Chapter 9: Senior breakfast and new house hunting.
(The next morning)
(Y/N's POV)
I woke up to my alarm which was set to 6:30 am so I can get ready and leave to go to the location to the senior breakfast which was in the City Commerical areas or something but I guess I will see once I get there. Anyway, I went to take a shower, then dried up to put on the clothes that I got from the mall and I looked at myself in the mirror and thought...
Y/N's mind- Damn...I look fresh.
I went downstairs and sat down at the kitchen table just sitting around till I leave around 7 am. I was scrolling through the news and all these mysterious deaths were on top of the board and it got me wondering. Why all of these deaths and missing people happened when I signed up for the kids club like I'm not saying that this what caused this but that detail is off, to say the least. Speaking of the kids club, I feel really bad for the kids seeing that they reacted to the news not too well and were crying and yelling all the way. I made it up to them by playing lots of games with the final one being some good ol' fashion hide and seek. I was thinking about that day and the other days in the club and how so much fun I had while I was there, its too bad that as soon as graduation day is over, mom and dad are talking about sending me to private college which I don't really agree with too much but with them paying for it, what can you do? I checked the time and it was already 7 am.
Y/N- Holy shit, I need to go now.
I went straight to my keys, put on my dress shoes, and headed to my car with activated google maps to get to the place. It was still i tiny bit dark outside but the sun is rising up fast so it should be all sunny by the time I get there.
Y/N's mind- Well time to go eat a shit ton of good food. Now, a song should be played now.
After being stuck in minor traffic, I made it to the location, and let me tell you, Armstrong went all out with the place.
I got out of my car and I saw a crowd of my other classmates waiting. I guess one of the school staff hasn't shown up yet to open the doors yet. I just walked over there and sitting at the benches on my phone till they arrived. And not long after, one of the staff was here and he opened the door then all of us students went inside like a stampede. We went to the center hall of the area then we looked to the left side and we all saw a sight our stomachs could rejoice too.
All was a line of yummy food and we were all thinking of the same thing.
"When can we eat now?"
But Armstong arrived and he instructed us to sit on our seats and he needed to make a small speech before we can get our plates. That sucks but hey, the sooner he gets that over with the better.
Armstong- Good monring, class of 2021...
Y/N's mind- Hoo boy.
(No Pov)
While that is going on, The parents of Justin, Nora, Patrick, Liam, Lucy, and Amaris are taking their kids house searching. Cause after yesterday when they went back home, they cried to their parents about the bad news and everything else and that caused them to call a meeting. They were discussing about Y/N, how their kids miss their big brother, and a little bit about Mr.Armstrong. But the hot topic was about getting the kids ready for...their own home with Y/N, they had their own home with their "big sister" when they were around the same ages as their kids. As the discussion went on and came to a close, the conclusion was to go ahead and look for their kids very own home, they felt like it was time for them to have one anyway as Justin proved himself to be mature enough to run the house and the rest of the kids being responsible enough to look after things and also making sure that Y/N doesn't escape from them. And that is what is leading to now as they are looking at good houses a little far from the city so Y/N's chance of finding his way back home is to a minimum. The first couple of houses was alright but still had the feeling of crowding, noises galore, and a possible risk as Y/N could find a way of escaping by giving hints of danger to random strangers. So that's why it was a bright idea for them to start searching for houses in the countryside of the city and there was a whole wide selection to choose from. But Justin already knew what he wanted the most of the home.
Justin- We're looking for a house with the most land.
And that is what they were looking for the past couple of hours then finally.....
They found the one.
So, while the other parents and children are exploring the house, Justin's dad and Justin himself went to talk to the house realtor about the house.
Realter- Hello there! My name is Bell and I'm gonna be your tour guide for the day and show you around the property.
Justin's dad- Good.
Justin- Fantastic.
Bell- Great! Now, let's get started.
Bell showed them the house and it was all beautiful on the inside. The living room, the kitchen, everything inside and outside was perfect. The tour went on and it was the massive outdoor area with a swimming pool, an area for grilling and such, and even some pre-installed metal gates. That already gave Justin an idea for later.
Bell- Ok folks, so how is the tour so far?
Justin- Good.
Bell- That is wonderful to hear young man, now are we ready to continue on or...
Justin's dad- No.
Bell- Huh?
Justin's dad- Can we possibly talk about......a sale for this fine house.
Bell- Well.....I mean, we would have to begin paperwork around tomorrow and getting a payment plan started.
Justin's dad- We can wait on that, we are really on point of buying it.
Bell- Ok..excellent. Well, we can get to business soon. Congratulations.
Justin's dad- Thank you.
Justin- Well, I'm gonna tell everyone the good news, dad.
Justin's dad- Sure thing son.
Justin ran across the house and the dad began to discuss more the house, the first step was completed and now was step two.
Justin's dad's mind- How can we get Y/N here without causing much of a scene?
(Y/N's POV)
I was driving back home after the senior breakfast ended around 11 am and while there was stuff to do at the center, I decided not to stay longer cause it wasn't interesting to me. I was thinking about the last week being the most intense of them all cause of final exams and all of that shit. Man, the day is almost here. Soon, I'll no longer be a high schooler but now...
Y/N's mind- A man with limitless possibilities.
But how will I take that factor now. Only time will tell but all I know is that I will find out soon enough.
Y/N- And I'm excited and scared about it at the same time.
(No POV)
Y/N has no idea about what is gonna happen soon, and that freedom will soon be taken away and will be at the hands of the kids. Because this is for their big brother......Y/N, the big brother they adore so much and will make sure.....
Justin/Nora/Patrick/Liam/Lucy/Amaris- He won't be taken away from us. Ever. Again.~
(End.....For now)
And here is another chapter for you folks and I got some news to share with you guys. First off, this book is gonna have about three or four chapters left then it will be a completed book. Second, Since this book is gonna be ending soon, The last book on my drafts: The one that needs protection: Yandere Female mafia x female reader is gonna be published next. Third, I just want to hear from you guys: What kind of yandere adventures do you think I should write about? Drop some comments and see if we can talk more about suggestions and ideas for it if we strike something. Lastly......I want to thank you guys for 400 followers on my profile!!! I can't thank you guys enough and I am glad you guys find the stuff I write about interesting and giving it support. Again, thank you guys so much for that. :) :)
Well, with that out of the way, have a goodnight everyone and till next time.......See ya'll later! :)
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