Chapter 14: Forever trapped.
(Y/N's POV)
I woke up with my head in so much pain that I couldn't bring myself to stand up. But then, I realized what happened last night and all I knew was that I was kidnapped, I had to stand up which was painful in my head, and looked around to see that I am not in my room or my house for that matter. I was laying in a bed of some kind and I still had my gown and cap on me the whole time which was also very bizarre. I looked around the room and it had all kinds of stuff like a TV, some game consoles, and many clothes that were my size.
Y/N- The hell?
I was getting creeped out more and more as I explored the room, after I looked at all the nooks and crannies, I turned to the door and exited the room. The hallway of this house was very nice looking but I needed to find whoever lives here and ask them how I got here and where I am. I didn't have my phone and wallet with me which was nerve-wracking for me but I'm sure whoever has them will give it back to me.
Y/N's mind- I hope the owner of the house is nice and isn't hostile.
I walked through the hallway to find the person or persons who live here, I found some stairs which was a fact for me that I was upstairs of this house. I went down to the first floor and tried to find a living room of sorts to get a clue of some sort. The house was sure nice and all but I need to get the hell out of here so I can go back home, mom and dad are definitely worried to death. I found the living room but nobody was here but I did find something interesting, I found a photo of an older woman who looked like in her early or mid-40s, she looked happy but something tells me there is more to her smile than what shows in the outside. But as much I wanted to look more into this, I need to focus on the main goal so I looked to the kitchen to see if I find anything. I found the entrance to the kitchen but it was pitched black inside so I needed to blindly find a light switch and I finally felt something so I pushed it and the lights turned on but...
I turned my head and suddenly my heart now was full of fear.....why are they here?!
Justin?! Nora?! Patrick?! Liam?! Lucy?! Amaris?! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!
Justin/Nora/Patrick/Liam/Lucy/Amaris- WELCOME HOME Y/N, BIG BROTHER! *CHEERING!*
Justin- Yes!
Nora- Just like how it should be forever!
Patrick- We all are going to have so many fun adventures together!
Liam- I can barely wait!
Lucy- Don't worry, you won't ever have to worry about anything else too.
Amaris- We'll take care of any problem, you just be the fun brother you always are.
What is going on? Why are they keep referring to me as their older sibling?
Y/N- I-i don't understand.
Justin- That's ok Y/N, we'll talk about the rules tomorrow, for now we shall celebrate with some cake.
Rules? As Justin reached for the fridge, it got me thinking. What if they were the ones who brought me here and what if one of them knocked me out? I-I-I don't understand, why is this happening?
Justin- Well come on Y/N, I'm cutting the cake and I'll serve you some.
I just need to get out of here, I don't need my phone or wallet anymore.
Y/N- ...No.
Then Justin's eyes turned blank and held the knife close to the cake.
Justin- What?
Y/N- I said no Justin. Look, I don't know what is going on but I do know that I am not your brother.
Justin stabbed the cake while giving me those dark eyes, but as scared as I am, I needed to stand my ground.
Y/N- I have a life out there and my parents are worried about me, I can't stay here. And besides, why do you view me like an older sibling?
I waited for an answer and I got none other than the dark eyes and unhappy faces of the others.
Y/N- Nothing. Then I'm off....have yourselves a nice life, you kids.
I walked to the front doors and despite hearing some whimpering and walking behind me, I didn't look back and proceeded to move forward. I grabbed the door handle and was about to be out...
A loud bang rang throughout the house and I felt a sharp pain in my hand. I turned around to see...JUSTIN...HOLDING A REAL-LIFE GUN?! WHAT THE FUCK?!?! He was pointing it at me and all I could do was standing still.
Y/N- H-hey
Justin- SHUT UP Y/N!!
I closed my mouth with my eyes popping out in fear.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
I wanted to find out if they know about all of those disappearances and murders but...with him pointing a gun at me...I cant.
Justin- Y/N...I won't ask again. WHAT. DO. YOU. SAY. TO. US.
I can't die like this, why is this happening to me? Is this some kind of curse from hell or something much worse that these innocent-looking kids are actually demons in disguise? With Justin at the trigger, I have to....pretend. Pretend to be there.."Big brother".
Y/N- I'm...sorry.
Justin- Sorry for what?
Y/N-...For making you sad and saying those words I didn't mean too. I won't ever do it again.
I hope this won't make him pull the trigger.
Justin- I hope you are sorry Y/N, cause I was this close to doing it. If you do this again, I will have to put a "timeout". Do you understand?
I nodded my head and Justin lowered the pistol and went close to me to hug me tightly.
Justin- I see you were wise to choose that option, otherwise, you would....never see another day again.
Y/N- Yes.
Justin- Well, now that we are good, let's go eat some cake yes?~
I didn't answer him but when he was getting the gun, I quickly shook my head yes.
Justin- Good.~
We headed back to the kitchen and I sat down in a chair.
Justin- Ok everybody, Y/N is here to stay. Now, let's resume the celebration.
The kids got pieces of cake while I stood there in blankness thinking about why and how did it come to us? My thoughts were interrupted when Amaris handed me a plate.
Amaris- Here you go Y/N, I saved the biggest piece for you.~
Y/N- ...Thanks.
Amaris- You're welcome.~
I don't think I'll ever escape this hell, will I have to pretend like this for the rest of my life? I don't want this but...there is nothing I can do. Will I have to accept this new change?
Y/N's mind- Mom...Dad wherever you are....I'll miss you and......I'm sorry.
Justin/Nora/Patrick/Liam/Lucy/Amaris- You'll love it here Y/N and you won't ever leave this place...ever.~
(No POV)
And so Y/N lived with the kids throughout their lives from high school to college, to attend all of their weddings and so on. The case of Y/N L/N went closed years ago and the parents of Y/N soon died of heart failure. He still visits their graves from time to time with the watchful eyes of his "siblings". As for Y/N, he came to accept this a long time ago with...some "minor" incidents along the way. He stopped thinking about escape and now thinks about what he should do tomorrow like an average day. Y/N is now a new man and left the old self behind, and now knows about those disappearances and murders that were caused by them, but he doesn't care anymore. They were only doing what's best to protect him.
And so ends the tale of Y/N L/N who got himself in a dark spot where its origins can be traced back to....The Kid's Club.
Justin/Nora/Patrick/Liam/Lucy/Amaris- We love you Y/N....ours....forever.~
(The end)
I want to say thank you guys so much for supporting this book, I didn't think it would turn out to be a success like it is. But now that this is the end of this book, I want to let you guys know that I will be adding some bonus chapters here and there but for the most part, the story is done. Anyway, I'll think about the next idea but for now...I thank you again for the support and I will talk to you guys later. See ya'll! :)
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