Chapter 6: Repaying back the favor.
(Y/N's POV)
I woke this morning thinking that today was Monday but actually its Sunday which means its a lazy Sunday for us and that means all the video games I want today and maybe tonight I might treat myself to a solo dinner at a pretty expensive restaurant thanks to the money Nora's mom gave me. Which by the way, I never let that thought go, and the fact I still have well over 600 dollars in my pocket, I can basically buy my own cap and gown for the graduation night coming soon. Yeah, that can help mom and dad a little bit and not have to worry about me and let them have a break. Well with those rumbling thoughts out of my system, I got some gaming to do now.
Y/N- Now time to finish Final Fantasy 7.
(Nora's POV)
Mom and I were planning a big playdate today with my friends and Y/N will be there as well because mom said that Y/N himself said that if there was anything mom needed, he will come to her aid. This was awesome cause then Y/N will have to repay mom for lending him money that night at the movies and more awesome is that Y/N will be there and I know Justin and the others can't wait too. Mom was ordering all sorts of meat to grill outside, some sides, sodas, and even two big chocolate chip cookie cakes for dessert. I can't wait till 1 pm today and when everyone is gathered at the house and we can get the fun started.
Nora's mind- This is gonna be the best day ever!~
(Y/N's POV)
I finally finished the game and was now moving on to Final Fantasy 9 but when I was waiting for it to download, I heard my mom calling me.
Mom- Y/N! Get down here, I need to tell you something!
Y/N- Coming mom!
I shut off the console and TV then headed straight downstairs to see what mom needed to tell me. I made it to the kitchen where mom looked like she just got off the phone with someone and just heard some exciting news.
Mom- So...I just got off the phone with Nora's mom and she invited you to their house for a hangout today!
Y/N- Really?!
Mom- Yes! And also she invited Nora's friends over too so it looks like it could be a very big playdate or something but either way, it looks like you are going, son.
Y/N- I mean.....Yeah! I wasn't gonna be like that you know, and besides their parents are really cool, nice, and always seem to be in a good mood or something.
Mom- Huh. So we look like wimps compared to them or something?
Y/N- No no of course not, I was just saying that they are some cool parents they got and how they treated me good that's all.
Mom- *Giggle* I know son, I was just messing with you. Anyway, she said to come over around 1 pm and it's 12 pm so I want you to shower, and smell good ok?
Y/N- Sure thing mom. I'll get to it.
Mom- Good.
Then I went upstairs to take a nice shower and picked out some simple clothes to dress. I checked my phone and it read 11:30 so that means I need to go. I went downstairs, told mom and dad I'm heading over there, and said bye to each other, and I went to my car to start driving to the location.
35 minutes later......
I was in the neighborhood which was a gated one and needed a code to get in which luckily for me, mom texted me the code Nora's mom sent to her. I was looking around to see which house was 208 but to me, all these houses looked the same. Each one fancier than the last and I finally found the right house.
Y/N- Holy Pepperoni!
I parked my car and went to the front door feeling very nervous, this is my first time setting my foot in a fancy house like this and I feel small in comparison but it's fine. I rang the doorbell and I heard footsteps coming near and the door opened revealing Nora's mom.
Nora's mom- Why hi Y/N, so glad you can join us today!
Y/N- Well, thank you for inviting me, ma'am.
Nora's mom- Why, it's no trouble at all. Please, come inside and get yourself comfortable.
I walked inside and followed her to the living room where everyone was here and was playing some Mario kart 8 deluxe. Then she clapped her hands and was about to say something.
Nora's mom- Hey everyone! Y/N is here!
Then the game was paused, their heads turned to us and instant smiles like usual.
Justin/Nora/Patrick/Liam/Lucy/Amaris- Y/N!!
They went up to me and gave me a group hug, then they let me go and dragged me to the living room couch where I sat down to watch them play and take turns with each other racing.
Nora's mom- Ok kids, the food should be done around an hour or so, so have fun!
Justin/Nora/Patrick/Liam/Lucy/Amaris- Ok!
Y/N- *Chuckle* Sure thing.
Then we played many games like Mario Party, using their original Wii to play some good old-fashioned Wii sports. It was so much fun playing with the kids and schooling them.
(Timeskip, 1 hour later)
We were watching The Wizard of Oz on HBO Max until Nora's mom showed up...
Nora's mom- Alright kids, dinners ready!
Oh man, I was just getting hungry so this is epic for me and my stomach, I paused the movie and followed the kids to the dining room. I sat down in the middle area of the table while Justin, Liam, and Nora sat on my row while Lucy, Patrick, and Amaris sat down across from us and we all waited for the food to come, and when it did, oh man.
My mouth was watering so bad, that it could fill up this house right about now cause u cant wait till I tear all of this food up. But I waited till everyone got their plates and silverware then Nora's mom sat in the front row where she can see all of us and we said our thanks then we all digged in. I went for the meats, the salad, and pretty much everything, we all chatted around the table laughing and generally having a good time.
Y/N's mind- These are memories I'll always remember for the rest of my life.
1 hour later.......
We absolutely devoured all of that food and we felt good about it too and I thought that I couldn't eat anymore but Nora's mom had to pull a hard one on me.
Nora's mom- If any of you kids have any space on those stomachs of yours, perhaps I could offer you some dessert.
You know stomach could handle some dessert. I grabbed some slices and I asked for a glass of milk which Justin happily gave me it and I thanked him before chowing down in some cookie cake.
20 minutes later.....
Oh boy, all of that eating made me feel very heavy, so I decided to walk around outside to walk off the feeling. Then Amaris and Patrick saw me going to the front door and they ran to me.
Amaris- Y/N? Why are you going outside?
Patrick- Arent you gonna finish the movie with us?
Y/N- Don't worry guys, I will but I need to let the food we ate out of me, I need to walk around so I can feel lighter again know what I mean?
Patrick/Amaris- .......ok then.
Then they left sounding disappointed and I kinda felt bad but I still went along with the walk anyway and soon I left the house and began my walk in the front area and all the way around the house about 3 to 4 times before I can head back inside. While I was waking that trip, I kept thinking about the upcoming weeks where the final exams, the senior breakfast, the graduation practice run, and finally the day itself. Half of me was so excited about it but the other side of me was also very nervous for two reasons. One, I will take the official first steps towards adult meaning bills to pay, living on my own, and any other responsible I'm also nervous about but I'm sure I will learn the ropes along the way. Two, it's about the kids club, I mean once I graduate, I will have to leave my position as a volunteer of the Kid's club. Oh man, I was so sad that my time with Justin, Nora, and the rest of them will come to an end and I probably won't be able to see them anymore due to my mom talking about possibly sending me out-of-state college where the university has some excellent programs and the town it has which it is known to be some of the safest towns in the nation, so that's that.
Y/N- I just don't know when I'm gonna tell them the news and I have to talk to Nate about this too as he needs to find another volunteer to replace me before the day. I just don't think I can do it but has to be said sooner or later. I just don't know what or how they would react to this.
Y/N's mind- One thing I know is that there will be some tears drops to shed.
Well, after walking for more laps than I originally planned for, I went back inside the house and walked to the living room where the kids were watching........a rather interesting movie. They were watching a horror movie called: "Friday the thirteenth". Ok, I didn't think Nora's or any other of their parents allow them to watch those kinds of horror movies but me not wanting to cause trouble or make crazy assumptions, I just walked to the kitchen to be on my phone to wait for their movie to be over but me being a little clumsy.....
I slide on the floor and it made a very loud noise which made them pause the movie and looked in my direction and did not hesitate to run to me and started to ask me where I was, why I was out there, and other questions like that.
Y/N- Guys, guys, don't worry I would leave you guys without saying bye. I just wanted to take a walk by myself to....get a sense of fresh air.
Justin- But what if you got hurt or something like that?
Nora- Yeah! we wouldn't be there for you when someone is trying to hurt you or something like that
Patrick/Liam/Lucy/Amaris- Please don't do that again....please!!
They all looked like they were about to cry and now that I think about it, I didn't tell them about it at all, and it's my fault for making them worried about me if that's the case.
Y/N- Look, guys....*Sigh* I'm sorry I left you guys alone by yourselves, I should've let you guys know and I was selfish about that, so I'm sorry guys. Are we cool guys?
They smiled at me and nodded their heads meaning we were cool again. I felt good about that I and now I was in the mood for another fun movie.
Y/N- Say, you guys how about we watch another movie just the seven of us.
The kids- Yeah!
Y/N- the living room!
We all went there and watched Ghostbusters(1984) and we had a total blast doing so.
Y/N's mind- Huh? I wonder why my gut is feeling weird for some reason.
(No POV)
It's around 10 pm and Y/N went on home for the night while waving Nora's mom and the kids goodnight. Then once his car was out of view from them, they went back inside in which they followed Nora's mom to a secret room where there were padded walls, an arrange of tools, few lights, and many different areas where there were dried up unidentified stains all over the floor and walls. The mom reached a room where they was a woman tied up and gagged to the floor with only a couple of black bruises on her. Why is she here? Well...
Nora's mom- So kids, is this the one that was very rude to Y/N at the coffee shop and almost spilled his drink on him?
Justin/Nora/Patrick/Liam/Lucy/Amaris- .......Yes.
Nora's mom- Then I don't have to say anything else, well your parents will be here around 30 minutes so I suggest you don't make her suffer for that long and please don't get your clothes bloody, the last time you did, your parents nagged me about making messes and stuff, so do that ok?
The kids- We will mom/ma'am.
Nora's mom- Then.......have fun kids.~
She left them to do what they pleased and they went straight to business.
Justin- We saw what you did to our big brother.
Nora- He was only trying to get his drink but you had to be a bitch about it and be extremely rude to him.
Patrick- He wasn't being rude to you back and was so polite and yet you had to keep that rude and cocky attitude of yours.
Liam- But now you will pay for what you have done.
Lucy- To see that everything bad action you did to him has a price.
Amaris- And the price is.......
Justin/Nora/Patrick/Liam/Lucy/Amaris- Your life.~
They went for a weapon to use and the one they agreed on to start with was this.
They were going to cut those lips off for saying all those hurtful words Y/N heard. The woman was struggling in her ropes, muffled screaming and crying, and was shaking her head like crazy.
Nora- It's too late for sorry now, you will die tonight and you won't be able to hurt Y/N's feelings....ever....again.
Then Justin removed the gag and Nora went to the top of the woman's lips and...
Nora- Hold still now.~
The woman's last thought before the pain began was how sweet innocent-looking children were in fact not so innocent and were like demons in disguise who would do anything for Y/N even if it means spilling blood.
Justin/Nora/Patrick/Liam/Lucy/Amaris- *Evil Giggling and laughing*
(End...for now)
Hope you enjoyed this latest chapter folks! I'm now gonna work on getting the prologue and the first chapter of two more books:
-The devils favorite human(Yandere AU High School DXD x female reader)
- The New Order(Yandere male child clones x mother scientist reader)
Till then, I'll see you guys later! Bye Bye!!! :)
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