Chapter 3: Computer fun time.
(The next day)
(Armstrong's POV)
I was driving for work early in the morning till I decided to turn on the radio for any news today and I didn't expect a breaking news already.
*Breaking news! A man was found dead in his home at Northlane ridge down in his basement! His body was found in his basement being tied up and brutally tortured used by various weapons. The police did not find any linking evidence or weapons left behind by the killer. The police is now looking for any suspects and advise people to better secure your doors. This is your morning breaking on to the weather...
I turned off the radio and was in shock on what I heard.
Armstrong's mind- So...its already happening.
I thought this would take a lot longer to happen like a year as usual but it seems that the volunteer Y/N already did something to earn the children's respect, admiration and care for him. I initial thought that Y/N would end up like the other volunteers and I would have to cover it up once more but I'm actually surprised to see that this is not the case for him but that means the bloodshed shall happen to anyone who even lays on finger on their "big brother".
Armstrong- Why?!? Why did I have to get myself involved in this?!?! I knew I should've let the parents kill me that night I witnessed that murder I should've not seen!!
I know have to worry about Y/N especially the fact he won't be in the program for long and is going to graduate now that I have the credits ready for him when he gets to school and I will call him over to let know the news. I just hope I can get him out of there soon.
Armstrong's mind- I hope the parents or even the children themselves don't come after me once I get him out and when I do. I'm getting out of this city as quickly as I can.
(No POV)
Meanwhile in the Kids club room, the kids were celebrating their victory last night with cupcakes and apple juice boxes. The unfortunate man told the librarian on shift Ms.Valentine to let the volunteers and kids of the club to have access of the computer labs for the whole day before they ended the mans life in a cold finish.
Justin- Well guys, I say that now we can play together on Minecraft, among us and Human: Fall Flat with Y/N.
Nora- And it was to all of us that made it happen so let's make it count.
They chatted amongst themselves like who calls them on the color of their among us character, who can build the best mansion, and who can play a level without falling down. You know the usual kid talk but with these kids, it's nothing innocent especially on how they accomplished it.
Justin/Nora/Patrick/Liam/Lucy/Amaris mind's- When he comes back here, its playtime.~
(Another Timeskip here!)
(Y/N's POV)
I was walking down to the club room ready for another fun after school day with Justin and the rest of the gang. I overheard the rumors and talk about the murder and hope they find whoever killed that poor man. But I should stop thinking about that murder, I know the cops will catch the killer eventually and I should put my focus on the kids. Besides, Nate couldn't be here since he has after school practices, and the role was passed on to me today and I wouldn't want to screw it up now. But besides that fact...
Y/N- Here we go.
I opened the door and they once again looked ay my direction and ran to my direction looking all happy to see me.
Justin/Nora/Patrick/Liam/Lucy/Amaris- Hi Y/N!
Y/N- Well hi again guys! Say, are you guys having a little party or something?
Amaris- Something like that. Do you want a cupcake?
Y/N- Yeah sure, thanks!
Lucy- I'll get it for you for Y/N. Which flavor do you want Y/N? We got vanilla, strawberry and chocolate.
Y/N- I'll get strawberry please. Thanks! 😊
While Lucy was getting my cupcake, Justin went up to me with a smile on his face.
Justin- Guess what Y/N?
Y/N- What's up?
Justin- The head librarian Ms.Valentine said we could go to the computer lab today.
Y/N- Really?
Justin- Yup.
Y/N- Then alright then, I say after I eat my cupcake we can all go.
All kids- Yeah!
Then Lucy handed me my cupcake, I pat her head a bit as a thank you then ate it with full enjoyment. I finished it and we headed out to the computer lab and we all sat down in the front row computers. I helped logged everyone on into the computer then I did it with my own computer and asked what game we can play.
Y/N- So what games do you guys want to play?
Justin/Nora- Among us.
Patrick- Minecraft.
Liam/Lucy/Amaris- Human: Fall Flat.
Y/N- Well, two said Minecraft, two said Among us and three said Human: Fall Flat. So I think its fair that whoever had the most voiced votes gets to be chosen and since Liam, Lucy and Amaris said Human: Fall Flat, thats the first game we play.
Liam/Lucy/Amaris- Yes!
Justin/Nora/Patrick- Awww man.
Y/N- Its alright guys, we can play those games later after a few rounds. Hows that sound?
All Kids- Ok.
Then I bought the game and then started a private match with inviting everyone in and we played the factory level and the snow mountain level. It was really fun playing with the gang and they are really good that the game and they were not falling down even once while me on the other hand was falling down like every five minutes or something. Well, either way everyone is having a good time.
Y/N's mind- In fact, speaking of good time...
Y/N- Hey guys!
All- Hmm?
Y/N- How we keep this a secret between us all, but how about I buy you guys drinks from the downstairs cafe and we can drink and play.
All- Yeah!
Y/N- *Chuckle* Ok, but remember this is a secret between us only ok?
All- Ok.
Y/N- Then I'll be back ya'll.
Then I paused my game to go downstairs while the kids were still playing. I went inside the cafe and ordered two sweet teas for Justin and Amaris, one milk for Liam, A grape juice for Nora, and for Lucy and Patrick..some good fresh water. Ok, I got all the drinks with me I got to the elevator to make the trip back a bit easier for me. I walked back to the computer room and gave everyone their drink.
All kids- Thanks for the drinks, Y/N.
Y/N- Heh. No problem. Now, we wants to play some Among us matches?
All kids- We do!
Y/N- Then lets get this party started.
We all went to the game Among us and we played and having a swell time especially when one of them was the imposter. I was a crew mate and went to do one of my tasks when all of a sudden, I got killed by the red guy who was the imposter.
Y/N- Man, I got killed.
Then I watched the rest of them play the match and the red imposter was very good at playing. Wow...he actually very skilled at the game, it's almost crazy. There game ended with the red imposter winning the match and I saw it was Nora who was the imposter.
Nora- I win!
Justin/Patrick/Liam/Lucy/Amaris- Aww man!
Y/N- Jeez Nora, since when you were the Among us champion?
Nora- My mom lets me play the game on her phone all the time and I just gotten good I guess.
Y/N- Ok I guess that makes sense. Anyway, I gotta throw all this bottles in the trash, I'll be back.
They nodded and were playing some more among us while I grabbed every bottle making sure I didn't miss a single one. The coast was clear and made my way to the trash can. I made it and threw all the bottles away and was about to head back when I bumped into someone but I didn't see who. I fell on the floor but my chest was feeling like its on fire.
I was taking off my shirt and the heat was semi-gone but when I moved around too much it stung like hell. I looked up and saw It was Ms.Valentine.
Ms.Valentine- Oh my god Y/N, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!
Y/N- *Heavy Breathing*, I-i-its o-ok I-i-i should've been more....careful.
Ms.Valentine- Hold on here, I'll get-
Then we heard many footsteps heading towards us and it was the kids.
Justin/Nora/Patrick/Liam/Lucy/Amaris- Y/N!?!?!?
They surrounded me and were asking if I was ok and they all saw the burned mark on my chest.
Justin- My god, what happened to you Y/N?
Y/N- I...bumped into Ms.Valentine on accident and something some liquid spilled on me and my chest started to see like my skin was melting.
Ms.Valentine- Again, I'm sorry Y/N, my coffee cups top must've fell off in the bump and the cup got out of my hand it unfortunately landed on you. I'll make it up to you, I'll-
Justin- NO! It's ok, Valentine you get some paper towels from the bathroom or something and we have some spare clothes Y/N can use.
Valentine- From the lost and found?
Justin- Obviously, none of the stuff has been picked for over a year by now, so I think it wont be coming back to their owners now. Now, hurry up with those napkins, he's drenched in coffee.
Valentine- O-ok.
She ran to the back to get some paper towels and Nora went to the lost and found box to grab some clothes that fits me. I was still on the floor holding my chest tight.
Justin- Your gonna be ok Y/N, we'll be here by your side all the way.
Y/N- Thank you Justin and to all of you too.
They smiled and I returned it back to them then Nora was back with a shirt and some shorts.
Nora- Here it is Y/N, I don't know if this would fit you exactly but they are pretty big so I picked them out for you.
Y/N- Thank you Nora, As soon as Valentine comes here with the paper towels, I'll go to the bathrooms to change.
Nora- Your welcome Y/N.
Then Valentine came back with the paper towels and I wiped myself off the coffee then I finally stood up and was on my way to the bathrooms.
Y/N- Ok guys and Valentine, I'll be back and thank ya'll for the help.
Then I went to the bathroom and making myself a note to take a shower when I get home.
(Nora's POV)
We went back to the club room with us not in the mood to play games anymore after Y/N suffered from coffee burns. All of us were really mad at Valentine for causing his burns in the first place.
Nora- Justin..
Justin- Yeah?
Nora- Could we possibly..."take care" of her for causing our Y/N to suffer.
Justin- *Chuckle* You read my mind Nora. Anyone that wants her dead, raise your hand.
To not my surprise, everyone raised their hand for this and I was more than happy to get this done and I have an idea how.
Nora- I have an idea but before we go into detail, I have to ask...who here has zip-ties?
Amaris- I do, I keep them in one of my dress pockets.
Nora- Good, now listen here guys.
I whisper the plan to the others and we agreed on it, all we have to do is wait till the evening.
Nora- Today is the day you have drank your last cup of coffee Valentine. ~
(No POV)
After Y/N unfortunately had to go home a bit early than usual to heal the burns at home and the kids understood this and promised him they will wait for their parents by themselves safely. Once he was gone and confirmed that the library was near empty and Ms.Valentine is still in the break room packing up for the night, It. Was. Time.
They walked to the break room which luckily the back areas of the library which was restricted to non-library staff had no cameras whatsoever, so it would make cleaning up the 'mess' so much easier. They opened the break room door and Ms.Valentine turned around to see six unhappy kids staring at her.
Valentine- Oh hi kids, what are you doing back here? You know you're not suppose to be here right?
They didn't say one word to her and continued to walk towards her in silence and with those cold stares and Valentine slowly backed up.
Valentine- Uh guys, what's going on here? Your kinda scaring me.
Then the leader of the gang said the order.
Justin- Now.
Then Nora ran to Valentine and pushed her to the ground and Amaris handed the zip-ties to Patrick who went for Valentine's arms and legs to tie them. Once the zip-ties were secured, Justin covered Valentine's mouth with a rag and thus began her doom.
Nora- Now Valentine, we know that it wasn't your fault that caused Y/N to get burned by your coffee and it was an accident. However.....
Nora then went close to her face and stared into her eyes
Nora- That doesn't mean we forgive anyone who puts Y/N's life and happiness in danger and your no exception. And for that....
Nora found a pot of coffee still sitting in the coffee machine and set the heater to max level and now the pot was bubbling.
Nora- Amaris, find a funnel.
Amaris- Ok.
Amaris searched around the drawlers and after looking in basically all of them, she found one which was good for them but not for the poor librarian.
Amaris- I found it.
Nora- Good, put it in her mouth and make sure she can't make a sound in it.
Amaris nodded and did so with success and a desperate struggle for Valentine but to no effect at all. Valentine continued to be terrified by these not-so-innocent kids and thought of how it could be worse...
*Beep Beep*
Well, speak of the devil the coffee was hot and ready for use but not for relaxed drinking. Nora got the pot out of the machine and went up to the funnel close but not ready to do it yet.
Nora- Now Valentine....
She got the pot in pouring position.
Nora- You will get to feel a similarity to Y/N's pain of having hot coffee spilled into him but this time, you "truly" get to feel how much it hurt him.
She poured all the hot coffee at once down the funnel and it was agonizing for her.
It was like having lava poured down inside her and it wont kill her immediately but it will do internal damage to her organs and such. After the coffee settled into her insides and did degrees of burning, the kids decided to end things now since their parents would be here in 10 minutes.
Nora- Now Valentine, you served your punishment well....Thanks for serving your Goodbye.~
Nora got her pocket knife and slit Valentine's throat that caused blood to flow down but luckily they thought ahead and found a big bowl to get the blood inside and will be hidden from the police. Then Valentine felt weaker by the second and then...succumb to the blood loss and life left her body and became a lifeless body. Then the kids dragged the body to the janitors closet to get some big black bags to put the body in and stuffed it with dirty rags, dirty sponges and used wet, smelly mops to cover the body and trick the garage guys into throwing away a body. They went to the garage chute and tossed the body in then went their way to the front doors to see their parents cars waiting for them. They waved goodbye to each other and you would think the parent would do something about this but....
Justin's dad- So..what happened to your victim son?
Justin- Lets just say that they felt 'hell' for hurting Y/N-
Justin's dad- *Chuckle* Well.. thats my son. Now let's head home and eat some burgers.
Justin- Cool.
Nora's mom and dad- So, what took you so long Nora?
Nora- Oh, we had to teach someone a lesson for hurting what's ours. And we made sure it wont be linked to us.
Nora's mom and dad- Good girl Nora, your skills are definitely improving. Now let's relax at home, ok?
Nora- Ok.
Patrick- So, what are we having for dinner mom?
Patrick's mom- Before I tell you that, let me ask you something? How bad did you make this poor soul suffer?
Patrick- She suffered so bad that she died feeling like a volcano was inside her body before we cut her throat open and you could almost see the steam coming out of the cut.
Patrick's mom- Ah that reminds me of the old days. Well, good job son and we are having lasagna with garlic sticks for dinner tonight. And I'll order us a cookie cake as a reward for your kill.
Patrick- YAY!
Liam's Dad- Who was it this time Liam?
Liam- The librarian Ms.Valentine who bumped into Y/N I told you about and spilled hot coffee all over him. So we thought that we did the same thing to her but only down her throat and and inside her body where it hurts the most.
Liam's dad- Good son, your friend Justin knows where its at and his second in command Nora really is good at planning these kills out.
Liam- Yeah.
Lucy's mom- Did you participate in the action Lily?
Lucy- No mommy.
Lucy's mom- Well, someday you have to do these actions someday when you have to protect this boy Y/N again and when your friends are not always there with you to do so. So make sure you do something next time ok sweetie?
Lucy- Ok mommy.
Lucy's mom- Good.~
Amaris's dad- So did you needed the zip-ties after all sweetie?
Amaris- Yes daddy and my friend Patrick did a good job tying the librarian down for her punishment and death.
Amaris's dad- You have amazing friends Amaris. Make sure you don't lose them ok?
Amaris- Ok Daddy.
They are not normal parents and in fact they are just as killer as their children. And they won't expect their kids to end things anytime soon. And so they went home and enjoyed the night away not minding one thing. Ready for another day with their favorite volunteer.~
(End...For now)
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