Chapter 4: The Kids's Club canceled.
(Y/N's POV)
I woke up with some ice packs on my body that mom did when I got home and mom figured out something was wrong right away and put them on me and told me to go to bed early. Well, i'm up now and I brushed my teeth and went downstairs where neither mom or dad is here and I figured that they left early today which is not surprising to me. I poured myself my cereal and went to the living room to watch some TV and put on some Spongebob. Yes I still love this show...sue me. Well, I didn't expect the news channel to be the first one to greet me but I saw it was a breaking news special report as it said this:
"Librarian Valentine smith has been reported missing as of this morning when police found her car still parked in the main town library garage. Police hasn't been able to locate any suspects at this time but police are working on the case. If anyone has any information about the missing person, please contact the police or send an anonymous tip on this toll-free hotline. the other news, we-"
I switched to the next channel feeling honestly shocked to find the Valentine missing. I don't know here that much but I send my prayers for her safety and hope that she will be found soon. Well, I wonder how Nate, the kids and the other staff are reacting to this news. I even wonder if the Kid's club will be open today, I went to check my phone and see if there was any changes to today and it showed on google nothing really changed. Oh ok then, well it seems like it is good to go. Hmm...I checked my phone's calendar and forgot that today is Friday and for some unknown reason...I am lazy as all hell and don't feel like going to school today and thought that I could pretend to be sick so I did exactly that. I called the school and the vice-principal actually picked up and did my best sick voice yet.
5 minutes later.....
Well, that didn't work and he put me on Principal Armstrong phone and he gave me a lecture on the importance of school, lying will get me nowhere and you know the usual stuff that adults tend to say a lot when we cause trouble. I stood there really embarrassed and kinda felt like a fool.
Armstrong- And so thats why showing to school will make the difference between success and failure. Understood Mr.Y/N?
Y/N- *Sigh* Yes sir.
Armstrong- Good and Y/N...One more thing.
Y/N- Yeah.
Armstrong- Your not in trouble for this one but I have some news to tell you regarding the kid's club. You know what happened to Ms.Valentine did you?
Y/N- ....Yes.
Armstrong- I see...well due to this unfortunate circumstance, the Kid's club has been cancelled for today and will be scheduled for next Monday instead.
Oh shit really? Well, its understandable considering what happened but how are the kids gonna react to that news?
Y/N- I understand sir. I guess that I won't meet Justin and the others today and I have to show up to school today?
Armstrong- Yes on the Kids club part but on the other hand....I'm concerned for your safety and want you to be in your best for so for one time only I'll excuse you from classes for today.
Y/N- Really?!? Oh thank you Principal Armstrong, thank you!
Armstrong- But in exchange, you have to make up all the work by attending in-morning tutoring so you can catch up on it. Is it a deal Y/N?
Y/N- Yes bet! I'll see you later, bye.
Armstrong- And a goodbye to you too Y/N.
I hung up the call and I celebrated by doing some really crappy dancing but since no one was home, I get to do so without my parents looking at me like I'm having a seizure. After a full minute of dancing, I fell back on the couch and watched some spongebob in peace. But still I wonder,
Y/N- How will today play out now that the club is canceled?
(No POV)
Justin, Nora, Patrick, Liam, Lucy and Amaris got home from school and was excited to go to the Club and spend another day with Y/N but there would be nothing but very bad news for them. As much as the parents hated the idea of them closing the Kid's club just for one person getting killed, there is nothing they can do about that so the parents of these kids will have to be the bearer of bad news.
Justin- Hey Dad, I'm home.
Justin's dad- Ahh ok son. Listen, I got some terrible news.
Justin- What?
Justin- I just got the call from Mr.Armstrong and he said that the Kid's club has been canceled.
Justin-........what?! WHAT!?!?
Nora- I'm back!
Nora saw her mom and dad sitting on the counter top chairs and Nora went up to them feeling that something is not right at all.
Nora's mom- Nora sweetie, your dad and I have some bad news to share.
Nora's dad- The club..has been cancelled due to you and your friends killing the librarian.
Nora's mom- I know that you meant to kill her but this is a consequence of doing so, I'm so sorry honey.
She slammed her hand on the countertop and had tears in her eyes.
Patrick- Hi mom.
Patrick's mom- Oh hey son, listen you and I need to talk about something.
Patrick- Am I in trouble?
Patrick's mom- No your not but it has to do with the club today and your not gonna like it.
Patrick- W-what?
Patrick's mom- *Heavy Sighing* The club's been cancelled for today in due to the death of the librarian Valentine.
Patrick just dropped to his knees and cried his eyes out but not for the death but for the fact alone that he wont get to see Y/N today. He doesn't want to see him soon though, he wants to see him now.
Patrick's mind- I wanna see Y/N and my friends today!! Its not fair at all!!
Liam walked inside and the moment he saw his dad with a sad look on his face.
Liam- Whats wrong dad?
Liam's dad- Liam son....Its about the club and Y/N.
Liam- WHAT?! Is he ok??
Liam's dad- He is ok but the club isn't because they canceled it for today due to Valentine's death.
Liam didn't cry or yell like the others, but his face and eyes become emotionless and cold. He went to the couch and laid there with one thing on his mind.
Liam's mind- Why? Why must they close the club for some stupid life that caused her to die in the first place?
Lucy went inside all happy and excited to go but that was about to change for her.
Lucy- Hi mom! Hi Dad! Cant wait for another fun day at the club! Yay!
She saw her mom getting off the phone with someone and she looked at Lucy and told her the news straight up.
Lucy's mom- Honey, they canceled the club for today because of you know what happened to Valentine. Sorry sweetie.
Lucy only wanted to cry and so she did and went straight to her room and spent a while crying her eyes out.
Amaris went home thinking she was about to give Y/N and her friends a drawing she drew of them holding hands together and walking in the park on a sunny day. But she wont get to give her gift to them. She saw her daddy and he looked even more sad that he has to tell her the truth.
Amaris- Hi daddy! When can you drop me off to the kid's club?
Amaris's daddy- Look sweetie, please don't get too mad at this.
Amaris- Why daddy?
Amaris's daddy- Because......the club wont be open today.
Amaris- W-w-w-why daddy?
Amaris's daddy- Because when your friends killed the librarian, it caused the mess of finding her back because they don't know yet she's dead and because of this for everyone's safety, they found it reasonable to cancel today.
Amaris- But but but.....that's not fair!! *Sobbing*
Amaris's daddy- I know sweetie....I know.
She hugged her daddy and she cried into his shoulder still not believing the news and how its not fair at all.
All the kid's were either very sad, furious or crushed that they couldn't see their volunteer today and the parents were comforting them saying its gonna be ok and they will see Y/N again. So they thought of an idea.....what if they set up an event that they can let their kids and Y/N spend the day together? Yes, they want to make it up to them and setting up a "playdate" of some kind to cheer the kid's up. And so they began to call each other about this and they agreed to this plan and one of them will contact Y/N's parents by getting the info though Mr.Armstong. This plan will result in Y/N and the kid's the best time of their lives and nothing will stop this happening.
The Parent's mind- Now this is a good idea.~
(End...for now)
Hi Ya'll, so in my Yandere CEO book, I want to change a character and company and that is the one man called David king and his company Lowes. So if you guys have any suggestions if I should do another male or change it to a female and which company should I use. Anyway, till next time this is adventurefan2020, signing out.
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