
I went back to the table and we jammed a little and soon the girl came back with our order.
Girl- Here you go boys. Fresh yummy food from the kitchen to you.
We began to eat but I said thanks and she only smiled at me and walked to the back.
John's mind- Well, it's only for one night.
The whole day was very strange but once we accepted the fact there were no adults here, we started to take advantage of it and began to goof off. We went to a bowling alley and spend there knocking on some pins, taking snacks and cokes from the snack bar without paying for it, and making wild noises. While I did do some of it, I was still careful as I feel like we were being watched by someone but I don't see anyone besides us here. So I wanted to be sure I don't screw up too much cause a town with only kids in here is very suspicious.
Zack- Hey John, what are you doing over there?
John- N-nothing. Nothing at all.
Bing- Come on man, it's your turn! Let's see if you can beat my high score.
I decided to take my mind out of my suspicions for a little bit so I went along.
John- I bet I can give me that ball!
We spent there for a few hours before we got bored and went to the local park and talked well into the evening. Now, it's around 9 pm at night and we checked in into an inn and with only two beds.
John- Hey, where am I going to sleep?
Zack/Bing- On the floor.
John- Why do I get the floor?
Zack- There are only two beds and unless you want to sleep outside, the floor here is better than out there right?
I wasn't happy with them for doing that to me but I guess this is fine, better than the cold concrete road.
John- *Sigh* Fine.
Zack and Bing went to brush their teeth and I made my makeshift bed with the extra sheets there have here in this room and only one pillow and this was my bed for the night.
John- Hmph, jerks.
After they were done, I went to brush my teeth as well and then I laid down on my "bed" to rest up.
Zack- Well, night fellas. Morning time, we get out of here and continue north.
Bing- Yeah, well goodnight Zack and John.
John- Night you two.
The lamp's light was out and I began to fall sleepy. This day was the creepiest day in my life.
(No POV)
As the three teens were sleeping, two little shadows were heading to their room. They unlocked the door and began to drug the teens. John was tied up, mouth taped, and taken away. The other two were only drugged and dragged away on the floor being taken to a warehouse for who knows what. But John will see what happens behind those doors.
(John's POV)
I woke up with a headache and was tied up to a wooden chair with my mouth taped. I was in some kind of darkroom, cold and so many creepy sounds echoing. Then I heard a door open and prayed that this isn't some killer coming to end me but that wasn't it, it was something much scarier
????- So you finally woke up John, good.
I saw two boys and one girl walking to me with...GUNS?!
????- Don't worry about these guns we have here, we're not gonna hurt you but we are gonna show you something involving these guns. Anyway, I'm the mayor of Kids town, my name's Billy.
The one in the hat said he was mayor of this crazy town but where are the adults here.
????- I'm rusty and I'm in charge of the enforcement of the law here in this town so don't go making trouble or else... it's not gonna be well for you that's for sure.
The one in the ragged clothes is in charge in law?
????- Lastly, I'm Suzie and I'm like the secretary of this town, making sure everyone is well in town.
Billy- Now that you are awake, we are gonna show you something that you may find....gross but it's important regardless.
Then Rusty got out some handcuffs and cuff me but untied me and made me follow them to god knows where.
John's mind- This is a nightmare!!
After heart-pumping walking, we arrived at a room and what I saw made me want to throw up. It was a room filled with every adult crucified, gunshots in their bodies, and limbs were torn apart from their bodies.
Billy- Beautiful isn't it? Every adult here being here because they couldn't keep this town from being in ruins.
Rusty- So we decided to take matters into our own hands.
Suzie- It wasn't easy sure but with time, this town now belongs by kids...for kids.
My mind was in shambles, no wonder why there was no adult here...cause everyone is dead.
Billy- And you must be wondering where your friends are...well.
He pointed up and there I saw Zack and Bing tied to wooden crosses and was screaming in pain due to their hands being nailed.
Rusty- They won't be living for long but we wanted you to take one last of them alive and not full of lead yet.
Suzie- There is a reason why we kept you alive although that's gonna be another time we tell you, for now, we must take care of them right about now.
Billy- Yes we do, guns up everyone.
I tried to scream to stop but it was no use, they aimed their guns and...
Billy/Rusty/Suzie- FIRE!
Both Zack's and Bing's bodies were spilling blood and the life in them was gone but they continued to shoot them like little sadists.
Billy- Well, that was fun, a little less than usual but fun nevertheless.
Rusty- You said it and now Y/N, you have been chosen to be Kid's town mascot.
Suzie- We knew the moment you came to this town, you were the perfect mascot for this place.
Billy- We can celebrate this tomorrow but for now, Y/N has to get some more sleep.
Billy then got out a needle and injected me and soon was falling asleep.
John's mind- I wish we never went on this getaway trip. Rest in peace Zack and Bing, I'm gonna miss..you.
(Present day)
(No POV)
And so, kid's town became an urban myth to the residents of the area and most think it's just some scary stories to scare people. Although some people believe that it was a real p[alce and only one survivor is still alive to this day but no one knows who that person so his name is lost to time. But what they don't know was that the curse that made those kids demons in the myths is still passed on from generation to generation with no warning and starts when the child is in its toddler years. So....who has the curse? Well... let's just say they already got what they wanted...a certain big brother and will not let him go. They made sure of it.
(The end)
Hey ya'll, so I just came up with this all today and wanted to get this into written words so tell me what you guys think of it. Thank you and have a good night.
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